
CS3820 PLC: Homework 5 solution

$30.00 $25.50



5/5 - (5 votes)

For this homework, you will explore internal verification in Agda. You will also make some choices
about the final project (though this will be posted a little after the posting date of April 3rd).
How to Turn In Your Solution
You should create a hw5 subdirectory in your repo. You will copy files from
subdirectories of the hw5 directory in the course repo.
Partners Allowed
You may work by yourself or with one partner (no more). See the instructions from hw1 for details
on how to submit your assignment if you work with a partner.
How To Get Help
You can post questions in the hw5 section on Piazza.
You are also welcome to come to our office hours. See the course’s Google Calendar, linked from
the Resources tab of the Resources page on Piazza, for the locations and times for office hours.
1 Reading
Read Chapter 5 of Verified Functional Programming in Agda, available for free (on campus or
VPN) here:
2 Basics of internal verification [21 points]
Fill in the holes in vector-todo.agda. The functions there should behave just like Haskell’s init,
last, and take functions, respectively. These are 7 points each.
3 Type-preserving compilation [70 points]
In several steps you will perform some compiler transformation and prove in Agda that they are
type-preserving (so an expression of type T is transformed to one of the same type).
The first step is to convert untyped expressions (RawExpr in expr.agda) into typed ones. These
typed expressions are the ones we looked at in class April 4th. RawExprs that are actually not
typable cannot be converted to typed Exprs. So writing this conversion from untyped to typed is
effectively writing a type checker for RawExprs. A real type checker needs to produce error messages
when typing fails, but here we will not attempt to do that.
1. In order to write such a type checker, it turns out a simple lemma about testing equality on
values of (Agda) type Tp is needed. So fill in the first hole in compiler.agda. [10 points]
2. The type checker itself is tpCheck in compiler.agda. It takes a RawExpr and produces a
Σ-type (see Section 5.3 of the book) containing a Tp T and an Expr T (that is, an expression
whose object-language type is T). Fill in the code for this function. I have started one case
for you using with, to give an idea of one way of writing the code which I found worked out
When your code is working the confirm example in compiler.agda will type-check (in Agda)
without any yellow highlighting.
[25 points]
3. Next, write a function called toIteExpr that will transform an Expr T to a semantically
equivalent IteExpr T. The idea is that the IteExpr type imposes some constraints on the
form of the expression:
• Additions are forced to be right associative by the AddNum constructor, which requires
the first argument to be a number (and hence the first argument cannot be an addition
expression itself).
• All if-then-else expressions must appear at the top of the expression, not under an
addition or a less-than expression.
These constraints are enforced through the types of the constructors of the IteExpr T type,
the LtExpr T type, and the AddExpr type.
I found that to write this function I had to define several interesting helper functions. For
example, I wrote a helper addIte with typing:
addIte : IteExpr TpNat → IteExpr TpNat → IteExpr TpNat
This function takes two IteExpr TpNat expression and forms the IteExpr TpNat expression
representing their addition. This requires pulling any if-then-else’s in the first or second
summand out to the top. Please implement your solution to the overall toIteExpr function
(and likely this helper) so that you pull if-then-else’s from the left summand to the very top,
above those in the right summand. (So you should resolve the ambiguity of whether to pull
if-then-else’s out of the first or second arguments of additions and less-than expressions in
favor of the first argument.)
You can (and should!) test your toIteExpr function using some of the testcases in expr.agda,
and possibly others. The problem is a bit tricky, but made much easier by the use of welltyped expressions, as the typing of the expressions helps prevent many mistakes that would
be hard to catch in testing.
[35 points]
4 Choices for final project [14 points]
Clone the for the GraMA final whole-class project,
which we discussed in class April 11th. We will code in Agda except for the parser. Use the same
process to clone the GraMA repo as we used at the start of the class for cloning the class repo.
The difference is that now the whole class has write access to this GraMA repo!
Please add a file to the teams subdirectory for your team (either just yourself or you and one
partner). The file should be named either just your hawkid if you will work by yourself, or in the
format “hawkid-hawkid” where the two Hawkids are for the two partners (like “zcook-aboss”, for
In this file, please list:
• Your team name (it cannot be rude!)
• The names of the team members (just so we don’t have to look up from Hawkid)
• Your preferences, in order from most to least preferred (you can omit some choices, too),
among the following parts of the project to work on:
– GraMA parser (to be written in Haskell and interfaced to Agda) and printer
– GraMA type checker
– GraMA evaluator
– printing a sequence of graphs to Graphviz format
– sample graph-manipulating programs written in GraMA
As discussed in class, the only sensible way for us to try to tackle this as an entire-class project is
for me to provide some critical interfaces. The plan is that I will craft datatypes in Agda for raw
abstract syntax trees (ASTs) for GraMA programs, as well as typed ASTs. I will probably also
provide a definition in Agda for graphs. Then the parser will target raw ASTs, the type checker
will convert raw ASTs to typed ones, the printer and evaluator can both use typed ASTs, and the
evaluator and printer to Graphviz will both use the graph datatype. The sample GraMA programs
will initially be written as typed ASTs.
On Wednesday, April 17, I will release these interfaces and give further guidance for the above
parts, along with assignments of teams (multiple teams will likely be assigned to each part).