
ECEN5813 PES Project 5 UART Communications with PC Solved

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The fifth PES project will have you connect to the KL25Z USB port to send and receive data from a PCbased terminal program. This setup will allow you to exercise more advanced firmware topics, including
UART communication device drivers, circular buffers, and more on interrupts and timers. You will also
capture oscilloscope or logic analyzer output and develop an FMEA document for the project.
This project is targeted to run on the KL25Z only – the program should (as in project 4) be capable of
running in three modes:
1) In debug mode, with detailed debug messages.
2) In normal mode, with normal status messages.
3) In test mode, with detailed test messages.
You should also use a #DEFINE variable to select from blocking or non-blocking UART device driver use
(see below), and a #DEFINE variable to select echo or application mode (see below).
Part 1. (80 points) UART-based Communications with PC Terminal Program
Circular Buffer Functions
Develop a set of circular buffer interface functions for characters. These functions should be capable of
working with multiple circular buffers by referencing a provided pointer to a circular buffer structure.
You will likely have individual circular buffers active for the transmit queue and the receive queue.
• Define structure and dynamic memory allocation method for circular buffers
o Structure should include buffer pointer, head, tail, length, count
o Buffer functions should update these values as required
o Note that the maximum size of the buffer should equal the maximum number of elements –
we will not use an empty byte as a wrap-around flag
• Define an enum for circular buffer errors (buffer functions should provide this as a return value)
• Function to add a new item to a buffer (should error if buffer is full)
• Function to remove oldest item from a buffer (should error if buffer is empty)
• Function to check is buffer full
• Function to check is buffer empty
• Function to verify buffer is initialized
• Function to verify the buffer pointer is valid
• Function to initialize a buffer
• Function to destroy a buffer
UART Device Driver 1 – Blocking/Polled
Develop a set of functions to implement polling of UART hardware. These functions should only use the
predefined definitions in MKL25Z4.h (do not use higher-level functions provided by fsl*.h or other SDK
includes). Note, for both UART drivers, use UART0 to have access to the full UART function set.
• Function for UART hardware initialization including baud rate and serial message format (parity,
start/stop bits)
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• Function to check whether the transmitter is available to accept a new character for
• Function to transmit a character assuming transmitter is available.
• Function using these two functions to wait (block) for the transmitter to be available and then
once available transmit a character and return
• Function to check whether the receiver has a new character to receive
• Function to receive the character assuming receiver has data
• Function using these two functions to wait (block) for the receiver to receive a new character
and then return that character
• An echo function that uses the above functions to echo received characters one at a time back
to the PC-based sender
UART Device Driver 2 – Non-blocking/Interrupt
Develop a set of functions for using interrupts to detect the completion of a send or receive operation.
You are encouraged to share/reuse code from the Blocking/Polled version above. These functions
should only use the predefined definitions in MKL25Z4.h (do not use higher-level functions provided by
fsl*.h or other SDK includes).
• Function for UART hardware initialization as above with addition of interrupt configuration and
enable (configure the KL25Z so the UART generates an interrupt when ready to transmit a
character, when a character has been received, or when there is an error)
• An interrupt service routine (ISR) function to handle the interrupts. This function should handle
transmit and receive interrupts as well as errors.
• Function to check whether the transmitter is available to accept a new character for
• Function to transmit a character assuming transmitter is available
• Function called by the ISR to supply the next character for transmit (i.e. on the IRQ, check the
transmit interrupt is enabled and the transmit buffer is empty before placing the next character
into the data register)
• Function called by the ISR for receiving a character (i.e. on the IRQ, verify a character was
received and read it from the data register)
• An echo function that uses the above functions to echo received characters one at a time back
to the PC-based sender
Remember, you should not do any processing in the interrupt handler. The interrupt routine should be
as short as possible. Each interrupt should clear associated flags when completed but only if they were
set. Any processing should be done outside the interrupt context.
Echo Mode and Application Mode
If the #DEFINE for echo operation is in place, use the echo function in the device driver to send any
received characters back to the PC terminal program.
If the #DEFINE for application operation is in place, run the following application:
Create an application that maintains a count of the unique characters that have been received by the
UART device driver since the beginning of program execution. The report will show all characters
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received along with counts. Whenever the UART is able to transmit, send a formatted report to the PC
terminal program. This report, and its associated data structure, should continue to accumulate
characters and character counts for as long as a single execution is running.
For example, if the PC sent the characters in the word “Character”, the resulting report would look like
(with data in ASCII value order):
C – 1; a – 2; c – 1; e – 1; h – 1; r – 2; s – 1; t – 1
Note that this report may be interrupted by incoming data from the PC, but once transmit is clear, the
report should restart and attempt to send the report data to the PC again.
It is up to you to decided what triggers the printing of the report; perhaps, when some fixed number of
characters has been processed, or perhaps if a particular character is processed. Your approach to this
functionality needs to be documented appropriately in your software via comments and in the README
observations or execution report.
Unit Testing
Using uCUnit, create a test suite to test the circular buffer code thoroughly. Examples:
• Create a buffer
• Test data access
• Verify wrap remove (test that your buffer tail point can wrap around the edge boundary when a
remove occurs at the boundary)
• Verify wrap add (test that your buffer can wrap around the edge boundary and add to the front)
• Overfill (test that your buffer fails when too many items are added)
• Over empty (test that your buffer fails to remove an item when empty)
• Destroy the buffer
• Etc.
This test suite should be run anytime the program is executed in test mode.
Identify Critical Sections (operations that should not be interrupted)
Define two macro functions to disable and enable interrupts in any elements of the code you believe
should be atomic, that is, should run without being interrupted.
#define END_CRITICAL()
Logging – add timestamps
Use the logging code implemented in Project 4 with the following extension:
• Modify enums as needed to track new modules/functions
• Add a timestamp to all logged messages
o Timestamps will be character strings in the form: “HH:MM:SS.n” where H = Hours, M =
Minutes, S = Seconds, n = tenths of a second
o The timestamp will be based on time elapsed since program start
• Use the SysTick timer set to 10 Hz to provide a .1 second counter as a time reference; this timer
should be enabled at the start of any program execution
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• Once your UART drivers are working, use the UART drivers for logging instead of API functions.
(This can be a good method to debug and verify UART driver 1.)
• You may reuse your LED control function from any earlier projects
• The LED should be set as follows
o initialize to blue
o set to blue when the program moves to receiving or waiting to receive
o set to green when the program moves to transmitting or waiting to transmit
o red if there is any error condition detected
• For this project, you will develop using the MCUXpresso IDE environment. See the SAs for any
assistance you need in your development environment.
• Your code should follow the ESE C Style Guide as closely as possible.
• When compiling use -Wall and -Werror compiler flags. Your code should have no compilation errors
or warnings.
• You should use modular design for your code – UART drivers in one module, application code in
another, etc.
Extra Credit (10 points) – Extending Circular Buffers
• Whether you’re using circular buffers to hold the report out data counts or transmit and receive
data, you can have situations where the buffer overflows. In the code above, we simply throw an
error when this occurs.
• For 10 points extra credit
o Create function(s) to add (reallocate) memory to resize a circular buffer
o Use this function in a situation (such as the report storage) when an overfill error occurs
o Include test of this function in the uCUnit test case suite
Part 2 (10 points) – Capture Oscilloscope trace of UART traffic between KL25Z and the PC
You will need to capture a character transaction while in Echo mode showing the receive and transmit
operations between the PC and the KL25Z.
Any clear image of the two transactions is fine. You should be able to annotate the image of the
transaction to show key fields (start, data, stop, etc.) being transferred in your PDF submission.
If you have access to a logic analyzer, you could use that as an alternate for capturing the transaction
Part 3 (10 points) – FMEA (Failure Modes and Effects Analysis) document for the project
Create an Excel (or other) spreadsheet with the following columns:
• Potential Failure Mode (how could the failure occur)
• Potential Failure Effect (what is the impact of the failure)
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• Severity (1-10) (how severe is the issue, 10=most severe)
• Potential Cause (what could make this happen)
• Occurrence (1-10) (how frequently would this happen, 10=most frequent)
• Controls (What is in place to prevent either the cause or the failure)
• Detection (1-10) (how hard is this error to detect, 10 = hardest)
• Risk Priority Number = Severity * Occurrence * Detection
Pick six error modes you can think of in the interactions between the PC and the KL25Z. Fill out the
columns with your observations on the error mode and determine the Risk Priority Number for the risk.
Sort the six error modes by the RPN. Include the spreadsheet in your project repo submission as a PDF.
Project Submission
The project is due on Tuesday 11/19 prior to class and will be submitted on Canvas. The project will also
be demonstrated to class staff (and when possible by remote students in video or web conferences).
We will be setting up lab demo slots to allow a more detailed review of the submission with the student
The Canvas submission will consist of two parts:
Part 1 is a single GitHub repo URL which will be accessed by graders to review code and documentation.
This will consist of any C code or include files, captured output files, and a README Markdown
document that includes:
• A title (PES Project 5 Readme)
• Names of your team
• A description of the repo contents
• Observations: A description of any issues or difficulties you encountered on the project
and how they were addressed.
• Installation/execution notes: for others who may use the code – this should include
compilation instructions for the SAs to more easily grade
• The repo should also contain the PDF with your annotated UART transaction scope
captures as discussed above
• The repo should also contain a PDF of your FMEA spreadsheet
• Please include a Git tag called Final on your final submission to allow the SAs to be clear
about what was submitted for grading
• Please note – code being pushed to Git should not be zipped – we should be able to pull
project folders directly from your Git repos.
Part 2 will be a PDF containing all C code and README documentation – the PDF is used specifically for
plagiarism checks: your code should be your team’s alone, developed by your team. You should provide
a URL for any significant code taken from a third party source, and you should not take code artifacts
from other student teams. However, you may consult with other teams, the SAs, and the instructor in
reviewing concepts and crafting solutions to problems (and may wish to credit them in documentation).
Points will be awarded as follows:
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• 35 for the correctness of demonstrated code (execution of the three build targets – test,
debug, normal, for blocking/non-blocking UART communication, and for
Echo/Application modes) – code will be demonstrated with SAs on or after the project
due date, we will work with remote students for demos.
• 40 for the construction of the code (including following style guide elements and the
quality of solution)
• 5 points for the README
• 10 points for the captured and annotated UART transactions PDF
• 10 points for the FMEA DF
• 10 points possible extra credit for development, use, and test of resizing existing circular
Project 5 is due on Tuesday 11/19 at 3:30 PM. Assignments will be accepted late for one week, at a
penalty of 15% of the grade. After that point, assignments will not be accepted.