
CSC 4520 HW1 Pseudocode and Recursion solution

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Q1: Find Missing Number (2 points)

Convert the following pseudocode algorithm into Java. You’ll find example tests within the main
method to ensure you’re headed in the right direction. Make sure you understand each
algorithm findMissing
Input: integer array A of length N where each element is distinct
and in the range [0, N]
Output: integer x where x is in the range [0, N], but not in A
s = the sum of all numbers in A
return (N(N+1))/2 – s

Q2: TwoSum (Fast) (3 points)

Convert the following code into Pseudocode and put it in twosum.txt. Hint: for some loops, you
should describe what it does in English. There are no tests for this problem, so be sure to
double check and test your translation manually, similar to how we did in lecture.
public static int[] twoSumFast(int[] arr, int target) {
HashSet seen = new HashSet<>();
for (int j = 0; j < arr.length; j++) {
int otherAddend = target – arr[j];
if (seen.contains(otherAddend)) {

for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i] == otherAddend) { return new int[] {i, j}; } } } else { seen.add(arr[j]); } } return new int[] {-1, -1}; }

CSC 4520 HW1

Q3: countFives (2 points)

Write countFives, which takes in an integer and returns the number of times 5 appears as a digit within the number.

Examples: countFives(123467890) // should output 0 countFives(555555) // should output 6 countFives(15354) // should output 2 In order to receive full credit for this problem, you must use recursion. I.e. using =, for, while, etc. is prohibited. Hint: recall the % and / operators: 123 % 10 // evaluates to 3 123 / 10 // evaluates to 12

Q4: pickTrees (3 points)

You build homes out of wood and you need material from a nearby forest. However, you want to avoid deforestation, so you decide for each tree you cut down, you’ll leave its neighbors alone, giving the forest time to recover. However, you still need as much wood as possible, so you have to be careful about which trees you pick to cut down.

Write pickTrees, which takes in an array of N trees arr where arr[i] represents how much wood you can harvest by cutting down tree i. It should return the max amount of wood you can harvest while following the rule of skipping neighbors: // Pick tree 0, tree 2, and tree 4 => 1 + 3 + 5 = 9 wood total
int testResult5 = pickTrees(new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5});

System.out.println(testResult5); // should output 9
// Pick tree 1 and tree 3 => 3 + 3 = 6 wood total
int testResult6 = pickTrees(new int[] {1, 3, 4, 3});
System.out.println(testResult6); // should output 6

// Pick tree 0 and tree 3 => 5 + 9 = 14 wood total
int testResult7 = pickTrees(new int[] {5, 1, 4, 9});
System.out.println(testResult7); // should output 14

In order to receive full credit for this problem, you must use recursion. I.e. using =, for,
while, etc. is prohibited.

CSC 4520 HW1