
CSC 410 Assignment 3 Design Encodings Solved

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Design Encodings

Word of Advice

The goal of this assignment is to design encodings for some puzzles. The interface to the solver is minimal
and you will need to use only a few functions. The difficulty is not in using the solver, in the sense that
you need to know how to do fancy things with it. The majority of your effort goes into devising a correct
encoding of the problem in SAT.

Problem 1(a) (40 points)

The goal is to learn how to encode a simple reachability problem. You are given an input grid of size n × m
where cells are either empty (zeroes) or blocked (ones), and we want to query if there is a path from one
cell to another avoiding the blocked cells.

On this grid, you can move from one empty cell to an adjacent
empty cell either vertically or horizontally, but not diagonally. You cannot enter a blocked cell. Your task
is to encode the problem into SAT.

Given your encoding, a solver should produce an answer to the following: is there a path from cell (ib, jb)
to cell (ie, je)? That is, if there is a path, the solver returns sat and if not, the solver returns unsat.
0 1 3 4
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0

Figure 1: Example text representation and visual representation of a problem. Remark, there is no path
from (0,1) to (3,4).
Input format In the input text file, the first line of the input contains 4 integers separated by spaces.

These are in order ib, jb, ie, and je respectively. The following n lines are the lines of the grid. Each line
contains exactly m integers separated by spaces, each integer is 0 or 1. A 0 represents an empty cell and
and a 1 represents a blocked cell.

Figure 1 gives an example text input on the left, and the corresponding grid on the right, with the
starting and ending cells marked. Note that the python code for parsing the input (a text file) is already
present in and you do not need to modify it.

For testing pruposes, two examples inputs are provided
in the test_inputs folder: q1a_sat.txt is satisfiable and q1a_unsat.txt is not.


Implement the function encoding(pt_from, pt_to, grid) in The function should return
True if there is a path from cell pt_from to cell pt_to in the grid grid, and False otherwise. You are not
allowed to modify the signature of the function, but you can add as many helper functions as you want.

Problem 1(b) (30 points)

You will build on your efforts for solving the previous problem for this one. You will solve the puzzle of the
psycho killer by encoding it into a SAT problem. Here is the puzzle for the case of a 4 × 4 grid:
A building has 16 rooms, arranged in a 4×4 grid.

There is a door between every pair of adjacent
rooms (“adjacent” meaning north, south, west and east, but no diagonals). Only the room in the
southeast corner has a door that leads out of the building.

In the initial configuration there is one person in each room. The person in the northwest is
a psycho killer. The psycho killer has the following traits: if he enters a room where there is
another person, he immediately kills that person. But he also cannot stand the sight of blood, so
he will not enter any room where there is a dead person.

As it happened, from that initial configuration, the psycho killer managed to get out of the building
after killing all the other 15 people. What path did he take?


Your task is to encode this problem into a SAT problem. The puzzle above is defined for a 4 × 4
grid, but you will produce an encoding that generalizes to any n × n grid. The psycho killer starts at the
northwest corner (room (0, 0)) and the exit is at the southeast corner (room (n − 1, n − 1)).
Implement the function encoding(n) in

It takes as input the size of the grid n, and should
return the list of moves taken by the psycho killer. If the killer can take a path killing all the n∗n−1 people,
the list of moves should take the killer from room (0, 0) to room (n − 1, n − 1). If there is no such path, the
list returned should be empty.

Problem 2 (30 points)

In this problem, you will experiment with giving two different encodings to the same problem, and comparing
their performance. The At-most-k constraint on n (n > k) variables (X1, . . . , Xn) is noted ≤k (X1, . . . , Xn)
and satisfied iff at most k of the X1, . . . , Xn variables are true.
Naive encoding Devise a simple encoding for the At-most-k constraint, and implement it in the naive(literals, k)

• The function should return all the clauses of the encoding that ensures at most k literals in the list
literals can be true.
• You are not allowed to create any new variables for the encoding in this function.

Encoding using a sequential counter Sinz [1] introduced an encoding for the At-most-k constraint by
encoding a sequential counter that counts the number of Xi that are true. For more details on why this
encoding works, you can read the original paper, but this is not required for the assignment.

To encode ≤k (X1, . . . , Xn), this encoding introduces (n−1)∗k new variables {Ri,j |1 ≤ i < n, 1 ≤ j ≤ k}.
Below is the conjunctive normal form of the encoding:
¬X1 ∨ R11
j=2 ¬R1,j

i=2 ((¬Xi ∨ Ri,1) ∧ (¬Ri−1,1 ∨ Ri,1))
j=2(¬Xi ∨ ¬Ri−1,j−1 ∨ Ri,j ) ∧ (¬Ri−1,j ∨ Ri,j )
i=2 (¬Xi ∨ ¬Ri−1,k)
∧(¬Xn ∨ ¬Rn−1,k)

1. Implement this encoding in the sequential_counter(literals,k) function in The function
should return all the clauses of the encoding that ensure at most k literals in the list literals are

2. Compare the performance of the two encodings and write a short paragraph in the comments in
to explain which encoding performs better depending on n and k, if there is one.
To help you, a small test function has been implemented in

You can execute the script
with three arguments: E is 0 to use your encoding, 1 to use the sequential encoding. N is the number
of variables and K is the number of variables that have to be set to true (0 < K < N).
python E N K

If your encoding is correct, the response should be PASSED in (-)s, where the “- ” will be replaced
with the running time (in seconds) of the solver to solve the encoded constraints.
Note that the test function encodes the constraint ensuring exactly k variables are true, not the
weaker constraint at-most-k. To do so, it calls your implementation of at-most-k twice, with different

Note that the goal of the test function is to encode the constraint that exactly k variables are true. It
achieves this by reducing the goal to a combination of results from two calls to your implementation
of at-most-k.


[1] Carsten Sinz. Towards an optimal cnf encoding of boolean cardinality constraints. In International
conference on principles and practice of constraint programming, pages 827–831. Springer, 2005.