
ECE 244 Lab Assignment #5: Binary Search Trees solved

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1. Objectives
The objectives of this assignment are to provide you with more practice on the use of the
various C++ concepts/constructs introduced in the lectures so far, including classes, dynamic
memory allocation, pointers, I/O, and dynamic data structures. This will be done in the context
of implementing a binary search tree class. You will also learn how to use a tool called
valgrind to ensure that you code is free of memory allocation and de-allocation problems.
2. Problem Statement
In this assignment, you will implement a simple database to store and retrieve data. You are
creating a simple “domain name server” – a database that can rapidly look up string names,
such as, and return a 32-bit integer that is the Internet Protocol (IP)
address corresponding to that “domain name”. This is the function performed by the domain
name servers that allow you to type in easy to remember website names and have your web
browser automatically go to the correct IP address (computer) to retrieve the web data.
You will implement three classes: DBentry, TreeNode and TreeDB. The DBentry
class will be used to create objects that hold an entry of the database. Each entry has a key (a
string, corresponding to the name of the internet domain) and some data (a 32-bit integer that
gives the IP address and a boolean flag that indicates whether the computer at that IP address is
active or not). The TreeDB and TreeNode classes will be used to create a binary search tree
database of DBentry objects. TreeDB represents the entire binary tree, while each
TreeNode represents a single node in the tree.
In a real domain names server, we would have to rapidly search billions of domain names
(strings) as we looked for the IP address corresponding to a name. The fact that a binary search
tree can find entries in large datasets very efficiently, and can also add new entries efficiently,
makes it a very appropriate data structure for this application.
2. Command and Output Specification
Your database will be exercised by a simple parser. Whenever the parser expects the user to
enter a command, it should prompt the user for input by outputting a greater than sign followed
by a space:
> user input would appear here
The parser reads commands from cin, calls the appropriate TreeDB and DBentry functions,
and sends the appropriate output to cout. Each command consists of an operation, followed by
zero or more arguments. The command and the arguments are separated by white spaces, and
will always appear on the same line. You parser should process commands until the end-of-file
(eof) is encountered. You may assume that all the input is syntactically correct – your program
will not be tested with invalid commands, the wrong number of arguments, or misspelt
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arguments. The only error messages you need to generate are those listed below. The
commands and their parameters are:
insert name IPaddress status. This command creates a new entry with name
(a string) as the key and IPaddress (a non-negative integer) and status (active or
inactive) as specified. You may assume that the name, IPaddress, and active
arguments are separated by spaces and that there are no spaces within an argument. The
new entry is then inserted into the database. If there already exists an entry with the
same key, the error message “Error: entry already exists” is printed to
cout. Otherwise “Success” is printed.
find name. This command finds the entry with the key name in the database, and prints
its contents to cout as name : IPaddress : status. Name and IPaddress are
printed as a string and an unsigned integer, respectively, while status is either active
or inactive. Between values a space, colon and space should be printed.
If no such entry exists, the error message “Error: entry does not exist” is
printed to cout.
remove name. This command deletes the entry with the key name from the database. If
no such entry exists, the error message “Error: entry does not exist” is
printed to cout. Otherwise “Success” is printed.
printall. This command prints all the entries in the database, sorted in ascending order
of keys, one entry per line.
printprobes name. This command finds the entry with the key name in the database.
If no such entry exists, the error message “Error: entry does not exist” is
printed to cout. Otherwise, the number of probes (DBentries examined during the tree
search) is printed to cout.
removeall. This command deletes all the entries in the database, returning it to the
empty state. When done, “Success” is printed.
countactive. This command counts the number of entries in the database that are active
and prints this count to cout.
updatestatus name status. This command updates the status of the entry with
the given name; status must be either active or inactive. If no entry with name
exists, the error message “Error: entry does not exist” is printed to cout.
Otherwise “Success” is printed.
The following is an example of commands and their outputs. The example assumes an empty
database at the beginning.
> insert 283983 active
> insert 191333 active
> insert 179333 inactive
> insert 283299 active
> find
ECE 244 Page 3 of 12 : 283983 : active
> updatestatus inactive
> printall : 283299 : active : 179333 : inactive : 283983 : inactive : 191333 : active
> printprobes
> remove
> printprobes
> countactive
> printall : 283299 : active : 283983 : inactive : 191333 : active
> removeall
> find
Error: entry does not exist
> printall
> (Ctrl+D)
3. The Tree-based Database
The tree-based implementation assumes that the database is made of a BST, with data being
pointers to DBentrys, as shown below.
The left and right pointers fields in each TreeNode are pointers to the left and right
subtrees respectively. The BST is “ordered” by keys. That is, the name field of each DBentry
is the key of the BST.
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4 Code Structure and Development Procedure
Create a sub-directory called lab5 in your ece244 directory, using the mkdir command.
Make it your working directory. You are given 3 .h files to get you started in the lab; download
them from the portal.
4.1 The DBentry Class
The DBentry class has three fields: one to represent the key and two data fields. It also has
the several methods to set and access this private data, as shown in the header file below.
class DBentry {
string name;
unsigned int IPaddress;
bool active;
// constructors
DBentry (string _name, unsigned int _IPaddress,
bool _active);
// the destructor
// sets the domain name, which we will use as a key.
void setName(string _name);
// sets the IPaddress data.
void setIPaddress(unsigned int _IPaddress);
// sets whether or not this entry is active.
left data right

left data right
left data right
DBentry …

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void setActive (bool _active);
// returns the name.
string getName() const;
// returns the IPaddress data.
unsigned int getIPaddress() const;
// returns whether or not this entry is active.
bool getActive() const;
// prints the entry in the format
// name : IPaddress : active followed by newline
// active is printed as a string (active or inactive)
friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& out,
const DBentry& rhs);
Write the implementation of this class in a file called DBentry.cpp. We suggest you
implement this class first, and then test it with a simple test harness – a main () function that
creates, modifies and prints DBentries. This is a good practice in developing larger programs:
build components one at a time, and test each one before building a larger component that relies
on it.
For example, if you write your test harness in a file called testDBentry.cpp, you could then test
DBentry using:
g++ -g –Wall testDBentry.cpp DBentry.cpp –o testDBentry
4.2 The TreeNode Class
This class stores individual nodes of the tree. Each node stores left and right pointers to
children of this node, as well as a pointer to a DBentry that stores the key and data associated
with a node. Its header file is given below.
#include “DBentry.h”
class TreeNode {
DBentry* entryPtr;
TreeNode* left;
TreeNode* right;
// A useful constructor
TreeNode(DBentry* _entryPtr);
// the destructor
// sets the left child of the TreeNode.
void setLeft(TreeNode* newLeft);
// sets the right child of the TreeNode
void setRight(TreeNode* newRight);
// gets the left child of the TreeNode.
TreeNode* getLeft() const;
// gets the right child of the TreeNode
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TreeNode* getRight() const;
// returns a pointer to the DBentry the TreeNode contains.
DBentry* getEntry() const;
Write the implementation of this class in a file called TreeNode.cpp. Once again we
recommend that you implement TreeNode completely and test it with a test harness (another
.cpp file that implements a main() function and possibly helper subroutines that create,
manipulate and print TreeNodes) before continuing on to the next part of the lab.
4.3 The TreeDB Class
This class represents the overall database, and has methods to perform various useful functions
on the database. An initial header file is given below. You will have to add new private
functions to this header file to complete the lab.
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#include “TreeNode.h”
#include “DBentry.h”
class TreeDB {
TreeNode* root;
int probesCount;
// You will need to add additional private functions
// the default constructor, creates an empty database.
// the destructor, deletes all the entries in the database.
// inserts the entry pointed to by newEntry into the database.
// If an entry with the same key as newEntry’s exists
// in the database, it returns false. Otherwise, it returns true.
bool insert(DBentry* newEntry);
// searches the database for an entry with a key equal to name.
// If the entry is found, a pointer to it is returned.
// If the entry is not found, the NULL pointer is returned.
// Also sets probesCount
DBentry* find(string name);
// deletes the entry with the specified name (key) from the database.
// If the entry was indeed in the database, it returns true.
// Returns false otherwise.
// See Section 6 for the *required* removal method so you match
// exercise’s output.
bool remove(string name);
// deletes all the entries in the database.
void clear();
// prints the number of probes stored in probesCount
void printProbes() const;
// computes and prints out the total number of active entries
// in the database (i.e. entries with active==true).
void countActive () const;
// Prints the entire tree, in ascending order of key/name
// The entries are printed one per line, using the
// operator<< for DBentry.
friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, const TreeDB& rhs);
// You *may* choose to implement the function below to help print the
// tree. You do not have to implement this function if you do not wish to.
ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, TreeNode* rhs);
4.4 Main.cpp
Implement your parser in Main.cpp. You will call public functions in TreeDB and
DBentry to implement the commands after you have parsed them.
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4.5 Coding Requirements
1. No global variables are to be used.
2. All data members of DBentry, TreeNode and TreeDB must be of private type.
3. You should minimize the number of additional public functions you create. No
additional public functions in DBentry, TreeNode and TreeDB are required to
complete the lab.
4. Your program should free all its memory; we will check for memory leaks using
valgrind, and deduct marks if your program leaks memory.
5. As the purpose of this lab is to implement a binary search tree “from scratch”, you are
not allowed use the standard template library.
5. Deliverables
You must submit the following files:
● Main.cpp
● DBentry.h
● DBentry.cpp
● TreeNode.h
● TreeNode.cpp
● TreeDB.h
● TreeDB.cpp
Submit your lab using
~ece244i/public/submit 5
6. Background
A binary search tree (BST) is a binary tree for which: (1) each node has a key that is unique; (2)
the key of each node is greater than the keys of all nodes in its left subtree; and (3) the key of
each node is smaller than the keys of all nodes in its right subtree. Thus, a BST is an ordered
binary tree in which left is smaller than node, which in turn is smaller than right. Since this
order property holds for every node in the tree, the left and right subtrees of any node are also
binary search trees. That is, the order property holds recursively.
For example, the binary tree below is a BST, in which the keys of the nodes are integers. The
key of the root is larger than any of the keys in its left subtree and is smaller than any of the
keys in its right subtree. Each of the left and right subtrees is also BST. The left subtree is
rooted at a node whose key 10 is larger than all the keys in its own left subtree (8), but smaller
than all the keys in its own right subtree (11).
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On the other hand, the binary tree below is not a BST (why? Hint: hotel elevators often skip
this floor).

The order property of a BST makes it easy and efficient to search for a node in the tree, with a
given search key. Given a BST and a search key k, the goal is to determine if there exists a
node in the BST that has a key k (remember, because the keys are unique, there can be at most
one such node). One simply compares the search key k to the key of the root of the BST. If they
are equal, then the root is the node searched for. If k is less than the key of the root, then if a
node exists with a matching key, the node must be in the left subtree. One then recursively
repeats the search in the left subtree. Otherwise, k is greater than the key of the root, and thus,
if a node exists with a matching key, it must be in the right subtree. Thus, one recursively
repeats the search in the right subtree. Each comparison of the search key with a key of a node
in the tree is called a probe. The process of searching for a node with the key 11 in an example
BST is illustrated below.
8 11 15 18
3 17
probe 1
8 11 15 18
3 17
probe 2
Compare search key 11 to 14. Since 11 < 14, look in the left subtree. Compare search key 11 to 10. Since 11 > 10, look in the right subtree.
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Had the search key been 7, then four probes would have been needed. The first compares 7 to
14, the second compares 7 to 10, the third compares 7 to 8, and the fourth compares 7 to 3. At
this point, the search should examine the right subtree of the node with key 3. However, since
such subtree does not exist, the search concludes that no node with key 7 exists in the BST.
Inserting new nodes on a BST must be performed in a way that maintains the order property of
the BST. Given a BST and a new node n whose key is k, the goal is to insert the node n in such
a way that the tree remains a BST. It is assumed that no node exists in the tree with a key k. The
process is very similar way to searching. The key of the new node (i.e., k) is compared to the
key of the root. If k is less than the key of the root, the new node must be inserted in the left
subtree. Otherwise, the new node must be inserted in the right subtree. This is repeated
recursively until either no left subtree or no right subtree exists. The new node is inserted there.
Thus, if a new node with key 7 is to be inserted on the same example BST used to illustrate
searching above, the same steps of searching for a node with key 7 would be performed. When
the search concludes with failure because of the lack of a right subtree of the node with key 3,
the new node is inserted as the right child of this node, as shown below.
Deleting a node from a BST must also be done in a way that maintains the order property of the
BST. Given a BST and a node n with key k in the BST, the goal is to delete the node n in such a
way that the tree remains a BST. The actions taken after the node is deleted depend on the
location of the node in the tree. If the node n is a leaf, then the node is just deleted, with no
further actions necessary. This is shown in the figure below.
8 11 15 18
3 probe 3 17
Compare search key 11 to 11. Since 11 = 11, the node with key equal to the
search key is found.
8 11 15 18
3 17
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If the node n is not a leaf, but it has only one subtree T (either left or right), the node n is
removed from the tree, and the its subtree T is then “connected” to n’s parent (x), as shown in
the figure below. In this example, n has only a left subtree T. When n is deleted, T must be reattached to the BST. Since all the nodes in T have keys that are less than the key of n (i.e., k),
and since x, the parent of n, has a key which is less than k, making T the left subtree of x (i.e.,
making the root of T the right child of x) maintains the order property of the BST (key(x) < key
(i), where i is any node in T).
Finally, if the node to be deleted has two subtrees, then when the node is deleted, a node from
one of the two subtrees replaces it. The replacement node is selected to maintain the order
property of the BST. If the replacement node is selected from the left subtree of the deleted
node n, then it must be the node with the largest key in this subtree (i.e., right most as explained
above); call it l. This way when l replaces n, the key of l is greater than the key of any node its
now left subtree, and at the same time smaller than the key of any node in its now right subtree.
This is shown the in figure below. Similarly, if the replacement node is selected from the right
subtree of the deleted node n, then it must be the node with the smallest key in this subtree (i.e.,
the left most as explained above); call it s. This way when s replaces n, the key of s is smaller
than any node in its now right subtree, and at the same time larger than the key of any node in
its now left subtree. Thus, irrespective of which subtree to select a replacement node from, the
order property of the BST is preserved.
This lab: Use circled method
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Thus, in the example BST shown below, deleting the node with the key 10 can be done in the
two ways shown; by replacing the deleted node with the node with the key 11, or the node with
the key 9. For this lab, you must use the “replace the deleted node with the maximum
node in the left subtree method”; that is node 9 must be selected to take node 10’s location
in the tree. Otherwise, your tree will differ from that in the exercise program after a
remove command, and your printprobes output will not match that of exercise after a
In this assignment, you will be penalized for having memory leaks in your code. Use of the
valgrind memory tester is strongly recommended to catch invalid reads, writes, and
allocation/deallocation. It will tell you when and on what function and line the error occurs. For
memory leaks, it will tell you where the leaking block was allocated. Read the tutorial on
valgrind that is released on Quercus and use it to make sure that your program is free of
memory leaks.
8 11 15
3 9
8 15
3 9
8 11 15
This lab: use this