In this Research Paper: Topic Assignment, you will select a social issue that affects children,
adolescents, and their families. This topic needs to be not only of interest to you, but a topic that
challenges you to seek a deeper understanding of an issue that impacts modern families. You will
also look at how applying a biblical perspective to the issue can deepen the connection among
family members.
For this Research Paper: Topic Assignment, you will complete a minimum 1-page paper in
current APA format related to the focus of the course and course material.
You will choose 1 relevant social issue/topic impacting today’s families and their children/teens
(e.g., cutting, bullying, drug/alcohol abuse, gang violence, sexuality, technology, ADHD, autism,
abuse, gender identity, etc.) and discuss the developmental, spiritual, physical, emotional, and
behavioral implications on the child or adolescent and the influence on parenting.
Topic Assignment
Choose 1 relevant social issue/topic impacting today’s families and their children/teens
(e.g., cutting, bullying, drug/alcohol abuse, gang violence, sexuality, technology, ADHD,
autism, abuse, gender identity, etc.)
Submit a 200-word rationale detailing why the issue/topic is relevant to family
Reference 3 cited sources in APA format on a page titled References
Note: The Research Paper: Final Submission Assignment must be a minimum of 10 pages in
length (not including Title Page, Abstract, and References page) and follow current APA
guidelines, with at least 10 references from current sources (half must come from
research/journal articles).
Be sure to review the Research Paper: Topic Grading Rubric before beginning this Research
Paper: Topic Assignment.