
CSC 1010H Tutorial 4 Data Structures and Problem Solving solved

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Learning outcomes
 Be able to apply a variety of strategies and techniques to problem solving, including divideand-conquer (breaking the problem into sub problems), and simplification (solving a
simplified version first).
 Construct and reason about solutions to programming problems requiring the use of data
 The features of Python lists and dictionaries, and the form of expressions used to construct,
deconstruct, and access such structures.
Question 1
Create a program called that will be used to log information on endangered animals
being tracked for a conservation study. The program will prompt the user for animal identity codes
and then iteratively respond to the following commands:
‘print’ – print the last known location of each animal.
‘log ’ – record that the animal with the
given identity code was recently observed at the given (x ordinate, y ordinate) location.
‘quit’ – terminate the program.
Here is a sample of expected program behaviour:
Please enter the animal identity codes. (Press return when done.)
Animal no. 1:
Animal no. 2:
Animal no. 3:
Animal no. 4:
Commands: print, log , quit.
Animal 3e46fa cannot be located.
Animal 432639 cannot be located.
Animal fe9810 cannot be located.
>log 432639 340 462
>log fe9810 001 151
>log 432639 395 507
Animal 3e46fa cannot be located.
Animal 432639 last seen at (395, 507).
Animal fe9810 last seen at (1, 151).
>log 3e46fa 2381 viey
The ordinates should be integers.
>log 3e46fa 2381 81
Could not interpret command.
Commands: print, log , quit.
Animal 3e46fa last seen at (2381, 81).
Animal 432639 last seen at (395, 507).
Animal fe9810 last seen at (1, 151).
How to solve it?
How will you answer the question? Can we make some suggestions?
The program has a well-defined structure that lends itself to the problem solving strategies of
simplification, and divide and conquer.
Applying divide and conquer, here are some of the sub problems that must be tackled:
 Write code to read in a series of identity codes.
 Write code that repeatedly asks the user to enter a command until that command is ‘quit’.
 Write code that can split a command up into parts.
 Write code that figures out if a command is ‘print’ or ‘log’, or unrecognisable.
 Write code that creates a data structure suitable for storing last known locations of animals.
 Write code that, given an animal identity code and a location, updates the data structure.
 Write code that can print the last known location of an animal.
 Write code that print all last known locations.
We’ve euphemistically used terms such as ‘series’ and ‘data structure’. Another sub problem is to
decide how identity codes and locations should be stored in the program: list(s) and/or dictionary? A
list could store a collection of identity codes, a dictionary could store identity codes and locations, a
tuple could be used to represent a location. We might be able to do everything just using a
Based on these sub problems, we can apply a simplification strategy. We can start with a program
that solves one sub problem and then gradually add in code that solves other sub problems,
eventually arriving at an overall solution.
A useful tip for simplifications is that you can embed data in your program. For example, say we
want to focus on writing code that goes through a dictionary of identity codes and locations, and
prints them out, we can start with code like this:
# Print a dictionary
def main():
# Fake data dictionary for our code:
locations = {‘0d33a’: (1, 10), ‘872343’: (0, 23)}

# Put code here to go through dictionary and print out details.

 Main program loop:
# get command
while not command==’quit’:
# process command.
# get command.
 Splitting a string up into a list of parts:
>>>’log e3232 32 42′.split()
[‘log’, ‘e3232′, ’32’, ’42’]
Question 2
‘Frogs and Toads’ is a simple puzzle game involving a row of squares, the leftmost of which contain
frogs and the rightmost of which contain toads e.g.
(Icon courtesy of
There is an empty square between the frogs and the toads. The challenge is to move the creatures,
one at a time such that the positions are reversed (all the frogs on the right, and all the toads on the
left) e.g.
Here are the rules:
 There is only ever one empty square.
 A square is either the empty square, or it contains exactly one frog or toad.
 A frog or toad facing the empty square can hop into it.
 A frog or toad can hop over another frog or toad if the empty square is on the other side.
 A frog can only hop from left to right.
 A toad can only hop from right to left.
Here is a sample game sequence involving two frogs and two toads:
The game can be lost by arriving at a state where nothing can move e.g.
Write a program called that allows a person to play a game of Frogs and Toads
using the computer. The program should ask for the number of frogs and the number of toads, and
then repeatedly print the puzzle state and ask the user for the index of a frog or toad to move.
The game ends when either the user enters ‘quit’, or succeeds in moving all the frogs to the right
and all the toads to the left, or arrives at a point where no more moves can be made.
Here’s a sample of expected program behaviour:
Enter the number of frogs:
Enter the number of toads:
1 2 3 4
Frog ToadToad
1 2 3 4
FrogToad Toad
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
Toad FrogToad
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
ToadToad Frog
Congratulations, you’ve won!
And here’s a sample in which the player loses:
Enter the number of frogs:
Enter the number of toads:
1 2 3 4 5 6
FrogFrog ToadToadToad
1 2 3 4 5 6
FrogFrogToad ToadToad
1 2 3 4 5 6
FrogFrogToadToad Toad
1 2 3 4 5 6
Sorry, you’ve lost.
And finally, here’s a sample in which the player quits:
Enter the number of frogs:
Enter the number of toads:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
FrogFrogFrogFrogFrog ToadToadToadToadToadToadToadToad
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
FrogFrogFrogFrogFrogToad ToadToadToadToadToadToadToad
How to solve it?
As with question 1, we can divide, simplify, conquer. It’s your turn to decide how to apply the
strategies; to decide which sub problems and simplifications will get you to your goal.
To get you started, however, here’s one way in which you can set up the initial puzzle:
num_frogs = int(input(‘Enter the number of frogs:\n’))
num_toads = int(input(‘Enter the number of toads:\n’))
state = [‘Frog’]*num_frogs+[”]+[‘Toad’]*num_toads
The idea is that the sequence of puzzle squares is represented using a list of strings.
 If a square contains a frog then the corresponding location in the list contains the string
 If a square contains a toad then the corresponding location in the list contains the string
 An empty string, ”, is stored in the location corresponding to the empty square.
To figure out what the third statement does, try entering it in the Python shell (the bottom panel of
the Wing 101 IDE) and experimenting e.g.
>>> num_frogs = 3
>>> num_toads = 2
>>> state = [‘Frog’]*num_frogs+[”]+[‘Toad’]*num_toads
>>> print(state)
[‘Frog’, ‘Frog’, ‘Frog’, ”, ‘Toad’, ‘Toad’]
>>> state[3] = state[2]
>>> print(state)
[‘Frog’, ‘Frog’, ‘Frog’, ‘Frog’, ‘Toad’, ‘Toad’]
>>> state[2] = ”
>>> print(state)
[‘Frog’, ‘Frog’, ”, ‘Frog’, ‘Toad’, ‘Toad’]
Question 3
Using the Problem Solving techniques dealt with in class, solve the following two problems. Show
any working, calculations, or visualisations you have used to get your result. Save your solutions in
an MSWord document called Question3Solutions.doc or docx.
a) The UCT Frigo café commissioned a small survey of the muffin preferences of students majoring
in computer science, physics and mathematics.
Unfortunately, the survey report got damaged. (Someone spilt coffee on it.) The staff have
managed to piece together some of the results. It looks as if it might be possible to deduce the
rest. This is what we know:
“Overall, one hundred and sixty students were surveyed, and of these, thirty eight
were studying Physics.
The students were asked if they preferred either banana, chocolate, or chocolate
The majority of students, one hundred and eleven of them, preferred one of the
chocolate flavours. Chocolate chip in particular was the most popular flavour
amongst computer scientists and mathematicians. Forty one mathematicians
and thirty three computer scientists preferred it.
Curiously, the second most popular flavour for computer scientists and
mathematicians was also the same – twenty one computer scientists and nineteen
mathematicians preferred banana.
None of the mathematicians liked chocolate flavour. For Physicists, however, this
was the most popular. Twenty two preferred it.”
Can you help piece together the missing information?
 How many students were surveyed from each major?
 For each flavour of muffin, overall, how many expressed a preference?
 What’s the breakdown of preferences by major? (That is, how many physicists preferred
banana, how many preferred chocolate, …, how many computer scientists preferred
banana, …, etc.)

b) A remarkable species of mongoose has been discovered, remarkable because it is extremely
long-lived and because it has strangely regimented breeding behaviour:
 A new born mongoose takes three months to reach sexual maturity.
 On reaching sexual maturity, a mongoose immediately finds a mate.
 A mongoose mates for life.
 A breeding pair of mongooses (mongeese? mongoosia?) gives birth to a new pair of
mongooses (exactly one male and one female) every month after reaching sexual maturity.
Say that we have a new born pair of these mongooses, ignoring the risks of unnatural death and
inbreeding, how do we express P(n), the population size in n months?
HINT: Work out P(n) for the first few cases, e.g. P(1) = 2.
Your solution should be a function in the form ‘P(n)=????’.
Question 4
A great deal of Computer Science involves doing research, experimenting and familiarising yourself
with new tools.
For students who have started CSC1010H in the first semester:
So far you’ve learnt the basics of Python Turtle. Now you’re expected to learn more about Python
Turtle. Find all the Python Turtle functions in the following way. From the Windows Start Menu find
the Python 3.x installation. Open the Python Manuals and search for ‘turtle module’ and you should
find the page with all the Python Turtle functions.
Learn how to use at least 5 new useful Turtle functions we haven’t used in class or in the course
notes so far. Use these, along with the functions you’ve already learnt about, to draw a picture of an
actual turtle.
(Don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be completely accurate, a rough approximation will do!)
For students who have started CSC1010H in the second semester:
Python Turtle is a teaching tool for learning programming which has been used in the course in the
first semester. Familiarise yourself with how to use it by going through the notes PythonTurtle1,
PythonTurtle2 and PythonTurtle3 in the Resources>LectureNotes section on Vula, and do the
following exercise.
Write a program using Python Turtle in a file called which draws your own initials, i.e. the
first character of your name and the first character of your surname, using block letters. If they are
the same character use the first two characters of your name. Use a different colour for each
character, other than black. Also horizontally centre the letters and ensure that they are 200 steps
high. Here is an example of what it should look like:
Marking and Submission
Submit the,, Question3Solutions.doc, and Python turtle program files
contained within a single .ZIP folder to the automatic marker. The zipped folder should have the
following naming convention:
Marking Guide
Question 1 Tracking 25
Question 2 Frogs and Toads 20
Question 3a Vida Café 12
Question 3b Mongeese 13
Question 4 Python Turtle 30
Total 100
Note that questions 3 and 4 will be marked manually.