
CSCI 201 PA1 Stranded solved

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CSCI 201 PA1


You are a delivery person in a post-apocalyptic world where a phenomenon known as “timefall” has
wrecked the entire world. Timefall is no different from regular rainfall aside from it rapidly aging
everything it touches. You have just finished your last delivery of the day and are heading home on foot
when all of a sudden dark clouds begin to sweep in.

Timefall is imminent but your protective gear is
damaged from a fight with some bandits earlier on. Spending any amount of time in a timefall
unprotected is surely a death sentence but there are no shelters nearby. You must act quickly.
Luckily, you have a wrist cuff connected to the Chiral Network which enables instant teleportation to any
timefall shelter on the network. However, because you are cheap, your wrist cuff is a mid-tier model that
only supports limited Chiral frequencies.

Furthermore, if a shelter is already experiencing timefall, its
Chiral signal has a high probability of becoming corrupted and you will not survive the teleportation
process. In summary, you can only teleport to an available shelter — with a supported frequency and not
currently experiencing timefall.

What To Do:

● Write a Java program that accepts a list of timefall shelters and choose the first available shelter
to teleport to. Chiral frequencies supported by your wrist cuff will be provided by comma
separated user input. The list of timefall shelters will be provided in JSON format.
● Your program must make use of at least one collection in the java.util.Collection framework to
search for the first available shelter (for example ArrayList, LinkedList, PriorityQueue, etc.).
Failure to do so will result in significant deductions regardless of performance.
● Prune unavailable shelters from the file if one is encountered during the search process and save
the modified JSON file (overwrite original).

Object Notation:

Many software projects need to store persistent data, and there are a few ways to do this. Databases,
which we will cover later in the class, are primarily used for most web applications, but storing data in
files is also very common for many types of applications (i.e. mobile, standalone, web). This assignment
will require you to parse a file that contains timefall shelters and various information about them. The
data in the file is going to be stored as a JSON file, formatted as follows:
“chiralFrequency”: 0,
“timefall”: true,
“guid”: “4c73d893-4afe-48b9-95b3-b7034b990f7f”,
“name”: “West Knot Shelter”,
“phone”: “+1 (833) 500-2122”,
“address”: “534 Lorimer Street, Waiohinu, United Cities of America,

There could be multiple items in the data array, but there will be at least one. In this example, there is only
one object in the data array. I recommend that you create your own test files that are longer, since the files
we will use for testing will be different from the sample one provided.

Parsing JSON:

JavaScript Object Notation, abbreviated as JSON, is a lightweight data-interchange format. In other
words, it is a syntax that allows for easy storage and organization of data. It is commonly used to
exchange information between client and server, and it is popular because of its language independence
and human readability. JSON is built upon two basic data structures that you should already be familiar
with: dictionaries (maps) and ordered lists. An object in JSON is represented by an unordered set of
name/value pairs (i.e. dictionary).

Objects are contained by braces, { }, inside of which will list the
object’s attributes (with the syntax name : value), using a comma as the separator. The JSON format can
be confusing when you first use it, so feel free to use sites like JSONLint ( to check
if JSON files you create contain valid JSON or not.

There are quite a few Java JSON parsing APIs out there. Unfortunately, the JDK does not have built-in
support for JSON, but some of the more popular ones include GSON, Jackson, and JSON.simple. GSON,
a Java library created by Google, is known for its ease and flexibility of converting Java objects into
JSON objects (and vice versa), and it is simple and straightforward to use. Therefore, in this assignment
we will be using GSON.

Here are a couple of blogs discussing the merits of choosing one of these APIs over another if you are interested:

The Ultimate JSON Library: JSON.simple vs GSON vs Jackson vs JSONP
Top 5 JSON Library Java JEE Developers Should Know
You need to add the JAR file (we prefer that you use the gson-2.8.6.jar version since it is the most
updated) manually to your Java Build Path in Eclipse. First, move the JAR file to the top directory of your
Eclipse project. In other words, if your project is named username_CSCI201_Assignment1, put the JAR
file into the username_CSCI201_Assignment1 directory in your Eclipse workspace directory.

Next,perform the following steps in Eclipse:

1. Right click on your Eclipse project.
2. Click “Refresh”, which should make your JAR file show in the Package Explorer.
3. Right click on your Eclipse project again.
4. Choose “Properties”.
5. Select “Java Build Path”.
6. Click the “Libraries” tab.
7. Ensure “Classpath” is selected.
8. Click “Add JARs”.
9. Find the JAR in your project directory and select it.
10. Click “OK”.
11. Click “Apply and Close”.

JSON Data Format:

When your program first runs, you will need to prompt the user to enter the name of the JSON file that
contains the data on the different shelters. Your program should validate that the file is formatted properly.
You can assume the following data types for each:
chiralFrequency: int
timefall: boolean
guid: String
name: String
phone: String
address: String

If there is any problem parsing the data in the file, your program should print out as descriptive of an error
message as possible. The program should then prompt the user to enter another file. Here are some
examples of errors in file parsing you need to catch, though this list is not exhaustive:
● File not found
● Data cannot be converted to the proper type as shown above
● Missing data parameters
Extra data types are allowed. For example, if there was another line like “email”: “”,
this would be a valid file we could test your code against, so you should NOT print out an error message
in this case.

Sample Input:

“chiralFrequency”: 0,
“timefall”: true,
“guid”: “6b3a247e-eaa1-42fd-8b54-9a8dee59e3f1”,
“name”: “Isotronic Shelter”,
“phone”: “+1 (823) 537-3279”,
“address”: “918 Vine Street, Siglerville, United Cities of America,

“chiralFrequency”: 1,
“timefall”: false,
“guid”: “c4c62388-98a2-4240-8a6b-5a352e05b5fb”,
“name”: “Geekular Shelter”,
“phone”: “+1 (988) 523-2394”,
“address”: “462 Temple Court, Calverton, United Cities of America,

“chiralFrequency”: 2,
“timefall”: true,
“guid”: “a2e9f68c-c164-4ca1-a13a-7166ee0fa9cf”,
“name”: “Rooforia Shelter”,
“phone”: “+1 (890) 488-2489”,
“address”: “426 Clinton Avenue, Ogema, United Cities of America, 9082”
“chiralFrequency”: 3,
“timefall”: false,
“guid”: “f2ac81a3-dca4-4c3f-a7c4-193e32fc7b9e”,
“name”: “Maineland Shelter”,
“phone”: “+1 (804) 504-2189”,
“address”: “977 Bay Street, Duryea, United Cities of America, 3695”

“chiralFrequency”: 4,
“timefall”: true,
“guid”: “9125ab11-db16-4c2e-b84f-fdd504cb6d64”,
“name”: “Dreamia Shelter”,
“phone”: “+1 (827) 597-2957”,
“address”: “527 Polhemus Place, Temperanceville, United Cities of
America, 6841”

“chiralFrequency”: 5,
“timefall”: true,
“guid”: “885b4a72-a20f-4690-af66-772e21a7264c”,
“name”: “Ozean Shelter”,
“phone”: “+1 (812) 517-3382”,
“address”: “514 Verona Street, Ellerslie, United Cities of America,

Sample Output:

Welcome to Bridges Link.
Please provide timefall shelter data source: sample.json
=== Data accepted ===
Please provide supported Chiral frequencies: 1, 7, 9, 3
1) List all available shelters within the min and max of supported Chiral
2) Search for a shelter by Chiral frequency
3) Search for a shelter by name
4) Sort shelters by Chiral frequency
5) Jump to a shelter with the lowest supported Chiral frequency

Choose an option: 1
2 results
Shelter information:
– Chiral frequency: 1
– Timefall: None
– GUID: c4c62388-98a2-4240-8a6b-5a352e05b5fb
– Name: Geekular Shelter
– Phone: +1 (988) 523-2394
– Address: 462 Temple Court, Calverton, United Cities of America, 8728

Shelter information:

– Chiral frequency: 3
– Timefall: None
– GUID: f2ac81a3-dca4-4c3f-a7c4-193e32fc7b9e
– Name: Maineland Shelter
– Phone: +1 (804) 504-2189
– Address: 977 Bay Street, Duryea, United Cities of America, 3695
1) List all available shelters within the min and max of supported Chiral
2) Search for a shelter by Chiral frequency
3) Search for a shelter by name
4) Sort shelters by Chiral frequency
5) Jump to a shelter with the lowest supported Chiral frequency
Choose an option: 3
What shelter’s name are you looking for? GeKuLar SheLter.
No such shelter…
What shelter’s name are you looking for? GeeKuLar SheLter

Shelter information:

– Chiral frequency: 1
– Timefall: None
– GUID: c4c62388-98a2-4240-8a6b-5a352e05b5fb
– Name: Geekular Shelter
– Phone: +1 (988) 523-2394
– Address: 462 Temple Court, Calverton, United Cities of America, 8728
1) List all available shelters within the min and max of supported Chiral
2) Search for a shelter by Chiral frequency
3) Search for a shelter by name
4) Sort shelters by Chiral frequency
5) Jump to a shelter with the lowest supported Chiral frequency
Choose an option: 2
What Chiral frequency are you looking for? 20
That Chiral frequency does not exist.
What Chiral frequency are you looking for? 5

Shelter information:

– Chiral frequency: 5
– Timefall: Current
– GUID: 885b4a72-a20f-4690-af66-772e21a7264c
– Name: Ozean Shelter
– Phone: +1 (812) 517-3382
– Address: 514 Verona Street, Ellerslie, United Cities of America, 9544
1) List all available shelters within the min and max of supported Chiral
2) Search for a shelter by Chiral frequency
3) Search for a shelter by name
4) Sort shelters by Chiral frequency
5) Jump to a shelter with the lowest supported Chiral frequency
Choose an option: 4

Shelters successfully sorted by Chiral frequency.
1) List all available shelters within the min and max of supported Chiral
2) Search for a shelter by Chiral frequency
3) Search for a shelter by name
4) Sort shelters by Chiral frequency
5) Jump to a shelter with the lowest supported Chiral frequency

Choose an option: 5
=== Commencing timefall shelter search ===
=== Matching timefall shelter found! ===
Shelter information:
– Chiral frequency: 1
– Timefall: None
– GUID: c4c62388-98a2-4240-8a6b-5a352e05b5fb
– Name: Geekular Shelter
– Phone: +1 (988) 523-2394

– Address: 462 Temple Court, Calverton, United Cities of America, 8728
=== Commencing Chiral jump, see you in safety. ===
Welcome to Bridges Link.
Please provide timefall shelter data source: badinput.json
The file badinput.json could not be found.
Please provide timefall shelter data source: sample.json
=== Data accepted ===

Please provide supported Chiral frequencies: 4, 5
1) List all available shelters within the min and max of supported Chiral
2) Search for a shelter by Chiral frequency
3) Search for a shelter by name
4) Sort shelters by Chiral frequency
5) Jump to a shelter with the lowest supported Chiral frequency

Choose an option: 5
=== Commencing timefall shelter search ===
=== Chiral frequency 4 unstable, Chiral jump unavailable. ===
=== Removing target shelter from the list of shelters and saving updated list
to disk. ===
=== Chiral frequency 5 unstable, Chiral jump unavailable. ===
=== Removing target shelter from the list of shelters and saving updated list
to disk. ===

=== No shelter available. You are DOOMED. ===
Welcome to Bridges Link.
Please provide timefall shelter data source: sample.json
=== Data accepted ===
Please provide supported Chiral frequencies: 2, 3

1) List all available shelters within the min and max of supported Chiral
2) Search for a shelter by Chiral frequency
3) Search for a shelter by name
4) Sort shelters by Chiral frequency
5) Jump to a shelter with the lowest supported Chiral frequency

Choose an option: 5
=== Commencing timefall shelter search ===
=== Chiral frequency 2 unstable, Chiral jump unavailable. ===
=== Removing target shelter from the list of shelters and saving updated list
to disk. ===
=== Matching timefall shelter found! ===

Shelter information:
– Chiral frequency: 3
– Timefall: None
– GUID: f2ac81a3-dca4-4c3f-a7c4-193e32fc7b9e
– Name: Maineland Shelter
– Phone: +1 (804) 504-2189
– Address: 977 Bay Street, Duryea, United Cities of America, 3695
=== Commencing Chiral jump, see you in safety. ===
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\END OF EXAMPLE 3 (THIS IS NOT PART OF OUTPUT RUN)\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Output Clarification:

1) Numbers given as supported Chiral frequencies do not have to be in sorted order. “9, 3, 1, 7” would
have been a perfectly valid input in our first example.
2) It is valid if no frequencies are entered as supported Chiral frequencies.
3) All Chiral frequencies will be unique within a file. All names will be unique within a file.
4) When jumping to a shelter with a supported Chiral frequency, all shelters probed to see if timefall is
true should be removed from your collection. This action should be reflected in the resulting JSON
5) A valid phone number must have some country code with the ‘+’ in front of it and follow the same
format as sample.json. This means parenthesis around the area code and a dash in the appropriate
place as shown above. Any amount of whitespace in the phone number String is valid.
6) You may assume addresses are always valid addresses.

Grading Criteria:

Reading User Input (30%)
· 5% – The program prompts the user for filename & Chiral frequency input
· 5% – The program keeps prompting the user to choose options until the user chooses to jump
to shelter (option 5)
· 10% – Invalid user input is caught and dealt with appropriately (ask again)
· 10% – User input is parsed correctly
File I/O (30%)
· 2.5% – The filename is read from the user and the file is appropriately parsed
· 2.5% – If the file could not be found, an appropriate error message is displayed
· 2.5% – If the file cannot be parsed, an appropriate error message is displayed
· 2.5% – If the file has missing parameters, an appropriate error message is displayed
· 10% – If the file is malformatted in any other way, an appropriate error message is displayed
(ensure the program does not crash)
· 5% – Any pruned shelters should be saved to the input file
· 5% – Sorted shelters should be saved to the input file (option 4)
Collections (40%)
· 10% – A built-in collection from java.util is used for searching
· 5% – A matching shelter can be found when both Chiral frequency and timefall conditions are
· 5% – When listing shelters for option 1, only the available shelters with the supported chiral
frequencies within the range
· 5% – A shelter can be found by searching by chiral frequency
· 5% – A shelter can be found by searching by name
· 5% – No shelter can be found when the conditions are not met
· 5% – Any unavailable shelter found during the Chiral jump should be removed from the
built-in java collection


Export your Eclipse project and submit it on DEN. It is of paramount importance that you export correctly. If
we cannot import your project or if it contains errors after importing, you will get a zero.
Some notes:
● You MUST include the Gson JAR file as part of your Eclipse project. Without this, we will not be able
to run your submission and you will get a zero.
● It is up to you if you wish to include JSON files you create as part of your Eclipse project. We have
our own files we will test you against, so we will ignore any files of yours.