Task 0. Create a new schema called homework in your postgres database (we’ll use this schema for all
postgresql homeworks).
Task 1. Create table users
create table users (
userid char (20) primary key,
firstname varchar (60), lastname varchar(60),
email varchar(100), gender char(10), dob date);
Import the file users_select.csv into the users table (use the import utility from phppgadmin).
Task 2. Execute the reviews_sql.sql file to create table reviews
For your ref (included in reviews_sql.sql):
create table reviews (
id serial primary key,
productid char(20) NOT NULL,
userid char(20) NOT NULL,
helpfulnessnumerator int, helpfulnessdenominator int,
score int, dposted date,
summary text, review text);
Task 3. Marketing would like you to generate some statistics for the selected users:
Q1. The number of users’ birthdays per month (so marketing can plan birthday promotions)
Q2. The number of males/females users per age group.
Task 4. Create a user_statstable. The table will store userid, ageGroup, averageRating,
reviewCount, lastPosted, helpfulNum, helpfulDenum, helpfulnessRate.
The userid is a primary key and there will be one row for each user in the users table.
The ageGroup is computed from the user’s age as: Group 1 (<30), Group 2 (between 30 and 50) and
Group 3 (over 50) (see postgresql age function).
The avgRating is the average score for all the reviews the user has posted
The reviewCount is the number of reviews posted by the user
LastPosted is the last date that this user posted a review
helpfulNum is the sum of the usefulness numerator
helpfulDenum is the sum of the usefulness denominator
helpfulnessRate is the helpfulNum divided by helpfulDenum for users whose helpfulDesum > 0 and 0
Create a stored procedure named update_user_statsto populate/update the user_stats
Q3. Who had posted the most reviews? (Full name, email, gender, age, reviewcount)
Q4. Who writes the most helpful reviews? (Full name, email, gender, age, helfulnessrate, and
helpfuldenum) – break the ties using the helpfulDenum.
Q5. Who posted last? (Full name, email, gender, age, and lastposted)
Task 5. Product reviews. For the following queries, we are only interested in these five productid:
B004JRKEH4, B004X3VRLG, B0026RQTGE, B001BM3C0Q, B007K449CE
Q6. Find the review count and averageRating per ageGroup for each product. Show productid, age
group, count, and average rating.
Q7. Find the review count and averageRating per gender for each product. Show productid, gender,
count, and average rating.
Q8. Find the most helpful, highest rated review and the most helpful, lowest rated review for each
product. Show the full review (productid, userid, helpfulnessnumerator, helpfulnessdenominator, score,
dposted, summary, review).
Task 6. Indexing. Record the time it takes to execute each one of the previous queries without any
additional indexes (with only the primary keys).
Now create AT MOST two index(es) that you believe would benefit this set of queries the most. At least
one of the index(es) should be on the reviews table. Record the time that takes to execute the queries
with the new index(es).
Now make the reviews index a clustered index (see CLUSTER command) and run the queries once more.
If you created two indices over reviews, chose one to be the clustered index.
Present your results in a bar plot (three bars per query: No index, Index, Clustered Index) and three bars
for the total performance (sum of the query execution times in ms).
Include the relevant query plans for the queries, and explain the performance changes, include the
reason why you decided on this index(es) and why/why not it benefits each query.
Prepare a report with the answers to the queries (Q1-Q8) and the analysis results(Task 6). Include all
the sql statements and stored procedure as appendices at the end of the report.
Submit your complete report as a single file to the dropbox in ICON by Thursday Sept 24 11:59pm.