
EE 5934 Project 2 Will you be the next Monet? solution

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1 Introduction
You have learned about techniques like generative adversarial network (GAN)
and image style transfer in previous lectures. In this project, you are supposed to address an interesting problem with knowledge acquired before: to
transfer a photo into styles of Monet paintings, as examples shown in Fig.
1. Then, you may conduct some visualizations of features in a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) for images before and after style transfer.
2 Requirements
1 [60 points] Take part in a competition on Kaggle: I’m Something of a
Painter Myself. Use the data provided in this competition to implement
an appropriate algorithm to transfer a photo into Monet’s styles. Then,
submit your results to Kaggle and the evaluation score (measured by
FID[2]) would be shown on the leaderboard. In your report, please
include following items:
– The motivation and introduction of the algorithm you used;
– Some qualitative style transfer examples;
1 EE 5934
Figure 2: Examples of Saliency results.[4]
– FID score shown on the Kaggle leaderboard.
These items would be taken into consideration for the grading of your
2 [40 points] Implement Saliency via Backprop algorithm[4] you learned
in the lectures. Then, evaluate the algorithm with images and class
labels we provide. They are from ImageNet[1] test dataset and you may
choose any public available pretrained CNN model for visualization.
One possible source for PyTorch[3] users is torch.hub.
Note that you may need to find the correspondences between class
labels and their output indexes in the pretrained model you adopt. We
provide class label to index mapping for the above torch.hub models
in this project. If you adopt another source, the mapping may be
different. You can also use your own images as long as you can find
correct correspondences.
Also, transfer the images to Monet’s styles using your style transfer
model in the previous part and compare the visualization difference.
Define some meaningful quantitative metrics to reflect such difference.
In your report, please include following items:
– A brief introduction based on your own understanding of the
Saliency via Backprop algorithm;
– Some qualitative saliency results. Examples are shown in Fig. 2.
– Qualitative and quantitative comparisons on the visualization difference before and after style transfer.
3 [10 points, Optional] Implement GraphCut algorithm. Based on the
saliency results in the previous part, obtain the segmentation masks,
2 EE 5934
Figure 3: Examples of saliency based object segmentation.[4]
as shown in Fig. 3.
4 [10 points, Optional] Take effective measures to improve your style
transfer algorithm, to equip it with better FID score and comparable
saliency difference, or smaller saliency difference and comparable FID
score. Please provide insights for your strategies and demonstrate their
effectiveness with experimental study in the report.
3 Submission
Please submit your solution via Luminus. Put all the materials in one zip file
named as ’ID1’ for a two-person group, where each ID field suggests
the student ID of a group member, like A0000000X. Following items should
be included in the zip file:
• Your report in pdf format including items mentioned above, as well as
the responsibility taken by each member.
• Your source code for this project and make sure it is runnable.
• A README file describing:
1 The environment used in your project (e.g., version of python
and some dependencies). Command or script used to set up the
environment should also be included.
2 Command or script to run code for each part. Please clean your
code and put all the steps for each part in one command or script
so that it would produce the expected results for each part in an
one-stop manner.
• Your trained models and input images of the qualitative results in your
report. Outputs of your code should align with the ones shown in the
4 Tips for GPU resources
Running on GPU is more efficient for this project and it is highly recommended. If you do not have GPU resources, you may consider following
1 Kaggle provides free GPU hours for each contestants.
2 Google Colab provides free GPU access.
3 Students may apply HPC resources provided by NUS.
Here are some frequently asked questions:
1 Q. Are some functional libraries such as graph cut lib allowed?
A. Yes. Remember to make proper citations.
2 Q. Is it allowed to refer to some tutorials or open-source code bases?
A. Yes. Remember to make proper citations. Moreover, you would
not get a high mark if your own insight on the project is weak.
For example, simply copy and paste codes or introductions from
other sources.
3 Q. Is it allowed to conduct further explorations on the project requirements?
A. Definitely yes. Actually, you are encouraged to discuss issues more
than those required for this project. Feel free to add some discussion to make your report more insightful.
4 Q. How to grade each group member in this group project?
4 EE 5934
A. Grading of each group member would depend on one’s contribution to the whole project. By default, we assume equal contribution of all group members and we would take per capita workload
into consideration. If you think it is necessary, please mention the
responsibility taken by each member in your report.
[1] J. Deng, W. Dong, R. Socher, L.-J. Li, K. Li, and L. Fei-Fei. Imagenet:
A large-scale hierarchical image database. In 2009 IEEE conference on
computer vision and pattern recognition, pages 248–255. Ieee, 2009.
[2] M. Heusel, H. Ramsauer, T. Unterthiner, B. Nessler, and S. Hochreiter.
Gans trained by a two time-scale update rule converge to a local nash
equilibrium. Advances in neural information processing systems, 30, 2017.
[3] A. Paszke, S. Gross, F. Massa, A. Lerer, J. Bradbury, G. Chanan,
T. Killeen, Z. Lin, N. Gimelshein, L. Antiga, et al. Pytorch: An imperative style, high-performance deep learning library. Advances in neural
information processing systems, 32:8026–8037, 2019.
[4] K. Simonyan, A. Vedaldi, and A. Zisserman. Deep inside convolutional
networks: Visualising image classification models and saliency maps.
arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.6034, 2013.
[5] J.-Y. Zhu, T. Park, P. Isola, and A. A. Efros. Unpaired image-to-image
translation using cycle-consistent adversarial networks. In Computer Vision (ICCV), 2017 IEEE International Conference on, 2017.
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