
ELEC4010I / COMP4901I Assignment 1 solved

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1 Introduction
The goal of this assignment is to perform twitter sentiment analysis for sentence-level text. Students will
derive and implement logistic regression from scratch with gradient descent. You first need to analyze the
data, i.e., clean the data and perform feature extraction. Furthermore, you need to learn basic training
and testing concepts and implement a sentiment classifier. To start, you can clone the starter code and
dataset at
2 Data Preprocessing and Analysis
Students will get two datasets, one is twitter sentiment.csv and another is twitter sentiment testset.csv.
The former is for training and contains 20k sentences and the labels, the latter is for testing only and
contains 5k sentences. You need to submit the test set with the labels you predicted and should not try
to label the test set manually.
2.1 Data Statistics
In this section, the only file you need to modify and execute is the file. You need to read
the .csv file first, and then build the vocabulary dictionary. Please list the following data statistics:
• number of sentences, number of words, number of vocabulary, maximum sentence length, top 10
most frequently words, etc.
You can run the following command to check the results.
$ python p r e p r o c e s s . py
2.2 Data Cleaning
Based on the previous statistics, you can find that the original dataset is quite noisy. Please try to clean
the dataset your own, such as removing dummy strings and dealing with punctuations. Please list at
least three main methods you have used and report the data statistics again after cleaning. You can run
the following command to check the results.
$ python p r e p r o c e s s . py −c
1 ELEC4010I / COMP4901I
2.3 Feature Extraction & Normalization
Now, you need to change each sentence into features by the function feature extraction bow() in There are various ways to do so, the easiest way uses bag-of-word (BoW), which is
a sentence representation method based on word counting but disregards grammar and even word order.
Please check on Wiki link for examples, url:
In the class, we talked about the mean and variance of the feature influence on the training stability.
Now, please normalize each dimension of your feature to zero mean and set the standard deviation to 1
by the function normalization() in
3 Logistic Regression
In this section, you are going to derive the cross entropy loss and the gradient of W and b for backpropagation. Suppose our binary classification dataset is D =[(x1, Cpos),(x2, Cneg), , …(xM, Cpos)], where
is the input feature vector and Cpos or Cneg is the corresponding sentiment class. Assume that the
data is generated by a function f(x) = p(Cpos|x) = σ(Wx + b), then the probability of p(Cneg|x) can
be expressed by 1 − f(x). σ(x) is the sigmoid function with the form σ(x) = 1
1+e−x . Therefore, the
probability to generate the whole dataset D is
L(W, b) = YPi
, Pi =
f(xi) if Ci == Cpos
1 − f(xi) if Ci == Cneg
We want to find the parameter W∗
, b∗
that can maximize the probability, which is equivalent to minimize
the −logL(W, b).
, b∗ = arg max W,b
L(W, b) = arg min W,b
− logL(W, b) (2)
3.1 Formula
• Let’s assume Cpos = 1 and Cneg = 0. Please represent the loss −logL with Ci and f(xi).
• Now we have our loss and we need to minimize it. Please compute the derivative of −logL over
W or b, that is, ∂(−logL)
∂W and ∂(−logL)
∂b . Represent your answer with Ci and xi
. (Hint: ∂σ(x)
∂x =
σ(x)(1 − σ(x)).)
3.2 Implementation
Based on your computation in the previous section, you can now modify the logistic file
to train a sentiment classifier. The functions you need to complete are the following:
• sigmoid(), compute loss(), back prop(), compare(), predict()
You can run the following command to start training the model. The prediction test set based on your
model will be generated automatically after training. Please try your best to achieve higher development
accuracy. We suggest to limit the maximum vocabulary size for faster training.
$ python l o g i s t i c r e g r e s s i o n . py −c −mv=10000 −l r =0.1 −f n=myTest
[Note] -c: use the data after cleaning; -mv: maximum vocabulary size; -lr: learning rate setting; -fn: file
name for saving learning curve (*.log), parameters (*.npy) and test set prediction (*.csv).
Afterward, please try to answer and analysis the following questions (with figure is preferred).
• What is the effect of the learning rate? What is the best learning rate you found?
• What is the best accuracy you can get on the training set? how about on the development set?
2 ELEC4010I / COMP4901I
• Describe whether the data normalization helps. Why or why not?
• List at least 10 sentences in the dataset that your model gives you a wrong prediction (sentence
should be positive but the prediction is negative, and vice versa). Try to explain why.
4 Bonus
• Implement bi-gram feature and concatenate with the BoW feature. Show the results and whether
the bi-gram feature helps.
• Implement the momentum method and explain how it helps gradient descent. One can check the
gradient descent with momentum on Coursera for details.
• State some training phenomenons or tips you found.
5 Submission
Turn this in by Mon 13:30, 4 March 2019 by emailing a zip file to
and, with subject BIIS-HW1. Remember to state your name and student ID in
the email. The zip file should only include the following materials:
• Report of the homework in pdf format (maximum 3 pages)
• Your model prediction of the test set (5k sentences) in csv format. Check the sample submission.csv
for example.
• Two python files: and logistic
6 Enjoy the Homework
3 ELEC4010I / COMP4901I