
CSE 241/505 Homework # 5 Operator Overloading and Vectors solved

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You will rewrite your CPUProgram class so that uses vectors and operator overloading. Your
CPUProgram class has the same pubic member functions as before but now it supports the following
• Operator[] that takes an integer and works like the getLine function. It returns the program
line as a string.
• Operator+ that takes a CPUProgram and an instruction line as a string. It returns a new
CPUProgram that has the original CPUProgram with appended last line from the parameter
• Operator+= that takes an instruction line as a string and appends the instruction to the end of
the program.
• Operator+ that takes two programs and returns a new program that appends the second
programs to the first one
• All comparison operators ==, !=, <, >=, etc. All comparison operators compare the number of
lines of the programs.
• Operator>> that prints the program
• Post and pre decrement operators – – that delete the last line of the program.
• Function call operator() that takes two integers and returns a new program that contains the
instructions between the given integers.
You should keep your instruction strings in a vector data member. You may use any vector
functions as you like.
Important Notes:
 There is no maximum number of lines limit.
 All error checking should be done, for example [] should exit the program if out of index error
is encountered.
 Do not forget to indent your code and provide comments.
 You should submit your work to the moodle page. Use the following main function as one of
the test cases. You will also provide other test cases of your own.
#include “requiredIncs.h”
int main(int argc, char** argv){
//command line parameters
const char* filename = argv[1];
int option = atoi(argv[2]);
//Testing class CPUProgram
//op []
CPUProgram myCPUProgram(option);
cout << myCPUProgram[0] << endl;
cout << myCPUProgram[myCPUProgram.size() – 1] << endl;
//op +
cout << ((myCPUProgram + “MOV R1, #45”)[myCPUProgram.size() – 1]) << endl;
//op +=
myCPUProgram += “MOV R2, #50”;
cout << myCPUProgram[myCPUProgram.size() – 1] << endl;
//op + <<
CPUProgram myOtherCPUProgram(option);
cout << (myCPUProgram + myOtherCPUProgram) << endl;
//op COMP —
cout << (myCPUProgram == myOtherCPUProgram ? “DONE” : “FAIL”) << endl;
cout << (myCPUProgram <= myOtherCPUProgram ? “DONE” : “FAIL”) << endl;
cout << (myCPUProgram > myOtherCPUProgram ? “FAIL” : “DONE”) << endl;
cout << (myCPUProgram != myOtherCPUProgram ? “DONE” : “FAIL”) << endl;
cout << (myCPUProgram >= myOtherCPUProgram ? “DONE” : “FAIL”) << endl;
cout << (myCPUProgram < myOtherCPUProgram ? “FAIL” : “DONE”) << endl;
//op ()
cout << myCPUProgram(5, 10) << endl;
//error check
cout << myCPUProgram[myCPUProgram.size()] << endl;
myCPUProgram += “”;
cout << myCPUProgram[myCPUProgram.size() – 1] << endl;
return 0;