
CSCI 1583-601 ASSIGNMENT 5: A die-game, Pig! solved

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We are going to write our first game! It will be a simple dice game: Pig.
You’ll write the classes to model the players, the game, and a user interface.
You’ll also need a short class with a main method to start the game.

About the game: The game goes as follows. There are two players who take turns
playing. For each player’s turn the player can roll a single 6-sided die as
many times as he/she likes. Points are earned as follows: If the die is between
2 and 6, the player adds the value of the die to tally of points for that turn.
AAt any time during his/her turn, the player can decide to keep his/her points.
The points will be added to that player’s total score for the game, and it will
become the next player’s turn. The first player to reach 100 points wins.