
CS 6240: Assignment 3 solution

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Goal: Implement PageRank in MapReduce to explore the behavior of an iterative graph algorithm.
This homework is to be completed individually (i.e., no teams). You have to create all deliverables
yourself from scratch. In particular, it is not allowed to copy someone else’s code or text and modify it.
(If you use publicly available code/text, you need to cite the source in your code and report!)
Please submit your solution through Blackboard by the due date shown online. For late submissions you
will lose one percentage point per hour after the deadline. This HW is worth 100 points and accounts for
15% of your overall homework score. To encourage early work, you will receive a 10-point bonus if you
submit your solution on or before the early submission deadline stated on Blackboard. (Notice that your
total score cannot exceed 100 points, but the extra points would compensate for any deductions.)
Always package all your solution files, including the report, into a single standard ZIP file. Make sure
your report is a PDF file.
To enable the graders to run your solution, make sure your project includes a standard Makefile with
the same top-level targets (e.g., alone and cloud) as the one Joe presented in class (see the Extra
Material folder in the Syllabus and Course Resources section). You may simply copy Joe’s Makefile and
modify the variable settings in the beginning as necessary. For this Makefile to work on your machine,
you need Maven and make sure that the Maven plugins and dependencies in the pom.xml file are
correct. Notice that in order to use the Makefile to execute your job elegantly on the cloud as shown by
Joe, you also need to set up the AWS CLI on your machine. (If you are familiar with Gradle, you may also
use it instead. However, we do not provide examples for Gradle.)
As with all software projects, you must include a README file briefly describing all of the steps necessary
to build and execute both the standalone and AWS Elastic MapReduce (EMR) versions of your program.
This description should include the build commands, and fully describe the execution steps. This
README will also be graded.
PageRank in MapReduce
For this assignment, we are going to apply PageRank to Wikipedia articles in order to find the most
referenced ones. In practice this requires several non-trivial pre-processing steps. For example, the
Wikipedia dumps might be compressed in a format not (well-) supported by Hadoop. In principle it is
easy to find hyperlinks in HTML, doing so requires some experience with document parsers. As some
links are not interesting, an understanding of the domain document schema is necessary but takes a
significant amount of time. Dealing with such obstacles is part of the real data analysis experience, but
since we want you to focus on parallel data processing algorithms, we decided to help you get started
more quickly.
We transformed the original Wikipedia 2006 data dump into Hadoop-friendly bz2-compressed files and
made them available at:
Use the simple 2006 English dataset for local development: wikipedia-simple-html.bz2
Use the four files comprising the full 2006 English dataset for final evaluation on EMR:
.bqz2 File Format
The bz2 compression format works well for parallel computation, because it reduces size while
remaining “splittable”, meaning that it can be processed in chunks in parallel like uncompressed data.
Other compression formats such as zip require centralized decompression. Each line of the bz2 file is
formatted to contain the name of the Wikipedia page, a colon (:), and then the full contents of the page
on a single line. (Note that there may be a header and/or footer—not shown below—bracketing the
sequence of pages.)

Wikipedia HTML Format
You need to convert the Wikipedia data into an adjacency-list based graph representation, using the
original page names as the node IDs. The distracting nuisance components (e.g., file path prefix and
.html suffix) must be removed. The Wikipedia files are in XHTML so they may be parsed by either an
HTML or XML parser. An example parser will be made available together with this assignment to help
you get started. Feel free to use and modify it. It is important to only keep hyperlinks from within the
bodyContent div tag of the document and ignore all others.
For example:

… ignore all links in this part of page …

… KEEP all links in this section, including any nested in sub

tags …

… ignore all links in this part of page …

From each anchor tag href attribute within the body content div, you must parse the referenced page
name. Strip off any path information from the beginning as well as the .html suffix from the end, leaving
only the page name. Also, discard any page names containing a tilde (~) character as these are wellconnected but uninteresting to the results.
A SAX XML parser, also using regular expressions, is provided as a usable example. You may incorporate
it into your preprocessing stage, however it is not warranted to be bug free. Basically, it is an
implementation that filters and keeps relevant links from a Wikipedia page, per the above specification.
The parser should work fine, but is not guaranteed to be 100% correct. Check its output on some
carefully selected examples to see if it performs satisfactorily. Report any parser errors and possible
fixes on the discussion board for participation credit. (Only the first one to report a bug or fix will receive
credit for it.)
Tip: It is very important to see the data; we strongly recommend you write a Java program that reads
lines from a provided bz2 file and then pretty-prints a few of these html pages to allow you to see their
structure. Then incorporate your parser into this standalone program to confirm that it keeps only the
required URLs and strips them to only their name. Taking these incremental steps will save time in the
long term and allow you to verify the accuracy of the parser.
In order to implement PageRank, you will need to issue an iterative series of jobs. The first job will
receive lines from a bz2 file chunk in the format shown above and perform the pre-processing. The next
set of jobs will successively refine the ranks of the pages 10 times. The final job will output the top-100
highest ranked pages, sorted from highest to lowest, along with their calculated ranks.
The specifications are intended to describe the high-level problem. It is impossible to document every
step you will take and issue that you will encounter processing this big data. You must look at and
analyze the data yourself and use your judgement to guide your design and implementation choices.
(See tip above.) The following are suggested steps.
Pre-Processing Summary (complete in week 1)
1. Build a standalone program to parse input files and display them in human-readable form
(optional but strongly recommended).
2. Incorporate parser to find relevant links and strip URLs to only the page name.
3. Discard pages with names containing ~ as well as links containing these characters.
4. Incorporate the remaining pages and links to create a graph in adjacency list representation.
Note: You might, and probably will, encounter surprises in the data. For example, a page might point to
another page that is not in the collection. Similarly, some page might occur multiple times, possibly with
different content. To not get derailed by such issues, think carefully about any assumptions you make
about the data and then include code that handles exceptions or flags violations of those assumptions. If
you believe that some data cleaning cannot be done in the same job that is doing the pre-processing,
you may add another job. Document the data issues you find and your solutions in your report.
Overall Workflow Summary
Design all steps of the workflow as MapReduce jobs that are executed in sequence from a single driver
1. Pre-processing Job: As stated above, turn input Wikipedia data into a graph represented as
adjacency lists. Make sure that only the page names are used as node and link IDs; strip off any
path information from the beginning as well as the .html suffix from the end, leaving only the
page name, and discard any pages and links containing a tilde (~) character.
2. PageRank Job: run 10 iterations of PageRank. Set the random surfer so that s/he follows a link
with probability 0.85, and jumps to a random page with probability 0.15. Try to find a way to
estimate how much the PageRank values are converging. (start in the middle of week 1,
complete in week 2)
3. Top-k Job: From the output of the last PageRank iteration, find the 100 pages with the highest
PageRank and output them, along with their ranks, from highest to lowest. (complete in week 2)
For PageRank, make sure your program sets the initial PageRank values to 1/numberOfPages and
handles dangling nodes. If a page appears in a link, but the page itself does not exist in the data, you can
treat it as a dangling node. This means that you do not need to remove the links pointing to it and that it
needs to be accounted for in numberOfPages.
Write a brief report about your findings, using the following structure.
This should provide information like class number, HW number, and your name. Also include a link to
your CCIS Github repository for this homework.
Design Discussion (15 points total)
Show the pseudo-code for pre-processing, PageRank and Top-k computation. For the parser, you do not
need to show details and can instead simply state it like a blackbox function, e.g., as parse(…). Add
comment lines to explain any modifications you may have made to the provided parser. If your pseudocode is identical to material shown in a course module, you do not need to copy it. Instead, just refer to
the exact location in the module where you found it. (Note: make sure the pseudo-code matches your
actual program.) (15 points)
Performance Comparison (20 points total)
Run your program in Elastic MapReduce (EMR) on the four provided bz2 files, which comprise the full
English Wikipedia data set from 2006, using the following two configurations:
 6 m4.large machines (1 master and 5 workers)
 11 m4.large machines (1 master and 10 workers)
Report for both configurations (i) pre-processing time, (ii) time to run ten iterations of PageRank, and
(iii) time to find the top-100 pages. There should be 2*3=6 time values. (6 points)
Report for both configurations the amount of data transferred from Mappers to Reducers, and from
Reducers to HDFS, separately for each iteration of the PageRank computation. Does it change with the
cluster size? Does it change over time? There should be 2*2*10=40 numbers. (5 points)
Critically evaluate the runtime results by comparing them against what you had expected to see and
discuss your findings. Make sure you address the following question: Which of the computation phases
showed a good speedup? If a phase seems to show fairly poor speedup, briefly discuss possible
reasons—make sure you provide concrete evidence, e.g., numbers from the log file or analytical
arguments based on the algorithm’s properties. (4 points)
Report the top-100 Wikipedia pages with the highest PageRanks, along with their rank values and sorted
from highest to lowest, for both the simple and full datasets. Do they seem reasonable based on your
intuition about important information on Wikipedia? (5 points)
Submit the following in a single zip file:
1. The report as discussed above. (1 PDF file)
2. The syslog files for a successful EMR run for both system configurations. (5 points)
3. Final output files from EMR execution, i.e., only the top-100 pages and their PageRank values on
the full data set. (5 points)
Make sure the following is easy to find in your CCIS Github repository:
4. The source code of your programs, including an easily-configurable Makefile that builds your
programs for local execution. Make sure your code is clean and well-documented. Messy and
hard-to-read code will result in point loss. In addition to correctness, efficiency is also a
criterion for the code grade. (55 points)