
ECE:5995 Homework 7 Neo4j solution

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Modern Databases
For this homework we will use the movies database you created in Homework 6 within a Java or
Python program (your choice).
GUI is optional. Having an infinite loop or a menu-based interaction is also optional. All
database operations need to be persistent.
Step 0. Download the driver and connect to your neo4j server.
Step 1. Ask the user for his/her id X (value between 1-600).
Search for the user node with id=X, if there is a name property, display: “Welcome,
!” If there is no name property, ask the user for his/her name and add it to the
Step 2. Allow the user to search for a movie title (search for titles that contain the keyword(s)
entered by the user). List the movie title, genre, average rating, and a flag whether the user has
already seen it (rated it) and her rating for all matching movies.
Step 3. Provide the user with his/her top 5 recommendations.
Execute query Q5.1 from homework 6. Display the list of recommendations including movie id,
title, average user rating (from all users), and number of ratings (from all users).
Step 4. Allow the user to provide a rating for any of the previous recommendations (by
providing the movie id and the rating). Your program should add the RATED relationship
between the movie and the user to the database.
Step 5. Make sure to close the connection(s) before your program ends.
Submit your source code and a sample output/run of your program to the dropbox for Homework
7 in ICON by Thursday Nov 19th 11:59pm.