Modern Databases
For this homework we will use the zip code collection and a new collection for paper abstracts. The
homework has two parts. In the first part we will create a two-dimensional index and in the second one
we will create text indexes.
Part 1. Spatial indexing in MongoDB.
MongoDB geospatial tutorial link:
1. Add a 2dsphere spatial index for the location of the zipcodes collection using the createIndex
command. What is the size of the loc index in KBs? You can use the stats command over the
collection to find out the index size.
2. Write a query using find to retrieve the zip code with location [-91.511192, 41.654899].
3. Write a query using find to retrieve all the zip codes within 10 miles of a circle centered at
location [-91.511192, 41.654899] using the $geoWithin and $centerSphere commands.
4. Write a query using find to retrieve all the zip codes contained in the rectangle with left
bottom corner at [-91.6143, 41.6623] and upper right corner [-91.123750,41.873890] using
the $geoWithin and $box commands.
5. Write a query using find to retrieve the zipcodes within a minDistance of 1,913.43 km (0.3
radians) and a maxDistance of 1,914.71 km (.3002 radians) from location [-73.9667,40.75]
using the $nearSphere command.
For these queries, locations are specified as longitude, latitude pairs which is the order expected
by MongoDB (as opposed to latitude, longitude).
Part 2. Text (inverted) indexes in MongoDB.
1. Download the abstracts.csv file from ICON and import it into an abstractscollection in
your mydb database using the mongoimport and specifying –type csv and –-
headerline parameters. The abstracts collection should have 398 documents
containing title, authors, groups, keywords, topics, and abstract. All text value attributes.
You can examine the schema of the documents using the findOne command.
2. Create a text index on the title and authors. You can provide a name (later we will drop this
index). How big is the index in KBs?
3. Write the following queries using the find command (to use the text index in a query you
need to use the $text and $search commands). For all the queries, only display the _id and
the title of the documents.
a. Search for the documents with the keywords “gamble” or “approximation” or
“gaspers” in the text index.
b. Search for the documents with the phrase “security games”
4. MongoDB only supports one text index per collection. Drop the text index for the title and
create another text index for all the attributes in the collection. You can specify each key
name as parameters or use the $** to indicate all the attributes. How does the size of this
index compare to the size of the collection?
5. When using a text index, you can sort the results by an internal score computed by mongo:
{score: {$meta: ‘textScore’}}. Retrieve the top 10 documents with the word “approximation”
or “probability” in the text index, display the title and the score.
Submit your homework as a single file to the dropbox for Homework 5 in ICON by Tuesday October 27th