1. Create one pdf as
submit. You also need to submit the SQL file as
Python file
2. Put questions in the order given here, and paste screenshots of
results next to it such a way that your solution is also clearly
3. In case it is required, write the solution explicitly along with a
4. You can look into the manuals of MariaDB and MongoDB for
finding the correct syntax only.
Part-I: Use MariaDB and university database [18]
1. Show the name of the departments which have more number
instructors than number of students. [2]
2. Show the names of all students who have taken any course from the
Comp. Sci. department. [2]
3. Show the name of the instructors and the courses they have taught
if the number of courses taught by the instructor is more than 1. [3]
4. Show the names of the students who have taken courses from
departments which are different from the department of their
enrolment. Show the names of the students, names of the courses,
departments of the courses, and departments of enrolments. [3]
5. Create a table oddeven that contains one integer field and one
varchar(5) field. Create a procedure poe, that accepts two integers
say a,b. Then poe inserts into table oddeven all integers between and
including a and b. For the second field poe inserts ‘odd’ or ‘even’
depending on the integer value in the first field. For example {
{1,’odd’}, {2,’even’} }. [4]
6. Create a function get_user which will return the username of the
currently logged in user. Create a user Snow with password white.
Demonstrate the function get_user using Snow. Use get_user in a
query of your choice. [4]
Part-II: MariaDB and canteen database [4]
1. Create a database canteen. Create a table menu with attributes id
int not null, and name varchar(50) not null, type that can take
value between ‘ healthy’ , and ‘ unhealthy’. Create another table
customerorder with attribute id not null , and count int not null.
Create a table price that will contain id of a dish in the menu and
amount float. [1]
2. Create a trigger init_price that will check the type of the newly
added dish in the menu, and will automatically initialize a price in
the correct table. For healthy foods price is 10, and for unhealthy
foods price is 15. [3]
Part-III: Use MongoDB and primer database [3]
1. Show the number of restaurants in Manhatttan for each cuisine in
ascending order if the number is more than 100 and less than 500.