
Project 3: Planning with Uncertainty CS 6370 / ME EN 6225 solved

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Motion Planning
1 Markov Decision Process
We will first look at how states evolve in an MDP, ignoring any planning. We’ll build on the environment we used for Project 1.
Simulate from an MDP We will first modify the transition function from Project 1 to return
a probability distribution over subsequent states instead of a single state. To start we’ll use
the four actions A = {left, right, up, down} on the same maps as Project 1.
There are two version of the transition function we want (I suggest implementing this switch
as a simple Boolean parameter for the function). The first version is to be returned the
model of probability distributions. I implemented this as a list of 2-tuples, where each tuple holds a probability and state. The second version acts as a simulator and returns a single state which is chosen randomly according to the transition probabilities. To begin with
given the robot an 80% chance of making completing the action correctly and 10% chance
each of moving in either direction perpendicular to the commanded motion.
1.1 (5 pts) Take the result of running breadth first search on the deterministic system from the
start to the goal and run it on your simulator 5 times each for map0.txt and map1.txt.
Does your robot reach the goal? How many times for each map? What else happens?
1.2 (5 pts) Change the probabilities to be 60% of moving forward and 20% each for left and right
when commanding to move forward (for all actions). Run the same tests as in 1.1. How
many times does the robot reach the goal now?
1 CS 6370 / ME EN 6225
1.3 (5 pts) Extend the actions to use diagonal actions as well as the four cardinal directions.
Change the transition probabilities to be 80% the correct action and 10% each for the neighboring actions (e.g. UP-LEFT and UP-RIGHT for the UP action). Run the same analysis
as in 1.1, but also add them form map2.txt
1.4 (5 pts) Now change the transition probabilities to have a 70% chance of moving in the correct
direction, 10% chance of going to the neighboring direction and 5% chance of going in either
orthogonal direction. This is visualized in Figure 1. Run the same tests and analysis as in
Figure 1: Transition probabilities for 1.4 for the action RIGHT.
2 Value Iteration
In order to complete our MDP, we need to add rewards to the states. To start with just put a reward of 10 at the goal and return a reward of 0 for all other states.
2.1 (20 pts) Implement value iteration. Run VI on map0.txt and map1.txt with the four actions
A = {left, right, up, down} and the [0.8, 0.1, 0.1] transition probabilities. Start with a discount factor of λ = 0.8. Show a map with the resulting values for each state. Show another
map of the resulting actions for each state. Discuss the resulting policies qualitatively. Report also the number of iterations required to converge.
2.2 (10 pts) Examine changing the discount factor λ. Run the same scenarios as in 2.1 with different values of λ set to 0.9, 0.5, 0.2, and 0.0. How does the resulting policy change? How
does the number of iterations required to converge change?
2.3 (10 pts) Change the actions to use diagonal actions and use the settings from questions [1.3].
Run VI on all three maps with these settings and report your results as maps of the values
and policies found. Choose λ as you wish to give good performance. What value of λ did
you use?
2 CS 6370 / ME EN 6225
2.4 (10 pts) Now run the evaluation using the actions from 1.4. Report the same results as 2.3.
2.5 (10 pts) Now, lets examine changing rewards. We’ll do this with the same setting as 2.1.
First, change the rewards to have a value of 1 at the goal and 0 everywhere else. What
changes with respect to the value and policy? Now give the goal a value of 10 and all other
states a value of -1. What happens now? For the final set of rewards, make the goal +10, all
corners -5, and all other states 0. What happens?
3 Policy Iteration
We will use the same rewards of value iteration for policy iteration. That is, a reward of 10 at the
goal and a reward of 0 for all other states. We will use the four actions A = {left, right, up, down}
for policy iteration.
3.1 (10 pts) Implement policy iteration. Run PI on map0.txt and map1.txt with the [0.8, 0.1, 0.1]
transition probabilities. Use the action up for all states as the initial policy. Use a discount
factor of λ = 0.8. Show a map with the resulting values for each state. Show another map of
the resulting actions for each state. Discuss the resulting policies qualitatively. Report also
the number of iterations required to converge.
3.2 (5 pts) Now use the action down for all states as the initial policy to run PI and repeat the
same analysis as 3.1.
3.3 (10 pts) Run PI on map0.txt and map1.txt with the [0.8, 0.1, 0.1] transition probabilities.
Start with a random initial policy. Use a discount factor of λ = 0.8. Show a map with the
resulting values for each state. Show another map of the resulting actions for each state.
Discuss the resulting policies qualitatively. Run PI 5 times with random policies on both
maps and report the number of iterations required to converge for all 5 times. To find a
good policy, notice that it is important to choose a random action among these multiple
actions with the same max Q value (i.e. Q(s,a)) when update the policy.
4 Self Analysis (5 pts)
4.1 (1 pt) What was the hardest part of the assignment for you?
4.2 (1 pt) What was the easiest part of the assignment for you?
4.3 (1 pt) What problem(s) helped further your understanding of the course material?
4.4 (1 pt) Did you feel any problems were tedious and not helpful to your understanding of the
4.5 (1 pt) What other feedback do you have about this homework?
3 CS 6370 / ME EN 6225