
CSCI 677 Assignment 3 solved

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This is a programming assignment. The goal is to use SIFT descriptors to locate desired objects in images
that may contain other objects, occlusion and general clutters. It is assumed that the SIFT points on objects
will arise primarily from a planar surface and that they can be matched in other views by homography
transformations. All required functions are available in OpenCV version >= 4.4.0. The instructions below
are based on OpenCV 4.5.2. An outline of the procedure can be found at: py matcher.html
The basic workflow is to create and compute SIFT features, match key points through a matcher, refine
matches and estimate the homopgraphy matrix accordingly. At the end, we need to assess if enough matches
are found for considering an object as being ”detected”.
You are asked to use the ”brute force” matcher (BFmatcher). We recommend using bf.knnMatch that
returns top-k matches by filtering out weak matches according the ratio between the best and the second
best matches. A snippet of code looks like:
1 import cv2
2 bf = cv2 . BFMatcher ()
3 matchs = bf . knnMatch ( src_dpts , dst_dpts , k =2) # If k is set to 2.
You may refer to py matcher.html for more details.
We suggest to set k=2 but you are encouraged to try other k values for the best matching results.
Homography estimation code is also available in OpenCV; hints on how to use it can be found in https:
// py table of contents feature2d.html. You are asked
to use RANSAC to estimate matches. RANSAC is already implemented in OpenCV, you merely need to
choose this option.
As this assignment is mostly implemented using built-in functions, you are asked to display some intermediate
results to show the internal work flow of the program.
a. SIFT features: show the detected features overlaid on the images (both the locations and directions, not
128-d vectors). Also give out the number of features detected in each image.
b. Graphically show the top-20 scoring matches found by the matcher before the RANSAC operation. Provide statistics of how many matches are found for each image pair.
c. Show total number of inliner matches after homography estimations. Also show top-10 matches that have
the minimum error between the projected source keypoint and the destination keypoint. (Hint: check the
mask value returned by the function estimating the homography)
d. Output the computed homography matrix. (The built-in homography finder also applies a non-linear
optimization step at the end; you can ignore or disable this step it if you wish.)
Image Data
The assignment folder contains a “HW3 Data” folder with five images. src 0, src 1, and src 2 contain objects
to be detected; dst 0 and dst 1 are target images. You need to detect each object in each target image,
respectively. Namely, you should show the matching results before and after RANSAC for the following 6
image pairs: (src 0, dst 0), (src 0, dst 1), (src 1, dst 0), (src 1, dst 1), (src 2, dst 0), (src 2, dst 1)
What to Submit
You should submit a compressed file including your source code (should be well commented) and report.
The report should include:
1. A brief description of the programs you implement.
2. Show the results of intermediate steps as listed in the descriptions above.
3. An qualitative analysis of your test results: how well does the method work? Does it work equally well
on the different examples? If not, why might the performance be better in one case then the other?
Note that the main goal is to locate the objects in the given images. We could transform the entire
object image and overlay on the target image, using the computed homography, but this is not asked
for. It will suffice to make your judgment based on results of feature matching (after homography