1 Goal
The goal of this assigment is to become familar rasterization process.
2 Starter Code
The starter code can be downloaded from here.
3 Task 1
Download the code and run it. You should be able to see a white bunny as shown in Fig. 1. Make sure you
write your name in the appropriate place in the code, so it shows up at the top of the window. Here is a
brief explanation of the starter code:
• There are two folders in the package. “obj” contains the a few obj files that contain the geometry
information for different objects. The other folder “src” contains the source files. For this assigment,
you’ll be mainly modifying the “main.cpp” and the triangle class. “tiny obj loader.h” is a simple
header file for loading the obj files and you will use it as is.
• The main function in “main.cpp” is similar to the one in all the previous assignments. The Init
function, in this case, loads the model in addition to initializing the windowand events. The LoadModel
function, reads the vertices of triangles from the desired obj file and writes them into the vertices
vector. The CreateTriangleVector function then creates an instance of the triangle class for
each three vertices in the vertices vector and pushes them into the triangleVector vector.
• The display code then constructs the modelview and projection matrices and draws the triangles one
by one by calling the appropriate drawing function in the triangle class. There are two modes; one
drawing using OpenGL (RenderOpenGL) and the other is drawing with CPU (RenderCPU). The
function for drawing using OpenGL is already provided, but you have to implement the rasterization
process in RenderCPU function. You can toggle between rendering using OpenGL and CPU using
the space key. In the skeleton code, OpenGL draws a white bunny, since the color of all the vertices
are set to white in the triangle class constructor. The CPU mode, however, does not draw anything
since the RenderCPU function is empty.
• You can move closer and further away from the object using ’w’ and ’s’, respectively. The code
simply adjusts the distance of the camera to the coordinate center where the object is located at.
Currently, the path to the obj file is hardcoded. You should set up your code so it takes the path to the
obj file as the input argument. This way you can test your system on different models without changing the
source code.
4 Task 2
In this part, you will be implementing different coloring modes. You should be able to switch between
different modes by pressing ’0’, ’1’, and ’2’.
• Mode 0: Assign a random color to each triangle, as shown in Fig. 2 (left). Note that your version is
not going to be exactly like the one shown in this figure as you’ll be assigning the colors randomly.
Figure 1: Running the skeleton code should produce a white bunny as shown here.
Figure 2: The coloring modes 0, 1, and 2 are shown on the left, middle, and right, respectively.
• Mode 1: Assign a random color to each vertex, as shown in Fig. 2 (middle). Again your version is
going to be different from the one shown in this figure.
• Mode 2: Use the z value of the pixel as the color, as shown in Fig. 2 (right). You can chose any color
you want for this. For this, you have to map the z values to range 0 and 1 (min-z mapped to 0 and
max-z to 1).
5 Task 3
Here you implement the graphics pipeline on CPU. A call to RenderCPU should draw the current triangle on to the framebuffer.color. You can use framebuffer.depth to implement the z-buffer
algorithm. You have to implement the followings:
• Transform the triangle to the screen – The vertices of the triangle are in object coordinate. To
project them onto the screen you first need to apply model view projection transformation to bring
them to normalize device coordinate (NDC). Finally you apply viewport transformation to go from
Figure 3: You have to make sure your rendering does not have artifacts like the ones on the left when the object is far away. The
correct rendering is shown on the right.
NDC to screen space. Here, we don’t have a model transformation (it is basically identity) and view
and projection matrices are provided using glm::lookAt and glm::perspective, but you
have to create the viewport matrix based on the screen resolution. Note that, you have to perform
perspective division (division by the w coordinate) to get the final transformed coordinates.
• Rasterize the triangle – The previous step places the triangle on screen. Now, you have to loop over
the pixels on the screen and determine if a pixel is inside or outside the triangle. To make sure the
code runs at a decent speed, you have to implement bounding rasterizer.
This means you need to
first compute the min and max of the x and y coordinates of the triangle vertices to find the box that
contains the triangle. Then you only look over the pixels in the box and perform the inside test.
Note that, you do not need to implement the edge cases that we discussed in the class. Since we
do not have any transparent objects, you can double rasterize the pixels shared with two triangles
(Incorrect solution #1 – slide 123).
Make sure there are not any gaps in between your triangles.
• Interpolate the color of the pixel using Barycentric coordinates – If a pixel is inside the triangle,
you need to compute its color by interpolating the color of the three vertices. For this, you need to
implement Barycentric coordinates (α, β, γ from the slides). Once you obtain these, you can compute
the color as the weighted sum of the color of vertices.
• Implement the z-buffer algorithm – In this stage, you make sure that only the triangles that are
closest to the camera are drawn. This can be done using the z-buffer method as discussed in the
class. The basic idea is to use a depth buffer (you can use frameBuffer.depth) to keep track of
the closest depth drawn so far.
You basically initialize this buffer with infinity. Then before drawing
each pixel onto the color buffer, you first check if its depth is less than the depth in the depth buffer.
If it is, then you color the pixel in the color buffer and update the depth buffer. If it is not, then you
do nothing. Note that, to obtain the depth at every pixel, you have to interpolate it from the depth of
the three triangle vertices using Barycentric coordinate.
• [Extra] Implement the clipping algorithm.
You need to test your implementation by comparing against GPU rendering (by pressing space) on
different objects and various conditions. Make sure you move the camera closer to the object and further
away to test the accuracy of your code (see Fig. 3). If you implement the clipping, test your algorithm by
getting really close to the object. Your rendering with clipped triangles should match that of OpenGL.
6 Deliverables
Please follow the instruction below or you may lose some points:
• You should include a README file that includes the parts that you were not able to implement, any
extra part that you have implemented, or anything else that is notable.
• Your submission should contain folders “src” as well as “CMakeLists.txt” file. You should not include the “build” or “obj” folder.
• Zip up the whole package and call it “Firstname”. Note that the zip file should extract
into a folder named “Firstname Lastname”. So you should first put your package in a folder called
“Firstname Lastname” and then zip it up.
7 Ruberic
Total credit: [100 points]
[05 points] – Taking the obj file as an argument
[20 points] – Implementing color modes
[05 points] – Mode 0
[05 points] – Mode 1
[10 points] – Mode 2
[75 points] – Implementing the full rasterization pipeline on CPU
[10 points] – Transforming the triangles
[25 points] – Implement bounding rasterizer with no gaps between the triangles. To get the full point,
your code should not take several seconds to render a frame.
[20 points] – Barycentric interpolation
[20 points] – Implement Z-buffer
Extra credit: [20 points]
[20 points] – Implement clipping
8 Acknowlegement
The color modes is based on Shinjiro Sueda’s assignment.