
ECE 357 Computer Operating Systems PS 3 solved

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Problem 1 — The Shell
In this assignment, you will write an extremely simplistic UNIX shell which is capable of launching one program at a
time, with arguments, waiting for and reporting the exit status and resource usage statistics.
Your shell shall accept lines of input from standard input until EOF. Don’t worry about issuing a prompt, commandline editing, etc. Each line is a command to be executed. The shell should fork to create a new process in which to
run the command, set up any requested I/O redirection (see below), exec the program, wait for and report the exit
status, and report the real, user and system time consumed by the command (a la time). If you are adventurous, you
might examine other members of the rusage structure and see how they are reported on different operating
You may assume that each command is formatted as follows:
command {argument {argument…} } {redirection_operation {redirection_operation…}}
This is an extreme simplification of shell syntax, but this is after all a course in operating systems, not compilers.
The above optional arguments and operators are whitespace-delimited, i.e. they are separated by one or more tabs or
spaces. This will simplify parsing and you can use strtok to break up the input line into its components. The real
shell accepts command argument>output as well, but you don’t hav e to parse that if you don’t want to. A line
that begins with the # character is a comment and should be ignored. Report any errors related to command
launching but, just like the real shell, do not exit the entire shell on error; go to the next command.
I/O redirection
Support the follow redirection operations (note that pipes are not required since we haven’t talked about them yet):
filename Open/Create/Truncate filename and redirect stdout
2>filename Open/Create/Truncate filename and redirect stderr
>>filename Open/Create/Append filename and redirect stdout
2>>filename Open/Create/Append filename and redirect stderr
Note that a given command launch can have 0, 1, 2 or 3 possible redirection operators. A failure to establish any of
the requested I/O redirections should result in an error message and the command should not be launched.
Clean File Descriptor Environment
Your shell should fork and exec the command with a standard, clean file descriptor environment. Only file
descriptors 0, 1 and 2 should be open, possibly redirected as above. There should be no “dangling” file descriptors.
ECE357:Computer Operating Systems PS 3/pg 2 ©2015 Jeff Hakner
$ mysh
ls -l >ls.out
Executing command ls with arguments “-l”
Command returned with return code 0,
consuming 0.005 real seconds, 0.002 user, 0.001 system
end of file
$ cat ls.out
Shell Scripts
Your shell must also support being invoked as a script interpreter:
mysh /tmp/script
If provided with with an argument as above, your shell should open that and execute each line as a command.
Otherwise, your shell should read commands from standard input until EOF.
Test this feature by creating an executable script file that calls your shell as the interpreter using the #! notation.
Exit status
The exit status of your shell itself should be 0 if no errors were encountered and all requested commands were
launched, otherwise is should return a non-zero status.
Your submission should include: source code, “screenshot” demonstrating your shell working in an interactive case
(commands from keyboard), screenshot showing your shell working as a script interpreter, including source code of
shell script used to test this feature. You should also demonstrate I/O redirection.
ECE 357