
ECE 568 Lab #1 Buffer Overflow, Format String and Double Free Vulnerabilities solution

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These are the instructions for Lab 1. This lab consists of 6 programs and each program has a different vulnerability. Each
program is worth 3.33 marks each.
Lab materials can be found at course files at : /Labs/Lab1/ece568-lab1-2020f.tar.gz
Stack Smashing vulnerabilities (targets 1-4): You will write an exploit for the first four programs with a buffer overflow
vulnerability. The programs are ordered by difficulty and exploits will become increasingly complex. Nevertheless, once you
get the first one working, it should be easier to write exploits for the next three, as these exploits will be very similar to the
first one.
Format String and Double Free (targets 5 & 6): You will write exploits for a program with a format string vulnerability, and
a program with a double-free vulnerability that you will have to use the knowledge gained from doing the first four to figure
Lab 1 may be done individually or in groups of two. Final submissions are due at 11:59pm on Oct 12, 2020 Oct 13,
The Environment
Exploits are very environment dependent. Differences in compilation environment, and kernel version may cause an exploit to
work on one platform and not on another. In this lab, our standard of environment is the 64-bit Linux on ECF. Also, to ensure a
consistent environment for testing and grading, your functions make use of a support function that properly configures your
environment for you. Each of your targets use a called of
int lab_main(int argv, char * argv[])
You can treat this as the same as “main” when you are thinking of how the program works – but you will need to remember this,
and set your gdb breakpoints in “lab_main” if you want to stop in that part of the target program.
The Targets
The targets/ directory in the assignment tarball contains the source code for the targets, along with a Makefile specifying how
they are to be built. Your exploits should assume that the compiled target programs are in “../targets/”. (In other words, please
don’t rename the directories: leave them as you find them in the lab assignment tar.) Note that the targets for Lab #1 are all
included in the file that you will initially download. (The tarball is available on the blackboard web page.)
The Exploits
The sploits/ directory in the assignment tarball contains skeleton source for the exploits, which you are to complete, along with
a Makefile for building them and a stackSetup.c which will configure your environment for you. (This “setup” code bypasses a
few of the things that gcc does to protect against stack overflow attacks, and will make life easier when working on these lab.)
Also included is shellcode.h, which gives Aleph One’s shellcode (explained below).
Targets 1 through 4:
These targets have a buffer overflow vulnerability. To exploit such a vulnerability, one takes advantage of the absence of bound
checks when strings are copied in the buffer that is vulnerable. By writing a string that is larger than the buffer, one can
overwrite adjacent data on the stack. Since the stack grows down on x86 architectures, the return address of a function is
stored at a higher address than this function’s local variable, and it can therefore be overwritten by a value of the attacker’s
choosing. This value should be the address of the shellcode the attacker has placed in the attack string. Read Aleph One’s
seminal paper, ”Smashing the Stack for Fun and Profit“ to learn more about buffer overflow attacks; this paper is included in the
Lab #1 tarball, in the docs/ directory. For the latter targets, you may need to make use of additional “argv” parameters,
or try using the “env” parameter.
Target 5:
This target has a format string vulnerability. Read scut’s “Exploiting Format String Vulnerabilities” to learn more about this type
of vulnerability and how to exploit them. This paper is included in the tarball, in the docs/ directory.
Target 6:
This target has a double-free vulnerability. The target allocates two buffers via a call to a simplified implementation of malloc,
called tmalloc (“trivial malloc”). Each buffer is of size 128 bytes. It then frees these two buffers via a call to tfree. A third buffer,
this time of size 256 bytes, is allocated. The string provided as the first argument to the target on the command line is then
copied in this buffer. Finally, the target frees the second buffer again, instead of freeing the third one. An attacker may take
advantage of this flaw to once again take control of the target, by carefully crafting the input string and taking advantage of how
the dynamic memory allocation library is implemented.
Look at the implementation of tmalloc and tfree. Study especially carefully how adjacent free buffers are consolidated and take
advantage of the fact that q is freed twice to overwrite foo’s return address.
The Lab
You are to write exploits, one per target. Each exploit, will call the associated target with the attack string to yield a command
shell (/bin/sh). For marking purposes, make sure the exploits you hand in call the target programs and pass the attack string
directly through the command line, via execve. (Specifically, the assignments will be tested with scripts, so do not assume that
we will call the targets with an environment variable, like the examples in Aleph One’s document.)
When you first get the exploit templates, each of the exploit templates will initially just produce the message from original target
and fall back to the shell you executed it from (assuming you have compiled all the targets):
$ ./sploit1
Target1 running.
When your exploits are working properly, they should each call their matching “target” executable, and exploit the
corresponding security vulnerability (outlined above) to compromise the target program and open a new command shell:
$ ./sploit1
sh-4.1# exit
(Note: “exit” is what you input for exiting the newly opened shell.)
Hints: GDB
To understand what’s going on, it is helpful to run code through gdb. In particular, you can use the ”disassemble” and ”stepi”
commands. Using the ”x” command will allow you to view arbitrary sections of memory. Help and documentation on gdb is
available within gdb by typing the help command.
Let’s look at the first target. First, you need to compile the targets, and then start the target with “gdb”:
$ cd targets
$ make
$ gdb target1
We place a breakpoint on the main function, and then run target1, with the command line argument “test” (your output could be
slightly , depending on the environment you run it in):
(gdb) break lab_main
Breakpoint 1 at 0x400b2a: file target1.c, line 15.
(gdb) run test
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
[New Thread 0x40a50700 (LWP 17813)]
[Switching to Thread 0x40a50700 (LWP 17813)]
Breakpoint 1, lab_main (argc=2, argv=0x7fffffffe1f8) at target1.c:15
15 int t = 2;
Let’s look at the stack with the “info” command (the output from your program could be slightly ):
(gdb) info frame
Stack level 0, frame at 0x4042fe90:
rip = 0x400b21 in lab_main (target1.c:15); saved rip 0x400916
called by frame at 0x4042fec0
source language c.
Arglist at 0x40a4fe80, args: argc=2, argv=0x7fffffffe1f8
Locals at 0x40a4fe80, Previous frame’s sp is 0x40a4fe90
Saved registers:
rbp at 0x40a4fe80, rip at 0x40a4fe88
This tells us that rip (program counter) is saved at 0x4042fe88.
(gdb) x 0x4042fe88
0x40a4fe88: 0x00400916
This means that the return address, once main completes, is 0x00400916. This is the address of an instruction in
__libc_start_main. You can verify this by typing “x 0x00400916” (substituting the address that you received in your output).
Now, let us see where “buf” is located on the stack:
(gdb) p &buf
$1 = (char (*)[112]) 0x40a4fe00
So “buf” is located at addresses 0x40a4fe00 to 0x40a4fe70 (112=0x70). Now, if we overflow buf, we can see that the return
address will be overwritten. The trick (and your task in this lab) is now to overflow buf with an appropriate string.
A more comprehensive list of GDB commands can be found in the GDB official document: ( , or more briefly, the
GDB quick reference card:
( .
Hints: Instrumenting the Targets
In addition, note that you have a huge advantage that most hackers do not – you have the source code of the vulnerable
programs and you know exactly what the environment that you are attacking will be. You may instrument the targets to gather
information, so long as the attack also works on the original unmodified targets that we’ll be marking you against.
While you can gather all information pertaining to memory layout by using gdb, the exact address of the buffer you are
overflowing could differ when you are using gdb. This is because gdb uses some memory for itself and as a result shifts the
stack of the traced process.
Hints: Stack Layout
Use gdb to understand the stack layout and the way functions are called on the x86 architecture. Place a breakpoint before and
after the call to a function and compare the stacks. For architectural reasons, the compiler aligns info in memory. Variables are
word-aligned (this means their address can always be divided by 4).
To understand how the stack is organized in the x86_64 ISA specifically: (
Hints: Further Reading
There are many x86 references available on the web; several good starting points are: ( (
Read Aleph One’s “Smashing the Stack for Fun and Profit”. Carefully. For the the format string vulnerability, read Scut’s
“Exploiting Format String Vulnerabilities”. (Both are included on the course website.)
Aleph One gives code that calculates addresses on the target’s stack based on addresses on the exploit’s stack. The stack
address depends highly on how the exploit is called (different shells could have different starting stack locations for example).
In addition, you will find that the alignment of local variables on the stack is highly dependent on the version of the compiler and
compile options used. Do not assume that the numbers Aleph comes up with will work on your system (in fact they will
definitely not work). You must therefore hard-code target stack locations in your exploits. You should not use a function such
as get_sp() (as used in his paper) in the exploits you hand in.
Plagiarism Alert
Using code directly from previous years of ECE568 will not work in this lab. Should there be any evidence showing that a
submitted lab has been copied from a previous assignment or some public repository (even the code can “accidentally”
generate the correct result), it will be reported as a potential case of plagiarism.
Submission Instructions
You will need to submit the source code for your exploits and the explanation of what you did. Note that both the submit
command and checking command should be run from the ECF host machines, and your code must properly run there. (This is
particularly important if you have been testing this on your personal computer.)
For each target, please explain in at most 100 words, what the vulnerability was and how you exploited it. These explanations
must be in the file explanations_lab1.txt. These files must also contain the names and student numbers of your group members
prefixed by #. Do not prefix other lines by # as this would confuse the automated marking scripts.
#first1 last1, studentnum1, e-mail
#first2 last2, studentnum2, e-mail
It is very important that this information is correct as your mark will be assigned by student number, and the email you give here
will be how we will get the results of the lab back to you. This file should be placed in a single directory along with the
code for your exploits, the Makefile needed to compile your exploit, and any other files needed to build your exploits.
Before submitting, you should test that your submission is formatted properly with the command:
$ /share/copy/ece568f/bin/check568_lab1
Go to the directory where your exploits are stored and type the appropriate command. Do not submit until the script indicates
that the submission appears to be properly formatted. In addition, check that the script correctly identifies your group members.
Submission is done using the ECF submit command:
$ submitece568f 1 Makefile shellcode-64.h sploit1.c … (include all your source
code files) …explanations_lab1.txt
You can check what files you have submitted by using:
$ submitece568f -l 1
Please note the number after the submit command, which indicates what lab you are submitting for. A man page on
ECF (man submit) contains more information on the ECF submit command. The submission command for a lab will
cease to work after the lab is due.