
CSSE 1001 Assignment 1 solved

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1 Introduction
For this assignment you will write a program for managing student marks
for a course stored in comma separated values (CSV) files. The program you
will write is a simple text-based interactive program that allows the user to
manages these CSV files.
For this assignment you can assume all relevant files are readable and writeable and have the correct format, and arguments to the functions you need
to write are “sensible”. Later in the course we will look at error handling.
You can assume that, when the course starts, a CSV file has been created.
Each line of this file contains the student number of an enrolled student and
entries for marks for each assessable item in the course. The file marks.csv
is an example of such a file for a course that has five assessable items. The
contents of the file is given below.
There are two activities that need to be performed. One is to merge the
results of a given piece of assessment and the other is to update the marks
for one or more students.
When a piece of assessment is complete, another tool creates a CSV file for
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that piece of assessment. Each row contains a student number and a result.
An example file assign1_marks.csv file is given below.
Note that the student numbers are not necessarily in the same order as in
the original marks file and that there might be student numbers that don’t
appear in, or are missing from, the original marks file.
One of the jobs of your program is to merge that data from a file like
assign1_marks.csv with the data in a file like marks.csv to produce a
file whose contents is as follows.
Below are four examples of using the program. The first merges a results file,
the second one attempts to merge the same results file, the third updates
some student results and the forth one shows what happens when an illegal
command is entered.
>>> interact()
Welcome to Results Manager
M – merge results files.
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U – update result.
Enter Command: M
Enter results file: marks.csv
Enter new results file: assign1_marks.csv
Enter column: 1
s999999 cannot be merged – no match found.
Enter updated results file (empty to ignore merge): marks_a1.csv
>>> interact()
Welcome to Results Manager
M – merge results files.
U – update results.
Enter Command: M
Enter results file: marks_a1.csv
Enter new results file: assign1_marks.csv
Enter column: 1
s555555 already has a value in column 1 – update ignored.
s333333 already has a value in column 1 – update ignored.
s666666 already has a value in column 1 – update ignored.
s111111 already has a value in column 1 – update ignored.
s999999 cannot be merged – no match found.
Enter updated results file (empty to ignore merge):
Merge ignored.
>>> interact()
Welcome to Results Manager
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M – merge results files.
U – update result.
Enter Command: U
Enter results file: marks_a1.csv
Student number (empty to finish): s999999
Enter column: 1
New result: 4
s999999 cannot be merged – no match found.
Student number (empty to finish): s555555
Enter column: 1
New result: 8
Student number (empty to finish): s111111
Enter column: 2
New result: 9
Student number (empty to finish):
Enter updated results file (empty to ignore updates): marks2.csv
>>> interact()
Welcome to Results Manager
M – merge results files.
U – update results.
Enter Command: Q
Unknown command
After these interactions the contents of the file mark2.csv is
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Note that in both a merge and an update, when an unknown student result
is entered, a message appears and that mark is ignored. Also note that, when
merging, an updated result for a known student is ignored and a warning is
printed. In both cases, entering an empty output results file will cause the
program to terminate without writing the results to a file.
2 Assignment Tasks
For each function that you write you need to provide a suitable comment
giving a description, the type and any preconditions. You should use the
triple-quote commenting style.
2.1 Download files
The first task is to download the following files:,, marks.csv, marks1.csv and assign1_marks.csv.
We suggest you create a folder in which to write your solution and put these
files in that folder.
The file is for your assignment. Add your name and student
number in the space provided. Do not otherwise modify this comment
block or the block of code at the end. Add your code after the
initial comment block. When you have completed your assignment you
will submit the file containing your solution to the assignment
(see Section 4 for submission details).
The file contains some simple tests you can use on your
code. Please read the comments at the beginning of the file.
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2.2 Write the code
Finally, write your solution to the assignment making sure you have included
suitable comments. There are several functions you need to write and these
are described below. Do not use global variables in your code.
2.2.1 Get Marks From a File
get_marks_from_file(filename) takes the name of a CSV file containing
marks as described in the introduction and returns a list of lists representing
the marks for students. The marks information should be in the same order
as in the file. For example (the actual value displayed in IDLE will be on
one line rather than over several lines as below):
>>> get_marks_from_file(’marks2.csv’)
[[’s111111’, ’10’, ’9’, ’’, ’’, ’’],
[’s222222’, ’’, ’’, ’’, ’’, ’’],
[’s333333’, ’10’, ’’, ’’, ’’, ’’],
[’s444444’, ’’, ’’, ’’, ’’, ’’],
[’s555555’, ’8’, ’’, ’’, ’’, ’’],
[’s666666’, ’9’, ’’, ’’, ’’, ’’],
[’s777777’, ’’, ’’, ’’, ’’, ’’]]
>>> get_marks_from_file(’assign1_marks.csv’)
[[’s555555’, ’7’],
[’s333333’, ’10’],
[’s666666’, ’9’],
[’s111111’, ’10’],
[’s999999’, ’9’]]
NOTE: In the example above get_marks_from_file returns the list of lists
and this result is printed by the interpreter.
When reading information from files please use open(filename, ’rU’) in
order to get operating system independent processing of newlines.
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2.2.2 Updating a Mark for a Student
update_mark(all_marks, stud_num, mark, column, check_result_exists)
takes a list of lists of student marks (as returned by get_marks_from_file),
a student number, a mark for that student, the column to update and a
boolean value to determine if updating an existing mark is allowed.
For example :
>>> marks = get_marks_from_file(’marks2.csv’)
>>> update_mark(marks, ’s111111’, ’10’, 2, True)
s111111 already has a value in column 2 – update ignored.
>>> update_mark(marks, ’s111111’, ’10’, 2, False)
>>> marks
[[’s111111’, ’10’, ’10’, ’’, ’’, ’’],
[’s222222’, ’’, ’’, ’’, ’’, ’’],
[’s333333’, ’10’, ’’, ’’, ’’, ’’],
[’s444444’, ’’, ’’, ’’, ’’, ’’],
[’s555555’, ’8’, ’’, ’’, ’’, ’’],
[’s666666’, ’9’, ’’, ’’, ’’, ’’],
[’s777777’, ’’, ’’, ’’, ’’, ’’]]
2.2.3 Merge Marks
merge_marks(all_marks, new_marks, column) takes, as arguments, a list
of lists representing the current marks, a list of lists representing the marks
to be merged and the column of all_marks that is to be updated. The list
of lists all_marks is updated.
For example:
>>> marks = get_marks_from_file(’marks.csv’)
>>> new_marks = get_marks_from_file(’assign1_marks.csv’)
>>> merge_marks(marks, new_marks, 1)
s999999 cannot be merged – no match found.
>>> marks
[[’s111111’, ’10’, ’’, ’’, ’’, ’’],
[’s222222’, ’’, ’’, ’’, ’’, ’’],
[’s333333’, ’10’, ’’, ’’, ’’, ’’],
[’s444444’, ’’, ’’, ’’, ’’, ’’],
[’s555555’, ’7’, ’’, ’’, ’’, ’’],
[’s666666’, ’9’, ’’, ’’, ’’, ’’],
[’s777777’, ’’, ’’, ’’, ’’, ’’]]
2.2.4 Save Marks to File
save_marks_to_file(records, filename) takes, as arguments, a list of
lists of marks and a file name in which to save the marks. No whitespaces
should appear in the file except the newline after each students information.
For example:
>>> marks = get_marks_from_file(’marks.csv’)
>>> save_marks_to_file(marks, ’marks1.csv’)
The file marks1.csv should have the same content as marks.csv.
2.2.5 The Top-Level Interface
interact() is the top-level function that defines the text-base user interface
as described in the introduction.
2.2.6 Hints
For file and string processing: open, strip, join
For user interaction: raw_input
3 Assessment and Marking Criteria
In addition to providing a working solution to the assignment problem, the
assessment will involve discussing your code submission with a tutor. This
discussion will take place in the practical session you have signed up to in
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week 7. You must attend that session in order to obtain marks for the
In preparation for your discussion with a tutor you may wish to consider:
• any parts of the assignment that you found particularly difficult, and
how you overcame them to arrive at a solution;
• whether you considered any alternative ways of implementing a given
• where you have known errors in your code, their cause and possible
solutions (if known).
It is also important that you can explain to the tutor how each of the functions
that you have written operates (for example, if you have used a for loop or
a while loop in a function, why this was the right choice).
Marks will be awarded based on a combination of the correctness of your code
and on your understanding of the code that you have written. A technically
correct solution will not elicit a pass mark unless you can demonstrate that
you understand its operation.
We will mark your assignment according to the following criteria.
Criteria Mark
Your code is mostly complete, correct, clear, succinct and well
commented. You are able to explain your code.
8 – 10
Your code has some problems OR you have some problems
explaining your code.
4 – 7
Your code is clearly incomplete, incorrect, too complex or
hard to understand OR you have major problems explaining
your code.
1 – 3
Your work has little or no academic merit. 0
A partial solution will be marked. If your partial solution causes problems
in the Python interpreter please comment out that code and we will mark
Please read the section in the course profile about plagiarism.
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4 Assignment Submission
You must submit your completed assignment electronically through Blackboard.
Please read
for information on submitting through Blackboard.
You should electronically submit your copy of the file (use this
name – all lower case).
You may submit your assignment multiple times before the deadline – only the
last submission will be marked. After each submission please use Blackboard
to check that the file you submitted was the one you intended to submit.
Make sure the file is called and not, for example,
Late submission of the assignment will not be accepted. In the event of
exceptional personal or medical circumstances that prevent you from handing
in the assignment on-time, you should contact the lecturer in charge and
be prepared to supply appropriate documentary evidence. You should be
prepared to submit whatever work you have completed at the deadline, if
required. Requests for extensions should be made as soon as possible, and
preferably before the assignment due date.
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