
CSC4008 Assignment 2 Solved

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1 Products You Might Buy [80pts]

Association Rules are frequently used for Market Basket Analysis (MBA) by retailers to understand the purchase behavior of their customers. This information can be then used for many
different purposes such as cross-selling and up-selling of products, sales promotions, loyalty programs, store design, discount plans and many others.
Evaluation of item sets: Once you have found the frequent itemsets of a dataset, you need
to choose a subset of them as your recommendations. Commonly used metrics for measuring
significance and interest for selecting rules for recommendations are:
1. Confidence (denoted as conf(A → B)): Confidence is defined as the probability of occurrence of B in the basket if the basket already contains A:
conf(A → B) = Pr(B|A),
where Pr(B|A) is the conditional probability of finding item set B given that item set A is

2. Lift (denoted as lift(A → B)): Lift measures how much more “A and B occur together”
than “what would be expected if A and B were statistically independent”:
lift(A → B) = conf(A → B)
where Pr(B) = Support(B)
and N = total number of transactions (baskets).

3. Interest (denoted as interest(A → B)): Interest measures the difference between its confidence and the fraction of baskets that contain B:
interest(A → B) = conf(A → B) − Pr(B).
(a) [10pts]
A drawback of using confidence is that it ignores Pr(B). Why is this a drawback? Explain why
lift and interest do not suffer from this drawback.
(b) [10pts]
A measure is symmetrical if measure(A → B) = measure(B → A). Which of the measures
presented here are symmetrical? For each measure, please provide either a proof that the measure
is symmetrical, or a counterexample that shows the measure is not symmetrical.
Application in product recommendations: The action or practice of selling additional products or services to existing customers is called cross-selling. Giving product recommendation
is one of the examples of cross-selling that are frequently used by online retailers. One simple
method to give product recommendations is to recommend products that are frequently browsed
together by the customers.
Suppose we want to recommend new products to the customer based on the products they have
already browsed online. Write a program using the Apriori algorithm to find products which are
frequently browsed together. Fix the support to s = 100 (i.e. product pairs need to occur together
at least 100 times to be considered frequent) and find itemsets of size 2 and 3.


• Associated data file is browsing.txt in A2/, which is the online browsing behavior
• Each line represents a browsing session of a customer. On each line, each string of 8 characters represents the ID of an item browsed during that session. The items are separated
by spaces. Some lines contain duplicate items. Removing or ignoring duplicates should not
impact your results. Below is the first 2 lines in browsing.txt:
1 FRO11987 ELE17451 ELE89019 SNA90258 GRO99222
2 GRO99222 GRO12298 FRO12685 ELE91550 SNA11465 ELE26917
ELE52966 FRO90334 SNA30755 ELE17451 FRO84225 SNA8019
(c) [30pts = 25 for rules + 5 for code]
Identify pairs of items (X, Y ) such that the support of {X, Y } is at least 100. For all such pairs,
compute the confidence scores of the corresponding association rules: X ⇒ Y , Y ⇒ X. Sort
the rules in decreasing order of confidence scores and list the top 5 rules in the writeup. Break
, if any, by lexicographically increasing order on the left hand side of the rule.
(d) [30pts = 25 for rules + 5 for code]
Identify item triples (X, Y, Z) such that the support of {X, Y, Z} is at least 100. For all such
triples, compute the confidence scores of the corresponding association rules: (X, Y ) ⇒ Z,
(X, Z) ⇒ Y , (Y, Z) ⇒ X. Sort the rules in decreasing order of confidence scores and list the
top 5 rules in the writeup. Order the left-hand-side pair lexicographically and break ties, if any,
by lexicographical order of the first then the second item in the pair.
• You do not need to use Spark for this program. If you want to use Spark, use Google Colab
to use Spark seamlessly, e.g., copy and adapt the setup cells from Colab 0.
• For sanity check, there are 647 frequent items after 1st pass (|L1| = 647).
• The top 5 pairs you should produce in part (c) all have confidence scores greater than 0.985.

2 Min-hashing [10pts]

Table 1 is a matrix with six rows.
Elements S1 S2 S3 S4
0 0 1 0 1
1 0 1 0 0
2 1 0 0 1
3 0 0 1 0
4 0 0 1 1
5 1 0 0 0
Table 1: Input Matrix
(a) [6pts]
Compute the minhash signature for each column if we use the following three hash functions to
simulate the random row permutation. For example, if we use h1, h1(0) = 1, which means row
0 is mapped to row 1 after the permutation.
1. h1(x) = 2x + 1 mod 6;
2. h2(x) = 3x + 2 mod 6;
3. h3(x) = 5x + 2 mod 6;
(b) [4pts]
Which of these hash functions produce true permutations? Here, a true permutation means that
the numbers generated by the hash function for row numbers form a permutation of 0 to 5.
3 CSC4008 Assignment 2

3 Estimation via Sampling [10pts]

Assume universities are unique, but a courseID is unique only within a university (i.e., different
universities may have different courses with the same ID, e.g., “CS101”) and likewise, studentID’s
are unique only within a university (different universities may assign the same ID to different
students). In the data, each tuple contains universityID, courseID, studentID, grade.

Suppose we
want to answer certain queries approximately from a 1/20th sample of the data. For each of the
queries below, indicate how you would construct the sample to avoid biased estimation. That is,
tell what the key attributes should be, and give a short explanation. You only need to explain
how to construct the sample, do not need to explain how to compute the fractions based on your
sample. (Hint: refer to page 18 of ch05a)
(a) [5pts] Estimate the fraction of students who have taken at least 5 courses.
(b) [5pts] Estimate the fraction of courses where at least half the students got “A.”

What to submit

You need to submit the following two files to BlackBoard. Please format your files as “student_id.pdf” and “” (or “student_id.ipynb”). For example, if your student id is 123456789,
then you should submit “123456789.pdf” and “” (or “123456789.ipynb”). You can submit several files in one submission. Don’t submit them in different submission.

1. A writeup contains
• Explanation for 1(a). [10pts]
• Proofs and/or counterexamples for 1(b). [10pts]
• Top 5 rules with confidence scores for 1(c). [25pts]
• Top 5 rules with confidence scores for 1(d). [25pts]
• Answer to 2(a). [6pts]
• Answer to 2(b). [4pts]
• Answer to 3(a). [5pts]
• Answer to 3(b). [5pts]
2. Your code for 1. [10pts]
4 CSC4008 Assignment 2