
CS 8803 Special Topic: Machine Learning for Robotics Homework 1 solution

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Step 1: teach yourself ROS
For this set of project we will use the Kinetic version of ROS (ignore anything mentionning rosbuild).
Go to and follow tutorials 1 to 17. 9 is not really necessary. Get
familiar with BOTH Python and C++: we will need them during the class
As a suggestion, edit the file .bashrc in your group home folder and add the following line:
source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
(in case it is not yet so).
Note that you don’t need “sudo” access. Any command suggested by the tutorials that requires root
access can be skipped.
Step 2: start V-REP
V-REP is installed in /cs-share/pradalier/V-REP.
Launch it by running the following line:
cd /cs-share/pradalier/V-REP
sh ou ./
Run roscore before V-REP to make it export all its variable to ROS.
Once V-REP is running, open the scene rosControlKinect.ttt in /csshare/pradalier/scenes
Start playing it by clicking on the triangular icon in the menu bar. The first time a scene is launched, the
pre-processing takes some time. The simulation is running once you see the red laser marks on the
V-REP exports the following topics:
Ignore, used in ROS logging system
/tf The tree of transformation describing the relation
between different objects in the scene. Ignore for
/vrep/depthSensor The laser scanner data points.
/vrep/info Internal vrep data
The position of the encoder for the left and right
The desired velocity of the left and right wheel
Commanded velocity vector (6D) and status.
Use /vrep/twistCommand to make the robot move.
/vrep/visionSensor/compressed …
/vrep/visionSensor/theora …
The output of the on-board camera. You can
ignore the compressed and theora topic for now.
/vrep/visionSensorInfo The camera calibration.
Use rostopic list and rostopic echo to check the data published by V-REP but do not spend too much
time on it for this homework, will work on the data later.
Step 3: Implement a joystick control
A set of joystick is available on demand. Please borrow them when you need them. You can keep them
during the semester, but please bring them back after the final project.
ROS provides tools to read the joystick state. Check the web for details.
Create a small ros package with a node that will receive the joystick data and send corresponding
commands to the simulated robot.
Submit the ros package (tar.gz or zip) by email by next Wednesday, 10:00 to (don’t forget to mention you group name)