Hospital Renovation, v2017 (Subtask A)
Public hospitals gets government grants to upgrade their buildings after a certain number of years. In theory all the
rooms would be renovated to provide the most up to date facilities and ease of accessibility for the patients.
However, because the grant money is limited, only certain rooms can be renovated. One of the criterion for selection
of which room to renovate is how many patients using the room over a fixed period of time (i.e the frequency of usage
of the room). The more highly used a room is, the more likely it will be as a candidate for renovation. One costeffective way to determine such rooms, is to basically to find the critical rooms in the hospital. A critical room is one
that link different buildings in the hospital such that if those rooms (to be precise, the corridor beside that room) is
blocked, the buildings in the hospital becomes ‘disconnected’. It’s reasonable to assume since such rooms connect
two buildings they would receive the highest frequency of patient usage. However since it is still too costly to
renovate all such critical rooms, all rooms in the hospital are given an integer rating, and only the critical room with
the lowest rating score will be renovated.
The Actual Problem Description
The layout of your hospital is given as a connected weighted graph, and each room is given a rating score (the
weight of each vertex of your graph). As budget is limited, only a critical room (as described above) with the lowest
rating score can be renovated. You want to know the lowest rating score of a critical room in your hospital.
For example, suppose your hospital is a connected weighted graph as shown below (room/vertex number is written
inside the circles and the rating score of each room is written outside the circles):
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A Sample Hospital Layout, try drawing this graph in VisuAlgo
There are two major buildings ({0, 1, 2, 3} and {4, 5, 6, 7}) linked by a corridor 2‐7 besides the two critical
rooms (2 and 7). For example, if critical room 2 is blocked, then people currently in room 0, 1, or 3 will not be able to
visit people in rooms 4, 5, 6, or 7. Or in another word, the hospital becomes ‘disconnected’. Similar situation if room 7
is blocked. The other rooms are not critical rooms. For example, if room 1 is blocked, people from room 0 can still go
to any other rooms in the hospital (other than room 1 of course) via path 0‐3‐2 and so on.
Now, among the two critical rooms 2 versus 7, room 2 has lower rating score (3 points) than room 7 (9 points). So,
you will decorate room 2. You will report 3 as the answer of your own query: “What is the lowest rating score of a
critical room in your hospital?”.
The skeleton program (click to view) that can handle all input/output details is already
written for you.
You just need to implement one (or more)
1 method(s)/function(s):
int Query()
Query your Graph data structure (already implemented in and returns the lowest
weight (rating score) of a critical vertex (critical room) of your graph (your hospital).
These vertex weights (rating scores) are stored in another array of Integers.
We guarantee that the input graph is a connected undirected unweighted graph and all rating scores are
positive integers not larger than 100000.
If your hospital has no critical room, you will not decorate any room, i.e. just return ‐1.
Note that the answer for this query is still unique even though there can be more than one critical rooms with
similar lowest rating score.
Subtask A Constraints (50 points)
Time Limit: 1s.
The given hospital layout map is a small weighted tree (1 ≤ V ≤ 50) as shown in the example figure below:
A Simplified Hospital Layout (Tree), first test case in Sample Input, try drawing this tree in VisuAlgo
There are four critical rooms in this hospital: 1, 2, 4, 7. Among these four rooms, critical room 1 has the lowest rating
score: 2. Therefore, the answer for your own query is 2.
PS: It is possible to solve Subtask A right after studying Graph Data Structures from Lecture 05 (without touching
Lecture 06 content at all). Therefore, students are encouraged to implement solution for Subtask A as early as
Sample Input
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7 2 3 6 5 4 8 9
1 1
2 0 2
3 1 3 7
1 2
2 5 7
1 4
1 7
3 2 4 6
99999 1 1 1 1
4 1 2 3 4
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
Sample Output
Generating Test Data
The given sample input/output are for illustration purpose and are not enough to verify the correctness of your
You are encouraged to generate and post additional test data in CS2010 Facebook group.
However this time is not distributed as it contains partial solution to this PS. Please
post your custommade test data but only after you verify its correctness, i.e. check for these conditions before
uploading them:
1. The rating scores must be positive integers not larger than 100000.
2. The input graph must be connected and undirected.
3. Make sure that the size of the graph is within the constraints stipulated in each subtask.
Problem Authors
Dr Steven Halim/Dr Chong Ket Fah
For CS2010.
If needed, you can write additional helper methods/functions to simplify your code.
Submission (Course)
Select course: CS2010 (2016/2017 Sem 2) Data Structures and Algorithms II
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CS2010 2016/2017 Sem2: PS3 B
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Hospital Renovation, v2017 (Subtask B)
The Actual Problem Description
Please refer to Subtask A for the full problem description.
Subtask B Constraints (additional 25 points)
Time Limit: 1s.
The given hospital layout map is no longer just a tree like in Subtask A, but a small, connected, and weighted
general graph (1 ≤ V ≤ 50). Note that as a tree is also a general graph, test cases that are valid in Subtask A is also
valid in Subtask B.
A Sample Hospital Layout, first test case in Sample Input, try drawing this graph in VisuAlgo
The second test case in Sample Input includes one more (bidirectional) edge: 14
We have more rigorous test cases to judge your final submission. If you receive Wrong Answer in this Subtask B,
discuss with others about the possible corner cases. The expected solution for Subtask B requires Lecture 05 or 06
Sample Input
7 2 3 6 5 4 8 9
2 1 3
2 0 2
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3 1 3 7
2 0 2
2 5 7
2 4 6
2 5 7
3 2 4 6
7 2 3 6 5 4 8 9
2 1 3
3 0 2 4
3 1 3 7
2 0 2
3 1 5 7
2 4 6
2 5 7
3 2 4 6
Sample Output
Problem Author
Dr Steven Halim/Dr Chong Ket Fah
For CS2010.
Submission (Course)
Select course: CS2010 (2016/2017 Sem 2) Data Structures and Algorithms II
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needed for your submission. Then click on the Submit button to upload your submission.
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CS2010 2016/2017 Sem2: PS3 C
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Hospital Renovation, v2017 (Subtask C)
The Actual Problem Description
Please refer to Subtask A for the full problem description.
Subtask C Constraints (additional 25 points)
Time Limit: 2s.
Everything is the same as with Subtask B, but the graph is larger (1 ≤ V ≤ 1000).
Note that:
1. We have even more rigorous test cases than Subtask B to judge your final submission.
2. For this Subtask C, efficiency matters. The expected solution is O(V
2 + VE) per test case.
3. Our test data has E = O(V), i.e. E = c*V for a small constant factor c.
4. It is quite likely that your first submission is either “Wrong Answer” or “Time Limit Exceeded” for this Subtask C
due to the increasing level of strictness. Therefore, do not wait until the last day to attempt Subtask C.
5. If you are unable to pass this Subtask B, you will not be able to pass Subtask C+D either as both use Subtask
B test data and much more.
6. Automatic plagiarism detection is activated for this Subtask C.
Problem Author
Dr Steven Halim/Dr Chong Ket Fah
For CS2010.
Submission (Course)
Select course: CS2010 (2016/2017 Sem 2) Data Structures and Algorithms II
Your Files:
SUBMIT (only .java, .c, .cpp and .h extensions allowed)
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CS2010 2016/2017 Sem2: PS3 D
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Hospital Renovation, v2017 (Subtask D)
The Actual Problem Description
Please refer to Subtask A for the full problem description.
Subtask D Constraints (NO ADDITIONAL POINT)
Time Limit: 1s.
Your program must be able to solve Subtask C and also must be extremely efficient as the graph is very large (1 ≤
V+E ≤ 100000).
Hint: This requires a special algorithm beyond CS2010 and previously used for CS2010R. Beware that this Subtask
D (which carries 0 point) can take hours to complete if you choose to attempt it.
Note that:
1. A code that solves this Subtask D should be able to solve Subtask A, B, and C easily.
2. If you are unable to pass the previous Subtask C, do not bother submitting to this Subtask D.
3. The expected solution is O(V+E) per test case.
4. If you encounter stack overflow, try running your Java program with: ‘Xss8m’ flag.
Problem Author
Dr Steven Halim/Dr Chong Ket Fah
For CS2010/R.
Submission (Course)
Select course: CS2010 (2016/2017 Sem 2) Data Structures and Algorithms II
Your Files:
SUBMIT (only .java, .c, .cpp and .h extensions allowed)
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