Due to a hereditary disease your lecturer Ket Fah was born with called Hemophilia, he is quite acquainted with the
Emergency room at the hospital and other situations related to his disability. This PS and most of the following PS
will be real life problems adapted (not 100% accurate) from these situations. Hopefully this will help CS2010
students come away with a better understanding of the situation of handicapped individuals.
During his many visits to the emergency room at the hospital, Ket Fah will have to wait for the doctor in charge or the
housemen working during that particular shift to attend to him. Sometimes the wait is long and sometimes it can be
short. After a while he observed that before being sent into the emergency room, the nurse will actually make a
preliminary assessment and determine the “emergency level” of the case (a colored sticker representing the level is
then pasted on the patient). If the level is determined to be low, then other more urgent cases will be attended to first.
If the level is determined to be high, then the case will be given a higher priority. This had to be done due to the
shortage of doctors and the high number of cases that can occur at any given time.
Roughly the emergency levels can be classified from level 30 to 100 (made up !), where 100 is highest emergency
level and 30 is the lowest. After having their initial assessment, the patient will be wheeled into the emergency and
hooked up to machines that will monitor their heart rate etc. Periodically, the nurses will check on the patient to
update their emergency level. For example a patient coming in with complaints of chest discomfort might initially
have an emergency level of 50, but when he suddenly has difficulties in breathing, his level might be bumped up to
After a patient has been seen by the doctor, he/she will be either warded in the hospital or given treatment and
allowed to go home. In either case, they will be removed from the emergency room.
The Actual Problem Description
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Given the names of N patients admitted into the emergency room, their initial emergency level, and subsequent
updates of their emergency level, determine which patient the only doctor on duty (we assume here there is only
one) has to give his/her most attention to.
A patient with higher emergency level will have higher priority. If there are more than one patient with the same
highest emergency level, this only doctor will give priority to the patient who arrived at the hospital earlier.
The skeleton program (click to view) that can handle all input/output details is already written
for you.
You just need to implement four more methods/functions:
1. void ArriveAtHospital(String patientName, int emergencyLvl)
Insert this patientName and his/her initial emergency level (emergencyLvl) upon arrival at hospital into a
suitable data structure of your choice.
patientName is a String that contains only uppercase alphabets with length between 1 to 15 characters.
The patient names are all unique.
emergency level is an integer between [30..100].
2. void UpdateEmergencyLvl(String patientName, int incEmergencyLvl)
emergency level can only go up to emergencyLvl = 100 and our test data will ensure that this method will
not cause a patientName to have emergency level greater than 100.
What we guarantee is that incEmergencyLvl is an integer between [0..70] and before calling this method,
patientName has arrived at the hospital.
3. void Treat(String patientName)
Upon calling this method, we assume the patientName will have been treated by the doctore and no longer
need to be in the emergency room.
We guarantee that before calling this method, patientName has arrived at the hospital.
4. String Query() Query your data structure and report the name of the patient that the only doctor on duty has
to give the most attention to.
See the priority criteria defined above.
If there is no more patient to be taken care of, return a String: “The emergency room is empty”.
Let the chronological sequence of 15 events be as follows:
1. ArriveAtHospital(“GRACE”, 31)
2. ArriveAtHospital(“THOMAS”, 55)
3. ArriveAtHospital(“MARIA”, 42)
4. Query()
You have to print out “THOMAS”, as he is currently the one with the highest emergency level.
To be precise, at the moment the order is: (THOMAS, 55), (MARIA, 42), (GRACE, 31).
5. ArriveAtHospital(“CINDY”, 77)
6. Query()
Now you have to print out “CINDY”.
The current order is: (CINDY, 77), (THOMAS, 55), (MARIA, 42), (GRACE, 31).
7. UpdateEmergencyLvl(“GRACE”, 24)
After this event, the one with the highest emergency is still CINDY with emergencyLvl = 77.
“GRACE” now has emergencyLvl = 31+24 = 55, but this is still smaller than “CINDY”.
Note that “THOMAS” also has emergencyLvl = 55 but “GRACE” is in front of “THOMAS” because “GRACE”
arrived at the hospital earlier.
The current order is: (CINDY, 77), (GRACE, 55), (THOMAS, 55), (MARIA, 42).
8. Treat(“CINDY”)
“CINDY” is now treated by the doctor ‘instantly’, and she will be removed from the emergency room.
9. Query()
Now you have to print out “GRACE”, as the current order is: (GRACE, 55), (THOMAS, 55), (MARIA, 42).
10. Treat(“MARIA”)
For whatever reasons “MARIA” suddenly reaches an emergency level of 100 and is treated by the doctor.
She will now be removed from the emergency room.
11. Query()
The answer is still: “GRACE”.
The current order is: (GRACE, 55), (THOMAS, 55).
12. Treat(“GRACE”)
13. Query()
You have to answer: “THOMAS”.
The current order is: (THOMAS, 55).
14. Treat(“THOMAS”)
15. Query()
You have to answer: “The emergency room is empty”.
Subtask A Constraints (35 points)
Time Limit: 1s.
We make things very easy for you: The number of patientes involved in this Subtask A is at least 1 and at most 10.
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The Sample Input/Output below is exactly the same as the illustration above. Notice that there are only 4 different
patient involved in this sample test case. In our actual test case, we have a few more patients with various
ArriveAtHospital/UpdateEmergencyLvl/Treat/Query combinations.
Sample Input
0 GRACE 31
0 MARIA 42
0 CINDY 77
1 GRACE 24
Sample Output
The emergency room is empty
Generating Test Data
The given sample input/output are for illustration purpose and are not enough to verify the correctness of your
You are encouraged to generate and post additional test data in CS2010 Facebook group.
Please use (click to view) to verify whether your custommade test data conform with
the required specifications.
Problem Author
Dr Steven Halim/Dr Chong Ket Fah
For CS2010/R.
Submission (Course)
Select course: CS2010 (2016/2017 Sem 2) Data Structures and Algorithms II
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CS2010 Sem2: PS1 B
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Emergency Room, v2017 (Subtask B)
The Actual Problem Description
Please refer to Subtask A for the full problem description.
Subtask B Constraints (additional 40 points)
Time Limit: 4s.
In our test data for Subtask B, we have up to 1 000 000 (that is, 1 Million) commands and up to 200 000 patients in
the emergency room waiting to be treated.
But there are two simplifying assumptions in this Subtask B:
1. There is NO call to UpdateEmergencyLvl(patientName, increaseEmergencyLvl) method.
If you observe the Sample Input below that is only valid for Subtask B, there is no command that starts with
integer 1. Check the run() method in template code shown in Subtask A that integer 1
implies a call to UpdateEmergencyLvl(patientName, increaseEmergencyLvl) method.
2. The method Treat(patientName) is always called for the patient currently under the doctor’s highest priority
(you can view this as Treat(Query())).
Hint: All three methods (as you do not have to deal with UpdateEmergencyLvl yet) must be sublinear, i.e. better
than O(N), for example: O(1), O(log N), O(log
2 N), or O(sqrt N).
Note: Automatic plagiarism detection is activated for this Subtask B.
Sample Input
0 GRACE 31
0 MARIA 42
0 CINDY 77
Sample Output
The emergency room is empty
Problem Author
Dr Steven Halim/Dr Chong Ket Fah
For CS2010/R.
Submission (Course)
Select course: CS2010 (2016/2017 Sem 2) Data Structures and Algorithms II
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CS2010 Sem2: PS1 C
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Task Content
Emergency Room, v2017 (Subtask C)
The Actual Problem Description
Please refer to Subtask A for the full problem description.
Subtask C Constraints (additional 25 points)
Time Limit: 4s.
In our test data for Subtask C, we have up to 1 000 000 (that is, 1 Million) commands and up to 200 000 patients in
the hospital waiting to be treated and frequently updating their emergency level.
Unlike in Subtask B but similar in Subtask A, the method Treat(patientName) can now be called for any
patientName currently in the hospital.
Hint: All four methods must be sublinear, i.e. better than O(N), for example: O(1), O(log N), O(log
2 N), or O(sqrt N).
1. Automatic plagiarism detection is activated for this Subtask C.
2. The Java source code limit for PS1 is 10 000 Bytes.
Problem Author
Dr Steven Halim/Dr Chong Ket Fah
For CS2010/R.
Submission (Course)
Select course: CS2010 (2016/2017 Sem 2) Data Structures and Algorithms II
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