
ECE 555 Computer Control of Robotics Course Project solution

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# Course Project

In this project involves computer control of the sawyer robot for a continous pick and place action using the ROS/Gazebo Development environment. The course project consist of the following:

## Part 1: Object Pose Detections

* A. Pose of the three targets with the repect to the robot base frame
* B. The joint variables to grasp the object at each location, ie. inverse kinematics
* C. The Jacobian matrix at each location using the joint variables from Part B

An example ROS Package, ece_sawyer_project, has been created to assist the project. This package is available to download using the following:

git clone

The repository also contains example source code for motion planning of the sawyer robot. Part 2 involves writing a software algorithm to manipulate the sawyer robot. You may use the sample code as a starting place.

ECE 555 Computer Control

## Part 2: Computer Control of Robot System

Write a computer algorithm the performs the following task. (Example video available)
* 1. Pick up and discard target 2 from the scene
* 2. Pick up target from location 1 and place location 2
* 3. Pick up target from location 3 and place in location 1
* 4. Pick up target from location 2 and place in location 3
* Repeat steps 2 – 4

The program should be demonstrated using the following actions

Bring up the simulator. Execute in terminal 1:
./ sim
roslaunch ece_sawyer_project sawyer_world.launch

Enable the sawyer robot. Execute in terminal 2:
./ sim
rosrun intera_interface -e

Let’s start by launch the trajectory action server of the robot with the following command.
rosrun intera_interface

Then run the moveit package again with the controller. Execute in terminal 3:
./ sim
roslaunch sawyer_moveit_config sawyer_moveit.launch electric_gripper:=true
Execute motion planning algorithm.
./ sim
rosrun ece_sawyer_project sawyer_pick_and_place
Try to plan the trajectory and execute again, you should see the robot move while executing the trajectory.

ECE 555 Computer Control