1) Separate the 40 participants listed below into two groups of 20, in which each group has
an equal number of men and women (10 M, 10 F each). Use a random numbers table
(text, pp. 537-538) to accomplish this. (Start anywhere in the table, and proceed in any
direction that you like. Odd numbers put the subjects in group 1; even numbers in group
2. When one group is filled, the rest go into the other group.)
2) Next, separate the participants into two groups by using range matching (decide on your
acceptable ranges in advance, for example, within 5 pounds).
a) Match as many pairs of female participants as possible: find a match and randomly
assign one to the first group, and the other to the second group. Next, do the same for
the male participants.
b) Next, match not only on gender, but also on weight.
c) Finally, match the participants on all three variables.
3) Finally, match the 40 participants on gender, weight, and height, using rank-ordered