
SOLVED:WEB422 Assignment 6

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For this final assignment, students will work with an existing Angular application (ie: Assignment 5) and update
it to allow users to edit data as well as to practice building and deploying their App to the cloud (Heroku).
Note: This assignment relies on the successful completion of Assignment 5. If you require a fresh copy of
Assignment 5, please email your Professor.
For our updated Assignment 5 application (now Assignment 6) we will use our knowledge of Template Driven
Angular Forms to allow users to edit employee / position information as well as add some search/filtering to
our Employees table to make it more useable. Lastly, we will deploy it on Heroku.
Getting Started:
To begin this assignment, we will first need to make a copy of or current Assignment 5 and open it in Visual
Studio Code. Once it is open, we can proceed to add new methods to our Employee & Position
services (Part 1)
NOTE: For Assignment 5, we didn’t address the issue of the background slider images, ie: the console errors
that look like:
images/slider/bg3.jpg Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
To fix these errors, simply open your home.component.html file and modify the 3 image paths (bg1.jpg,
bg2.jpg & bg3.jpg) from: images/slider/… to /assets/images/slider/… This should give you your slider
backgrounds back:
Part 1 – New Functionality for Editing Employees / Positions
Step 1 – Updating EmployeeService & PositionService
For this assignment, we will enable users to edit existing employees & services. To enable this functionality,
we must add some additional properites & methods to our EmployeeService & PositionService:
EmployeeService (employee.service.ts)
Before we can begin to update our EmployeeService, we must define a new class: EmployeeRaw in its own file
(employeeRaw.ts) within the “data” folder. The EmployeeRaw class must have the following properties /
Property Type
_id string
FirstName string
LastName string
AddressStreet string
AddressState string
AddressCity string
AddressZip string
PhoneNum string
Extension number
Position string
HireDate string
SalaryBonus number
__v number
Next, we must import our new EmployeeRaw class in our EmployeeService. This will allow us to create the
following additional 2 methods:
• saveEmployee(employee: EmployeeRaw)
This method must make a “put” request (using the HTTPClient module) to your Teams API running on heroku
with the path: “/employee/id” (where “id” matches the employee’s “_id” property). It will return an Observable
of type any, ie: Observable. NOTE: with a “put” request, you can send the data in the second parameter,
o return this.http.put(“someURL/”, someData);
• getEmployee(id)
This method must make a “get” request (using the HTTPClient module) to your Teams API running on heroku
with the path: “/employee-raw/id” (where “id” matches the “id” parameter to the function). It will return an
Observable of type EmployeeRaw[], ie: Observable. Note, the API will return an array with
one element (containing the “raw” Employee object)
PositionService (position.service.ts)
This service needs to create the following additional 2 methods:
• savePosition(position: Position)
This method must make a “put” request (using the HTTPClient module) to your Teams API running on heroku
with the path: “/position/id” (where “id” matches the position’s “_id” property). It will return an Observable of
type any, ie: Observable. NOTE: with a “put” request, you can send the data in the second parameter, ie:
o return this.http.put(“someURL/”, someData);
• getPosition(id)
This method must make a “get” request (using the HTTPClient module) to your Teams API running on heroku
with the path: “/position/id” (where “id” matches the “id” parameter to the function). It will return an
Observable of type Position[], ie: Observable. Note, the API will return an array with one element
(containing the Position object)
Step 2 – Creating New Components (EmployeeComponent & PositionComponent)
Now that we have our new service methods to fetch a specific employee / position, we can create the
components that will enable us to edit existing employees and positions. This involves creating two new
components: EmployeeComponent & PositionComponent.
Use the @angular/cli (ie: ng generate) to create these components now.
Once these components are created, add the following properties / methods according to the specifications
outlined below:
EmployeeComponent (employee.component.css)
To keep the look and feel of our app consistent, we must add the following css:
• .center{ margin-top:40px; }
EmployeeComponent (employee.component.ts)
• paramSubscription ( type any)
• employeeSubscription ( type any)
• getPositionsSubcription ( type any )
• saveEmployeeSubscription ( type any)
• employee ( type EmployeeRaw )
• positions( type Position[] )
• successMessage ( set to false )
• failMessage (set to false)
• constructor()
In this method, we must inject the following Services:
o EmployeeService from employee.service
o ActivatedRoute from @angular/router
o PositionService from position.service
• ngOnInit()
In this method, we will use Injected services / modules to perform the following tasks:
o Determine what the value of the _id variable is in the Route parameter using the ActivatedRoute service
(Note: a reference to the subscription should be stored using “paramSubscription” so that it can be
disposed of later)
o Use the value of _id to populate the “employee” property using the EmployeeService service (Note: a
reference to the subscription should be stored using “employeeSubscription” so that it can be disposed
of later)
o populate the “positions” property using the PositionService service (Note: a reference to the
subscription should be stored using “getPositionsSub” so that it can be disposed of later)
• onSubmit()
In this method, we will use Injected services / modules to perform the following tasks:
o Persist (“save”) the “employee” property using the EmployeeService service (Note: a reference to the
subscription should be stored using “saveEmployeeSubscription” so that it can be disposed of later)
o If the subscription output the data successfully (ie, in the first callback):
▪ Set the value of the successMessage property to true
▪ Using the setTimeout() method, automatically set the successMessage property to false after
2500 ms
o If the subscription failed to output the data (ie, in the second callback):
▪ Set the value of the failMessage property to true
▪ Using the setTimeout() method, automatically set the failMessage property to false after 2500
• ngOnDestroy
In this method we call the “unsubscribe()” methods on any saved subscriptions within the component (ie:
paramSubscription, etc) – Note: we must make sure they are not “undefined” before we call “unsubscribe()”
PositionComponent (position.component.css)
To keep the look and feel of our app consistent, we must add the following css:
• .center{ margin-top:40px; }
PositionComponent (position.component.ts)
• paramSubscription ( type any)
• positionSubscription ( type any)
• savePositionSubscription (type any )
• position( type Position )
• successMessage ( set to false )
• failMessage (set to false)
• constructor()
In this method, we must inject the following Services:
o PositionService from position.service
o ActivatedRoute from @angular/router
• ngOnInit()
In this method, we will use Injected services / modules to perform the following tasks:
o Determine what the value of the _id variable is in the Route parameter using the ActivatedRoute service
(Note: a reference to the subscription should be stored using “paramSubscription” so that it can be
disposed of later)
o Use the value of _id to populate the “position” property using the PositionService service (Note: a
reference to the subscription should be stored using “positionSubscription” so that it can be disposed of
• onSubmit()
In this method, we will use Injected services / modules to perform the following tasks:
o Persist (“save”) the “position” property using the PositionService service (Note: a reference to the
subscription should be stored using “savePositionSubscription” so that it can be disposed of later)
o If the subscription output the data successfully (ie, in the first callback):
▪ Set the value of the successMessage property to true
▪ Using the setTimeout() method, automatically set the successMessage property to false after
2500 ms
o If the subscription failed to output the data (ie, in the second callback):
▪ Set the value of the failMessage property to true
▪ Using the setTimeout() method, automatically set the failMessage property to false after 2500
• ngOnDestroy
In this method we call the “unsubscribe()” methods on any saved subscriptions within the component (ie:
paramSubscription, etc) – Note: we must make sure they are not “undefined” before we call “unsubscribe()”
Step 2 – Creating Routes for the Employees / Positions Components
Now that we have our new components in place and capable of reading route parameters, we must update
app-routing-module.ts and our existing EmployeesComponent & PositionsComponent files so that we can
successfully navigate to the new routes for a specific employee / position.
Add the following routes:
Route Path Component / Options
employee/:_id EmployeeComponent
position/:_id PositionComponent
EmployeesComponent (employees.component.ts)
Our goal here is to allow users to click on a specific employee row, which will cause them to be sent to the
corresponding employee view (using the /employee/:_id route)
To enable this, we must modify the EmployeesComponent according to the following specification
• Inject Router from @angular/router in the constructor parameters as “router”
• Add the method: routeEmployee(id: string)
o In this method, we use the Injected router instance to “navigate” the to the /employee/id route (where
id is the parameter passed to the function) – HINT: see this.router.navigate in the “Angular Services
Intro” notes
EmployeesComponent (employees.component.html)
With our new “routeEmployee(id)” method in place, we can now update our EmployeesComponent template
(employees.component.html) to invoke the method by binding a “click” event to the same

element that
has our *ngFor directive. This click event will invoke the routeEmployee() method and pass in the value of the
current employee’s _id value, ie “routeEmployee(employee._id)”
By adding the click binding to the repeated

element, we can ensure that every single

element will
have the correct event, and invoke the routeEmployee method for the matching employee _id value for that
row in the table.
PositionsComponent (positions.component.ts)
Similar to EmployeesComponent, our goal is to allow users to click on a specific position row, which will cause
them to be sent to the corresponding position view (using the /position/:_id route)
To enable this, we must modify the PositionsComponent according to the following specification
• Inject Router from @angular/router in the constructor parameters as “router”
• Add the method: routePosition(id: string)
o In this method, we use the Injected router instance to “navigate” the to the /position/id route (where id
is the parameter passed to the function) – HINT: see this.router.navigate in the “Angular Services Intro”
PositionsComponent (employees.component.html)
Again, this is the same process as our EmployeesComponent template, ie: we must update our
PositionsComponent template (positions.component.html) to invoke the routePosition method by binding a
“click” event to the same

element that has our *ngFor directive. This click event will invoke the
routePosition() method and pass in the value of the current positions’s _id value, ie
Step 3 – Creating the Templates / Forms (EmployeeComponent & PositionComponent)
With our Component logic in place, we can now concentrate on creating the templates for our Employee &
Position Components. However, before we start, we need to update our assets/main.css file, so that our
forms render more clearly in the application:
• in the .form-group . form-control style (line 736), change the border-color property from: #f2f2f2 to #d2d2d2
• At the bottom of the file, below all the other styles, add:
o .table-hover tr{ cursor: pointer; }
With this complete, we can focus on adding our template content / forms to our new Employee & Position
IMPORTANT NOTE: Before we can use Forms in Angular, we must:
• Import FormsModule from @angular/forms in our app.module.ts
• Add FormsModule to the imports: [] array in app.module.ts
EmployeeComponent (employee.component.html)
To get you started, we have provided some boilerplate, static HTML that can be used to kick start the
Once you have copied the contents of the above .txt file into your employee.component.html file, you should
have almost all the fields you will need to update an existing employee:
• With this HTML in place, we have a view that features a blank form and placeholder data. We need to update
this view to use real data from the component (ie: employee and positions) for all form fields and any other
placeholder locations (ie: in the “alert” elements at the bottom and the

element at the top).
• Regarding the form fields, remember to:
o Add (ngSubmit)=”onSubmit()” to your

o Use two-way binding syntax for form elements, ie: [(ngModel)]=”employee.FirstName”
o Use *ngFor to iterate over

Input Name Type of Validation
First Name Required Field
Last Name Required Field
Salary Bonus Required Field (Input Type: Number)
Required Field
Address (City) Required Field
Address (State) Required Field
Address (Zip) Required Field
Phone Number Must Match the following Regular Expression (used for American phone
\+?[ ]*[1-9]?[ ]*\-?[ ]*\(?[ ]*[1-9][ ]*(\d[ ]*){2}\)?[ ]*\-?[ ]*(\d[ ]*){3}-[ ]*(\d[
Extension Required Field (Input Type: Number)
Input Name Type of Validation
Position Name Required Field
Position Description Required Field
“First Name” in Error (ie: it’s identified as “required”, but currently empty)

First Name is Required

Notice how we add the “has-error” class to the “form-group”, as well as add a special “span” element
to the “form-group”
7. Lastly, add the following “disabled” property binding to the “submit” button: [disabled]=”!f.valid” – this uses
your Template Reference Variable from your

element (ie: “f”) to conditionally disable the submit button
if the form as a whole is invalid
Part 2 – Filtering Employees
Currently, our assignment allows us to perform edit/update operations on employees fairly easily.
Unfortunately, finding a specific employee is not especially user-friendly. The user needs to do a ctrl/cmd + F
to search for employees. It would be better if we added a text field in our employees view to allow users to
filter the list of employees
Step 1: Adding the Search Field
In your employees.component.tml file, add the following element immediately above the


Step 2: Add a filteredEmployees Property & Update our EmployeesComponent View
To display a subset of the employees (ie: “filtered” employees), we need to add an additional property to our
EmployeesComponent, ie:
• filteredEmployees: Employee[]
We must also be sure to populate the filteredEmployees array with all returned employees from our
getEmployees() service call (in ngOnInit())
Lastly, instead of iterating over all employees in our employees.component.html template (using *ngFor), we
must instead iterate over all filteredEmployees. This will allow us to modify the filteredEmployees array to
display a subset of the returned employees array.
Step 2: Add the Event Handler (onEmployeeSearchKeyUP(event:any)
In this method, we can get the value of the related input element (that invoked this method on “keyup”) using It’s this value that we can use to filter the full employees array into the filtered
filteredEmployees array property. In this case, we want to filter the employees array to only include
employees that:
• Have a FirstName value included in the search string (, or
• Have a LastName value included in the search string (, or
• Have a Position.PositionName value included in the search string (
Note: This comparison must be case-insensitive (Hint: You can normalize the case using “toLowerCase()”)
Hint: you can make use of the this.filteredEmployees = this.employees.filter(…) method (see this link for
Part 3 – Publishing the Application
Step 1: Preparing the code to be “built” / building the app for Production
Unfortunately, if we try to do a production build (ie: –prod See week 11 Notes: Angular Deployment Intro) of
our code right now, we may see some errors, ie:
ERROR in src/app/employee/employee.component.html(2,7): : Property ’employee’ is private and only
accessible within class ‘EmployeeComponent’.
To remedy this and the countless other errors that may occur like it, we must ensure that any variable
declared in a Component’s class, that’s also used in the Component’s template is not private. To fix the error
above, all we need to do is open the employee.component.ts file and change the line: private employee:
EmployeeRaw; to simply employee: EmployeeRaw and the error will disappear the next time you try to build
the app for production.
Step 2: Writing a Static Server & pushing to Heroku
Finally, the app has built and we have a fresh “dist” folder containing the files. The final task is to write a
“static server” in a new “server” directory using Node.js / Express to serve a “public” folder containing the
contents of the newly created “dist” folder.
For instructions on how to create this server and place it on Heroku, refer to the “Angular Deployment
Introduction” notes and/or the “Getting Started with Heroku” guide from WEB322.
Assignment Submission:
• Add the following declaration at the top of your app.component.ts file:
* WEB422 – Assignment 06
* I declare that this assignment is my own work in accordance with Seneca Academic Policy. No part of this
* assignment has been copied manually or electronically from any other source (including web sites) or
* distributed to other students.
* Name: ______________________ Student ID: ______________ Date: ________________
* Heroku Link: _______________________________________________________________
• Compress (.zip) the all files in your Visual Studio code folder EXCEPT the node_modules folder (this will just
make your submission unnecessarily large, and all your module dependencies should be in your package.json file
• Submit your compressed file (without the node_modules folder) to My.Seneca under Assignments ->
Assignment 6
Important Note:
• NO LATE SUBMISSIONS for assignments. Late assignment submissions will not be accepted and will receive a
grade of zero (0).
• After the end (11:59PM) of the due date, the assignment submission link on My.Seneca will no longer be
• Submitted assignments must run locally, ie: start up errors causing the assignment/app to fail on startup will
result in a grade of zero (0) for the assignment.