
CSC 446 Assign #8 solved

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Write a simple code generator for the C– language. Translate your Three Address Code into 8086 assembly language.

You will need to add the IOStatment productions to your parser

IO_Stat -> In_Stat | Out_Stat
In_Stat -> cin >> idt In_End
In_End -> >> idt In_End | 
Out_Stat -> cout << Out_Options Out_End Out_Options -> idt | Literal | endl
Out_End -> << Out_Options Out_End |  Use the intermediate instruction wr# for all cout’s in your program and rd# for all cin’s. The # is replaced by either the letter i (integer), c (character) or s (string). Omit real numbers for input and output. You will need to add a new class to your symbol table to handle string literals. The file io.asm is on the class web page and may be copied to your data disk for use in this assignment. It contains the assembly procedures writech – write a single ASCII char writeint – write an integer value writestr – write a $ delimited string writeln – write a newline readch – read a single character readint – read an integer value The template for all procedures will be as follows procname PROC push bp mov bp,sp sub sp, SIZE OF LOCALS FROM SYM TABLE ; translated code add sp, SIZE OF LOCALS FROM SYM TABLE pop bp ret SIZE OF PARAMETERS FROM SYM TABLE procname ENDP Variables in functions at depth > 1 will be stored in the stack. You will have to convert your offsets to the appropriate 8086 offsets if you have not done so already. The 8086 uses negative offsets. Your first variable ( _BP+0 ) would occur at [BP-2] in assembly. The instruction
mov ax, [BP-2]
would copy your first local variable into the AX register. Remember that you cannot do a memory to memory move in 8086 assembly.

All temporaries will be stored on the stack, you must use [bp] notations for all temps.
Your code generator needs to generate the following main procedure

_startproc PROC
mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax

call main

mov ax, 4c00h
int 21h
_startproc ENDP
END _startproc

The program beginning is as follows:

.model small
.stack 100h
VAR1 DW ? ; for integer variables at depth 1
VAR2 DB ? ; for characters at depth 1
_S0 DB “String”,”$” ; for strings with appended $
include io.asm

The following will be from your three address code file:

one PROC

one ENDP
main PROC
; as above
main ENDP

_startproc PROC
;; from above
_startproc ENDP
END _startproc