
CSE 241/505 Homework # 3 Our CPU in C++ solved

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This homework will be very similar to HW1, only it will use OOP techniques.
First, you will design and implement a class for a CPU that has 5 registers (R1, R2, R3, R4, R5) and
no other memory. Your CPU also has a special register PC (program counter) that keeps the current
program line number that it executes.

All registers are initialized to zero (PC is 1 ) when the CPU
objects are formed. Your CPU class should have functions for
• Appropriate constructor(s)
• Setters and getters for all registers and PC
• print function that prints all the registers and the PC
• halted function returns true if the last instruction executed halted the CPU.
• execute function takes a string that contains an instruction line, executes it and advances
the PC accordingly. For example, myCPU.execute(“MOV R1, 100”) puts the value of 100 to
the register 1.

The instruction set for your CPU class will be the exactly the same as HW1.
Second, you will design and implement another class for a CPU program. Your CPUProgram will
have the following member functions:
• ReadFile function takes a string file name as a parameter, reads the program file and stores
all the program instructions.
• A constructor that takes a file name as parameter and calls the functions readFile.
• getLine function takes an integer as the parameter and returns a string that contains the
program line that corresponds to the integer.

• size function returns the number of lines read from the file.
Your main function will make one CPUProgram object and one CPU object. The file name and the run
time options will come from the command line as in HW1. You will use getLine function of
CPUProgram to get the program lines and use the execute function of CPU objects to execute the
lines. In other words, there will be a loop in your main function such as below
// some code here
CPUProgram myProg( /* params here */);
CPU myCPU( /* params here */);
// some code here

// some code here
string instruction = myProg.getLine(myCPU.getPC());
// some code here

Important Notes:

 Your command line parameters will be the same as HW1
 Use the square adding program from HW1 to test your new classes.
 Your program should handle error cases such as syntax errors in the input files. You should
print an error message on the screen and halt the program if you detect an error in the input.
 With your submission, include the results of a few runs of your program with different
programs and run options.
 Use all the OOP principles that we learned in the class.
 Use separation of interface and implementation. In other words, you will have at least
3 .cpp files (driver, CPU, and CPUProgram) and 2 header files.
 Do not forget to indent your code and provide comments.
 You should submit your work to the moodle page. You should strictly follow the submission