This project implements myAppStore in which applications of various categories are indexed simultaneously
by a hash table and by a search tree for optimal support of various queries and updates of your store.
Note: This project must be completed individually. Your implementation must use C/C++ and ultimately your code must run on the Linux machine
You must build all dynamic data structures by yourself from scratch. All memory management must be handled using only malloc and free, or new and delete. That is, you may
not make use of any external libraries of any type for memory management! You may only use
the standard libraries for I/O and string functions (stdio.h, stdlib.h, string.h, and their equivalents in
C++). If you are in doubt about what you may use, ask me.
Remember that you must use a version control system as you develop your solution to this project. Your
code repository must be private to prevent anyone from plagiarizing your work.
1 The myAppStore Application
Applications for mobile phones are available from a variety of online stores, such as iTunes for Apple’s
iPhone, and Google Play for Android phones.
In this project you will write an application called myAppStore. First, you will populate myAppStore
with data on applications under various categories. The data is to be stored simultaneously in both a hash
table to support fast look-up of an application, and in a search tree to support certain queries.
Once you have populated myAppStore with application data, you will then process queries about the
apps and/or perform updates in your store.
1.1 myAppStore Application Data Format
The myAppStore application must support n categories of applications. Allocate an array of size n of type
struct categories, which includes the name of the category, and a pointer to the root of a search tree
holding applications in that category. That is, there is a separate search tree for each category of applications.
For example, if n = 3, and the three categories are “Games,” “Medical,” and “Social Networking,” then you
are to allocate an array of size 3 of struct categories and initialize each position to the category name
and a pointer to the root of a search tree for applications in that category (initially nil).
#define CAT_NAME_LEN 25
struct categories{
char category[ CAT_NAME_LEN ]; // Name of category
struct tree *root; // Pointer to root of search tree for this category
// Dynamically allocate an array of size n of type struct categories
struct categories *app_categories = (struct categories *) malloc( n * sizeof( struct categories ) );
The search tree to be implemented is a binary search tree (BST). Each node of the binary search tree
contains a record for the application and a pointer to the left and right subtrees, respectively; see struct
app info, and struct tree). The BST is to be ordered on the application name app name field.
struct tree{ // A binary search tree
struct app_info record; // Information about the application
struct tree *left; // Pointer to the left subtree
struct tree *right; // Pointer to the right subtree
For each application, its category, app name, version, size, units, and price are provided in that order in
the data set.
#define APP_NAME_LEN 50
#define VERSION_LEN 10
#define UNIT_SIZE 3
struct app_info{
char category[ CAT_NAME_LEN ]; // Name of category
char app_name[ APP_NAME_LEN ]; // Name of the application
char version[ VERSION_LEN ]; // Version number
float size; // Size of the application
char units[ UNIT_SIZE ]; // GB or MB
float price; // Price in $ of the application
First, you are to populate myAppStore with m applications. For each application, allocate a node of type
struct tree. The node contains a structure of type struct app info; initialize the structure. Now, search
the array of categories, to find the position matching the category of the application. Insert the node as a
leaf into the search tree for that application category.
In addition, you must insert into a hash table using the app name as the key. Only the app name and a
pointer to the node just inserted into the search tree storing the full application record are to be stored in
the hash table (not any of the other fields of the application). The hash table is to be implemented using
separate chaining, with a table size k that is the first prime number greater than 2 × m. (You may find
the boolean function in the file provided to you useful; it returns true if the integer parameter
is a prime number and false otherwise.) That is, a hash table of size k containing entries of type struct
hash table entry * is to be allocated and maintained.
struct hash_table_entry{
char app_name[ APP_NAME_LEN ]; // Name of the application
struct tree *app_node; // Pointer to node in tree containing the application information
struct hash_table_entry *next; // Pointer to next entry in the chain
// Declare hash table; dynamically allocate it as an array of size k of pointers
struct hash_table_entry **hash_table;
The hash function is computed as the sum of the ASCII value of each character in the application name,
modulo the hash table size. For example, if a game is named Sky and the hash table size is 11, then the
hash function value is: (83 + 107 + 121) mod 11 = 311 mod 11 = 3, because the ASCII value for S is 83, for
k is 107, and for y is 121. That is, the app name and a pointer to the node inserted into the search tree, is
inserted at the head of the chain at position 3 of the hash table.
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1.2 myAppStore Queries and Updates
Once myAppStore is populated with m applications, you are ready to process q queries and updates. When
all queries and updates are processed, if requested your myAppStore application is to collect characteristics
of the data structures constructed, and then terminate gracefully. Graceful termination means your program
must deallocate all dynamically allocated data structures that you created before it terminates.
In the following, <> bracket variables, while the other strings are literals. There are 5 queries that
myAppStore must be able to process:
1. find app , searches the hash table for the application with name . If found, it
prints Found Application: and then follows the pointer to the node in the search tree
to print the record associated with the application (i.e., the contents of the struct app info, with
each field tab indented and labelled on a separate line); otherwise it prints Application
not found. substituting the parameter app name given in the command.
2. find category , searches the array of categories to find the given .
If found, and the BST is not empty prints Category: , then performs an inorder traversal of the search tree for that category, printing the tab indented name of the application (field app name in the record), i.e., this results in a list of applications of the given category in sorted order by app name. If the is found but the tree is empty, then
print Category no apps found. If the does not exist, prints
Category not found., always substituting the parameter category name given in
the command.
3. find price free, steps through the array of categories in the order provided and, for each category,
performs an in-order traversal of the search tree, printing the names of the applications in each category
whose price is free on a separate line. Organize your output by category, i.e., with the title Free
Applications in Category: . If no free applications are found print No free
applications found.
4. range price , for the given , performs an in-order
traversal of the search tree, printing the tab indented name of the each application whose price is greater
than or equal to (float) and less than or equal to (float) on a separate line with the header
Applications in Price Range (,) in Category: . If no applications are found whose price is in the given range print No applications found in
for the given price range (,). substituting the parameters given in the command.
5. range app , for the given , performs an in-order
traversal of the search tree, printing the tab indented names of the applications whose application name (app name) is alphabetically greater than or equal to (string) and less than or
equal to (string) with the header Applications in Range (,) in Category:
. If no applications are found whose name is in the given range print No applications
found in for the given range (,). substituting the parameters
given in the command.
There is only one update that myAppStore must be able to process:
1. delete , first searches the hash table for the application with name
. Then it first deletes the entry from the search tree of the given , and then
also deletes the entry from the hash table. Finally, it prints Application from Category
successfully deleted. If the application is not found it prints Application
not found in category ; unable to delete. substituting the parameters given in the command.
3 CSE 310/SLN 82170
1.3 Sample Input
The following is sample input myAppStore must process. You may assume that the input is in the correct
format. (The comments are not part of the input.)
3 // n=3, the number of app categories
Games // n=3 lines containing the names of each of the n categories
Social Networking
4 // m=4, number of apps to add to myAppStore; here all in Games
Games // Each field in app_info is provided in order; first the name of the category
Minecraft: Pocket Edition // Name of the application
0.12.1 // Version number of the application
24.1 // Size of the application
MB // Units corresponding to the size, i.e., MB or GB
6.99 // Price of the application
Games // Start of record for the second app
FIFA 16 Ultimate Team
Games // Start of record for the third app
Candy Crush Soda Saga
Games // Start of record for the fourth app
Game of Life Classic Edition
8 // q=8, number of queries and/or updates to process
find app Candy Crush Soda Saga // List information about the application
find category Medical // List all applications in the Medical category
find price free // List all free applications
range Games app A F // List alphabetically all Games whose name is in the range A-F
range Games price 0.00 5.00 // List all names of Games whose price is in the range $0.00-$5.00
delete Games Minecraft // Delete the game Minecraft from the Games category
find category Games // List all applications in the Games category
find app Minecraft // Application should not be found because it was deleted
no report // do not produce hash table and tree statistics
1.4 Sample Output
The following is sample output produced by myAppStore. (The comments are not part of the input.)
Found Application: Candy Crush Soda Saga // Output of: find app Candy Crush Soda Saga
Category: Games
Application Name: Candy Crush Soda Saga
Version: 1.50.8
4 CSE 310/SLN 82170
Size: 61.3
Units: MB
Price: $0.00
Category Medical no apps found. // Output of: find category Medical
Free Applications in Category: Games // Output of: find price free
Candy Crush Soda Saga
FIFA 16 Ultimate Team
Applications in Range (A,F) in Category: Games // Output of: range Games app A F
Candy Crush Soda Saga
Applications in Price Range ($0.00,$5.00) in Category: Games // Output of: range Games price 0.00 5.00
Candy Crush Soda Saga
FIFA 16 Ultimate Team
Game of Life Classic Edition
Application Minecraft from Category Games successfully deleted. // Output of: delete Games Minecraft
Application Minecraft not found. // Output of: find app Minecraft
2 Program Requirements for Project #2
1. Write a C/C++ program that implements all of the queries and updates described in §1.2 on data in
the format described in §1.1. You must build all dynamic data structures, i.e., the hash table
and the BSTs, by yourself from scratch. All memory management must be handled using
only malloc and free, or new and delete.
2. If the last command is report, then collect characteristics of the data structures you’ve built as
described in §3 for your report. If the last command is no report then no statistics are collected.
3. Provide a makefile that compiles your program into an executable named myAppStore. This executable must run on, compiled by a C/C++ compiler that is installed on that
machine, reading input from stdin (of course, you may redirect stdin from a file in the prescribed
Sample input files that adhere to the format described in §1.1 will be provided on Canvas; use them to
test the correctness of your program.
3 Characteristics of the Data Structures
For the binary search tree associated with each category: Print the category name, a count of the total
number of nodes in the tree, the height of the tree, the height of the root node’s left subtree, and the height
of the root node’s right subtree.
For the hash table: Print a table that lists for each chain length `, 0 ≤ ` ≤ `max, the number of chains
of length `, up to the maximum chain length `max that your hash table contains. In addition, compute and
print the load factor α for the hash table, giving n and m.
Implement the find app command by directly searching the BST instead of the hash table.
The easiest way to do this may be to use the hash table to extract the and then search
the appropriate BST. Compare the time to find an ¡app name¿ using the hash table, and by searching the
BST for its category.
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4 Submission Instructions
Submissions are always due before 11:59pm on the deadline date. Do not expect the clock on your machine
to be synchronized with the one on Canvas!
1. The milestone is due on Thursday, 10/15/2020. See §4.1 for requirements.
2. The complete project is due on Tuesday, 11/03/2020. See §4.2 for requirements.
It is your responsibility to submit your project well before the time deadline!!! Late projects
are not accepted.
An unlimited number of submissions are allowed. The last submission will be graded.
4.1 Requirements for Milestone Deadline
For the milestone deadline, the hash table and the array of categories with a binary search tree for each
category must be implemented for myAppStore. You need only be able to support the query: find app
Submit electronically, before 11:59pm on Thursday, 10/15/2020 using the submission link on Canvas for
the Project #2 milestone, a zip1 file named containing the following:
Project State (10%): In a folder (directory) named State provide a brief report (.pdf preferred) that
addresses the following IN ORDER:
1. Describe any problems encountered in your implementation for this project milestone.
2. Describe any known bugs and/or incomplete query implementation for the project milestone.
3. While this project is to be complete individually, describe any significant interactions with anyone
(peers or otherwise) that may have occurred.
4. Cite any external books, and/or websites used or referenced.
5. A screen shot of your version control system showing commits over the development period.
Implementation (50%): In a folder (directory) named Code provide:
1. In one or more files, your well documented C/C++ source code implementing the hash table, and
the array of categories with a binary search tree for each category. There is only one query to
support for the project milestone.
2. A makefile that compiles your program to an executable named myAppStore on
Our graders will write a script to compile and run all submissions on; therefore
executing the command make myAppStore in the Code directory must produce the executable
myAppStore also located in the Code directory.
Correctness (40%): The correctness of your program will be determined by running it with input that
adheres to the specified format, some of which will be provided to you on Canvas prior to the deadline for
testing purposes. For the milestone deadline, these will only contain find category
Of utmost importance in this project is your memory management. You must build your dynamic
data structures from scratch and implement graceful termination (see §1.2).
As described in §2, your program must read input from standard input. Do not use file operations
to read the input!
The milestone is worth 30% of the total project grade.
1Do not use any other archiving program except zip. Do not include any files in your zip that are not directly related to
the project!
6 CSE 310/SLN 82170
4.2 Requirements for Complete Project Deadline
For the complete project, you must now add support of all additional queries and updates. Your program
should then terminate gracefully (see §1.2).
Submit electronically, before 11:59pm on Tuesday, 11/03/2020 using the submission link on Canvas for
the complete Project #2, a zip2 file named containing the following:
Project State (5%): Follow the same instructions for Project State as in §4.1.
Characteristics of Data Structures (15%): In a folder (directory) named Data provide a brief report
(.pdf preferred) that reports the characteristics of the hash table and BSTs constructed, and an experiment to evaluate the implementation of find, for several data sets as described in §3. Clearly label
your results by the data set used!
Interpret your results to answer the following questions:
1. How well do you think the hash function satisfies the assumption of simple uniform hashing?
2. Do the BSTs appear to be balanced, and does this impact any queries?
3. Which data structure best supports the find command? Are your results statistically significant?
Implementation (40%): Follow the same instructions for Implementation as in §4.1.
Correctness (40%): The same instructions for Correctness as in §4.1 apply except that the input files will
exercise all queries and updates from §1.2 rather than a subset of them. In addition, the output is to
include characteristics of the data structures constructed.
5 Marking Guide
The project milestone is out of 100 marks.
Project State (10%): Summary of project state, use of a zip file, and directory structure required (i.e., a
folder/directory named State and Code is provided).
Implementation (50%): 45% for the quality of implementation in your code including proper memory
management, construction of the binary search trees, and query processing; 5% for a correct makefile.
Correctness (40%): 40% for correct output on several sets of sample input data, 5% for redirection from
standard input.
The full project is out of 100 marks.
Project State (5%): Summary of project state, use of a zip file, and directory structure required (i.e., a
folder/directory named State, Code, and Report is provided).
Characteristics of Data Structures (15%): A brief report answering presenting the characteristics of
the data structures collected, design of an experiment for the find command, and interpretation of
your results.
Implementation (40%): 35% for the quality of implementation in your code including proper memory
management, construction of the hash table and the binary search trees, and all query/update processing; 5% for a correct makefile.
Correctness (40%): 45% for correct output on several sets of sample input data; 5% for redirection from
standard input.
2Do not use any other archiving program except zip. Do not include any files in your zip that are not directly related to
the project!
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