
CSCI 5523 Project 2-Association Rule Mining & Clustering Solved

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1 Problem 1 [25 points]
The files for this problem is under Experiment 1 folder. Datasets to be used for experimentation: store transaction.csv. Jupyter notebook: apriori analysis.ipynb. In this
experiment, we give a dataset of a store with thousands of transactions of customers buying
several items from the store. We will use the apriori algorithm to find correlations between
various items in the store. Answer the following question :
1. How many records are there in the dataset?
2. In a single transaction, what is the maximum number of items a customer has bought?
We assume that each record is a separate transaction
3. Write any five transactions a customer has done.
4. We use the wordcloud to generate a stunning visualization format to highlight crucial
textual data points and convey essential information. Generate and paste the wordcloud
with max words set to 25 and 50. Briefly describe your understanding of the plot.
5. What are the top 5 most frequent items in the dataset?
6. Suppose we have the following transaction data: [[’Apple’, ’Beer’, ’Rice’, ’Chicken’],
[’Apple’, ’Beer’, ’Rice’], [’Apple’, ’Beer’], [’Apple’, ’Bananas’], [’Milk’, ’Beer’, ’Rice’,
’Chicken’], [’Milk’, ’Beer’, ’Rice’], [’Milk’, ’Beer’], [’Apple’, ’Bananas’]]. Transform this
input dataset into a one-hot encoded Boolean array. Hint: In the Jupyter notebook, we
use TransactionEncoder to do the same.
7. In the input dataset, how many unique items are present?
8. Run Apriori to generate frequent itemsets at support thresholds of 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 5%,
6%, 8%,10%,12%,16% and 20%. In a single figure, for each threshold (X-axis), plot the
number of itemsets (Y-axis). Comment on the general trends illustrated by the plots
and the reason for the trend.
9. At support threshold 1%, we see frequent itemset of size three along with size 2 and 1.
However, at the support threshold of 2%, we observe itemsets of size 1 and 2 only. Why
do you think this is so?
10. Run Apriori to generate frequent itemsets of length 2 at support thresholds of 1%, 2%,
3%, 4% and 5%. In a single figure, for each threshold (X-axis), plot the number of
itemsets of length 2 (Y-axis). Comment on the general trends illustrated by the plots
and the reason for the trend.
11. For the following itemset, write down its corresponding support value:
• Mineral Water
• Chocolate
• Eggs
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• Eggs, Mineral Water
• Chocolate, Mineral Water
2 Problem 2 [25 points]
The files for this problem is under Experiment 2 folder. Datasets to be used for experimentation: instacart transaction.csv. Jupyter notebook: Instacart association.ipynb. Instacart, an online grocer, has graciously made some of their datasets accessible to the public
( In this experiment, we will
use apriori algorithm to find correlations between the different items in the store. Answer
the following question:
1. Given following transactions:
• order 1: apple, egg, milk
• order 2: carrot, milk
• order 3: apple, egg, carrot
• order 4: apple, egg
• order 5: apple, carrot
Using the apriori algorithm, write down the pair of items having a minimum threshold
of 3. Briefly describe your steps.
2. How many unique orders and unique items are there in the dataset? Are unique order
same as number of records in the dataset? On average, per order, how many items does
a customer order?
3. Run apriori to generate pairs of itemset at support thresholds of 1%, 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%,
and 10%. In a single figure, for each threshold (X-axis), plot the number of association
rules (Y-axis). Comment on the trend of algorithm runtime at different thresholds.
4. Run apriori at support thresholds of 1%, 2%, 4%, 6%, 8% and 10%. For each threshold,
write a pair of association rules (you can choose any) along with its key metrics (i.e.
freqAB, supportAB, freqA,supportA, freqB, support, confidenceAtoB, confidenceBtoA,
lift). As a data scientist for the retailer giant, after observing the association rules, what
would you do to increase the sales.
3 Problem 3 [20 points]
The files for this problem is under Experiment 3 folder. Datasets to be used for experimentation: 2d data, chameleon, elliptical, and vertebrate. Jupyter notebook:
cluster analysis.ipynb. Cluster analysis seeks to partition the input data into groups of
closely related instances so that instances that belong to the same cluster are more similar
to each other than to instances that belong to other clusters. In this experiment, we provide
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examples of using different clustering techniques provided by the scikit-learn library package.
Answer the following question :
1. In the notebook, k-mean clustering assign users to two clusters i.e., cluster one has a
higher rating for action movies, and cluster two has higher ratings for horror movies.
Given the cluster centroid, assign the following users to their respective cluster assignment:
User Exorcist Omen Star Wars Jaws
Paul 4 5 2 4
Adel 1 2 3 4
Kevin 2 3 5 5
Jessi 1 1 3 2
2. A fundamental step for any unsupervised algorithm is to determine the optimal number
of clusters into which the data can be clustered. The Elbow Method is one of the most
popular methods to find the optimal value of k. For the toy example of the movie rating
dataset, what is the optimal value of K? Briefly explain your reasoning.
3. On the Vertebrate dataset, we illustrate the results of using three hierarchical clustering
algorithms (1) single link (MIN), (2) complete link (MAX), and (3) group average. As a
data scientist, given the class of the original dataset, which clustering algorithm makes
more sense. Explain your reasoning.
4. For DBSCAN, how many clusters are formed when the minimum number of points
(min samples) to set to 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively. For each instance, copy and paste
the plot of the clusters.
5. For elliptical and 2D data, we apply k-means and spectral clustering with the number
of clusters(k) = 2. Repeat the same set of clustering for k = 4 and copy and paste the
clusters formed. Which cluster method performs well when k =2 and k = 4.
4 Problem 4 [30 points]
The files for this problem is under Experiment 4 folder. Jupyter notebook: covid-19-
research-challenge.ipynb. In this experiment, given the large amount of academic literature surrounding COVID-19, you will help overloaded scientists to keep up with the research
happening all around the globe for faster development of the vaccine. Given that we have
recently studied clustering, can we cluster similar research articles together to make it easier
for health professionals to find relevant research articles? Clustering can be used to create a
tool to identify related articles, given a target article. Dataset Description: In response to
the COVID-19 pandemic, the White House and a coalition of leading research groups have
prepared the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19). CORD-19 is a resource of
over 29,000 scholarly articles, including over 13,000 with full text, about COVID-19, SARSCoV-2, and related coronaviruses. This freely available dataset is provided to the global
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research community to apply recent advances in natural language processing and other AI
techniques tCSCI 5523o generate new insights in support of the ongoing fight against this infectious
disease. There is a growing urgency for these approaches because of the rapid acceleration
in modern coronavirus literature, making it difficult for the medical research community to
keep up.
1. After we handle duplicates, what is the count, mean, standard deviation minimum, and
maximum values for abstract word count and body word count?
2. Briefly describe the data pre-processing steps done in the notebook for cleaning up the
3. For clustering, to create a feature vector, on what part of the article did we focus?
4. What is N-gram in machine learning? Given the following word list: [’the’, ’2019’,
’novel’, ’coronavirus’, ’sarscov2’, ’identified’, ’as’, ’the’, ’cause’, ’of’], what is its 2-gram
5. What does HashingVectorizer do? What is the feature size of HashingVector that we
used in our analysis?
6. We have randomly chosen 10 clusters using k-means clustering, vectorized using hashingVector, which makes some sense if we plot the t-SNE plot as articles from the same
cluster are near each other, forming groups. However, there are still overlaps. Can you
improve this by changing the cluster size or choosing a different feature size? Give the
size of the cluster and the feature size that makes more sense for you. Copy and paste
the corresponding t-SNE plot.
7. We have randomly chosen 10 clusters using k-means clustering, vectorized using tf-idf,
and we can see clusters more clearly. Can you improve this by changing the cluster size or
changing the max features value of TfidfVectorizer? Give the size of the cluster and the
max features value that makes more sense for you. Copy and paste the corresponding
t-SNE plot.
8. In the interactive t-SNE with 20 clusters, can you do a manual analysis of each cluster
to see what articles cluster together? Choose any 5 clusters and write 4-5 keywords that
describe it. Hover your mouse over the cluster point, and you can see the article that it
refers. You can moreover choose to display points of one cluster only in the plot. Also,
name the clusters that include articles involving the social and economic impacts of the
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