In this assignment you will write C++ code that uses many different system calls, as well as some standard C++
Overall description
You will start with an incomplete C++ program that contains an unfinished getDirStats() function, as well as other
helpful functions and classes. Your job is to finish the program by implementing the getDirStats() function. This
function must recursively examine the contents of a directory and then report some statistics about the files and
subdirectories it discovers.
The function will take a directory name and a number N as input, and it will compute and
return the following results:
• Full path of the largest file and its size in the directory;
• The total number of files and sub-directories;
• The sum of all file sizes;
• A list of N most common file types and their respective counts;
• A list of N most common words inside the files and their respective counts;
• A list of N largest groups of duplicate files.
Please note that you do not have to write recursive code – but you do need to write code that discovers all subdirectories,
sub-subdirectories, sub-sub-subdirectories, etc.
First step
Start by cloning the code from the GitLab repository, then compile the code using included Makefile.
$ git clone
$ cd dirstats
$ make
This will create an executable dirstats. Then run the executable on the current directory “.” with N=5. Please note that
the executable will produce incorrect results because the program is incomplete.
$ ./dirstats 5 .
The main() function, defined in main.cpp, parses the command line arguments, then calls the unfinished
getDirStats() function, and finally prints writes the results to standard output. You should not modify this function at
all. You may only modify the getDirStats.cpp file, and you must not modify any other files.
The getDirStats() function
The getDirStats() is declared in getDirStats.h and defined in getDirStats.cpp:
Results getDirStats(const std::string & dir_name, int n);
The parameters are:
• dir_name is the top directory that your function must examine recursively; and
• n is the number of most frequent file-types, words and number of groups that the function will report.
You need to write code that recursively traverses the directory, and calls the stat() function on all encountered files.
You then extract some information from the returned stat structure, e.g. size, and update the relevant statistics. Your TAs
should cover how to recursively examine a directory during tutorials. You can also use the code from as a starting point.
CPSC 457: Assignment 2 2
The function returns an instance of struct Results, which is a defined in getDirStats.h. It has a number of fields,
which you need to populate before returning it. These are described below:
bool valid;
If your function is able to finish processing all directories and files and calculates all remaining fields, set
valid=true. If some of the files or directories could not be opened, set valid=false, in this case the rest of the
fields do not have to contain any values (they will be ignored).
std::string largest_file_path;
long largest_file_size;
You will use largest_file_path to return a path to the largest file in the directory. The path needs to include the
top directory name. If the directory contains no files, the value must be set to an empty string.
In largest_file_size field you will return the size of the largest file in the directory. If directory contains no files,
the value must be set to -1.
long n_files, n_dirs;
n_files will contain the total number of files encountered while scanning the directory. n_dirs will contain the total
number of sub-directories encountered while scanning the directory, not including the top directory. It is possible for
both to be 0.
long all_files_size;
Will contain the sum of all sizes of all files encountered during the scan. Use stat() to determine file sizes for each
file, then sum them up.
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int>> most_common_types;
Will contain a list of N most common file types encountered, together with the number of occurrences of the file type.
The list will be sorted by the number of occurrences, in descending order.
You will need to use popen() to call UNIX file(1) utility with the -b option to obtain the file type of the file. Your
code will need to parse the output of file(1) and only consider the main type (the text before the first comma). Once
you have the file types for all files, you will need to find the N most common types.
There are many ways to do this,
but I suggest you use std::unordered_map<std::string,int> container and std::sort() if you want to
make your life easy.
I created a sample program to illustrate how to use std::unordered_map to create a histogram of strings, and how
to extract the top N entries from it using 2 different approaches.
You can find it
here: Feel free to re-use this code in your solutions.
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int>> most_common_words;
Will contain a list of N most common words inside all files, converted to lower-case, together with the number of
occurrences of each word. The list will be sorted by the number of occurrences, in descending order.
A word is a sequence of 3 or more alphabetic characters (lower- and upper-case letters). For example, the following
string “My name is Pavol, my password: is abc1ab2ZYZ” contains the words “name”, “pavol”,
“password”, “abc” and “zyz”.
You need to open and read the contents of every file you find and extract the words from the file contents. You need
create and maintain a histogram data structure as you extract the words. Look at the word-histogram example above
for motivation, but please note that the definition of word for this assignment is different (min. 3 letter length, only
alphabetic characters, converted to lower-case).
CPSC 457: Assignment 2 3
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> duplicate_files
Will contain a list of N largest groups of duplicate files, sorted in descending order by the size of the groups. See
below for more details.
Computing duplicate_files
You could try to compare the contents of every file to every other file, but this would be slow, 𝑂𝑂(𝑛𝑛2)!!! A better way,
𝑂𝑂(𝑛𝑛 log 𝑛𝑛), is to compute a hash of every file, sort the hashes, and then discover duplicates by detecting the same
consecutive hashes. To get a hash of a file you can use the provided function:
std::string sha256_from_file( const std::string & fname);
This function computes a SHA256 digest for a given file and returns it as a string. It mimics some of the functionality of
the sha256sum UNIX utility, described in little more detail in the appendix.
Another efficient way to find duplicates would be to use a dictionary that maps digests to an array of filenames, e.g. using:
Remember, the duplicate_files field will contain the list of N largest groups of identical files. Each group will be
represented as a list of files (std::vector<std::string>) belonging to that group. No matter which technique you
use to identify the groups of identical files, eventually you will need to sort these groups by size (e.g. using std::sort).
Then you populate the duplicate_files with the largest groups such that:
• duplicate_files.size() will return the number of groups of duplicate files, at most N
• duplicate_files[0] will contain the largest group of identical files
• duplicate_files[i].size() will return the number of duplicate files in the i-th group
• duplicate_files[i][j] will return the filepath of the j-th file in the i-th group of duplicates
For example, to return 2 groups of files [“a”,”b”,”c”] and [“x”,”y”], you could write code like this:
std::vector<std::string> group1;
group1.push_back(“a”); group1.push_back(“b”); group1.push_back(“c”);
std::vector<std::string> group2;
group2.push_back(“x”); group2.push_back(“y”);
You need to use popen() in your code, but only to call the file utility to determine the file’s type.. You must call
popen() once for every file. You may not use popen() for any other purpose, e.g. you cannot use it to find all files
recursively, such as: popen(“find . -type f | xargs sha256sum”).
All code you write must go in the getDirStats.cpp file, and that should be the only file you will submit for grading.
Your TAs will test your code by supplying their own main() function, which may be different from the main() that you
will be using. It is therefore vital that you maintain the same function signature as declared in getDirStats.h. Before
you submit getDirStats.cpp to D2L, make sure it works with the provided main() function!!!
• None of the files and directory names will contain spaces.
• The total number of directories and files will be less than 10000.
• Each full file path will contain less than 4096 characters.
• If multiple file types or words have the same number of occurrences, the order in which you list them is arbitrary.
• If multiple groups of duplicate files have the same size, the order in which you list them is arbitrary.
• The order in which the files are listed per group is arbitrary.
• If multiple files have the same maximum size, arbitrarily pick one of them to report as the largest file.
CPSC 457: Assignment 2 4
Your code will be graded on correctness and efficiency. Your code should be at least as efficient as the included Python
solution (described in the appendix). You should design some of your own test cases to make sure your code is correct,
and to measure how fast it runs.
Allowed libraries
You are free to use any APIs from the lib/libc++ libraries for this assignment. This includes, but is not limited to:
– popen() to get the output of the file utility
– stat(), opendir(), closedir(), readdir(), getcwd(), chdir()
– open(), close(), read(), fopen(), fread(), fclose()
– std::map, std::unordered_map, std::vector, std::string, std::sort
– C++ streams
Submit getDirStats.cpp file to D2L.
Appendix 1 – computing file digests using sha256sum(1) utility
Cryptographic hash functions are special hash functions that have many different uses. You will be using them, namely
SHA256, to efficiently detect duplicate file contents. If you have never experimented with file digests, there is a UNIX
utility sha256sum that allows you to compute digests for files from the command line. Here is an example of how to use
it from command line to get a digest of a file 1.txt. Let’s start by creating a sample file 1.txt and computing its digest:
$ echo “hello” > 1.txt
$ sha256sum 1.txt
5891b5b522d5df086d0ff0b110fbd9d21bb4fc7163af34d08286a2e846f6be03 1.txt
The long hexadecimal string is the digest of the file contents. The idea behind the digest is that it will be different for every
file – as long as the file contents are different. Here is an example of a digest for a slightly modified file:
$ echo “world” >> 1.txt
$ sha256sum 1.txt
4a1e67f2fe1d1cc7b31d0ca2ec441da4778203a036a77da10344c85e24ff0f92 1.txt
As you can see, the digest is now completely different. We can use digests to compare two really big files – all we have to
do is compute the digests for both files, and if the digests are different, then the file contents are definitely different. If the
digests are the same, there is a very high probability that the files are the same. What is the likelihood of getting the same
digests for different file contents? It is very small. So small that git uses a weaker, 128-bit version of SHA, to detect
differences in files.
How does this help us detect duplicate files? Instead of comparing the contents of every single file to every other file,
which would be slow, we can instead compute the digests for all files first, then sort the digests + filename pairs by the
digests, and then detect duplicates by scanning the result once. You can even do this on the command line. For example, to
find all duplicates in directory /usr/include/c++ you could execute the following from the command line:
$ find /usr/include/c++ -type f | xargs sha256sum sort | uniq -w64 –all-repeated=separate
acaa059f12b827ac1b071d9b7ce40c7043e4e65c5b4ca2169752cd81d8993356 /usr/include/c++/9/backward/hash_set
acaa059f12b827ac1b071d9b7ce40c7043e4e65c5b4ca2169752cd81d8993356 /usr/include/c++/9/ext/hash_set
c0b15be47a20948066531a4570f13fe02dbe0f7580cd8b5cad5fb172fabe9f33 /usr/include/c++/9/x86_64-redhat-linux/32/bits/gthr-default.h
c0b15be47a20948066531a4570f13fe02dbe0f7580cd8b5cad5fb172fabe9f33 /usr/include/c++/9/x86_64-redhat-linux/32/bits/gthr-posix.h
c0b15be47a20948066531a4570f13fe02dbe0f7580cd8b5cad5fb172fabe9f33 /usr/include/c++/9/x86_64-redhat-linux/bits/gthr-default.h
c0b15be47a20948066531a4570f13fe02dbe0f7580cd8b5cad5fb172fabe9f33 /usr/include/c++/9/x86_64-redhat-linux/bits/gthr-posix.h
The output shows all duplicate files in groups. For example, you can see that the file gthr-default.h is repeated
verbatim 4 times.
CPSC 457: Assignment 2 5
Appendix 2 – obtaining/guessing file types using file(1) utility
The file(1) utility is used on UNIX systems to guess the file type. It prints out the main type of the file, and sometimes
followed by extra details, separated by commas. For example, to see all types of the files in the git repo you could type:
$ file *
digester.cpp: C source, ASCII text
digester.h: C++ source, ASCII text
getDirStats.cpp: C source, ASCII text
getDirStats.h: C source, ASCII text
main.cpp: C source, ASCII text
Makefile: makefile script, ASCII text ASCII text
test1: directory
The output above identified digester.h file as a “C++ source”, with the extra detail “ASCII text”. For this assignment
we only care about the main type, i.e. “C++ source”. To make parsing easier, you can invoke the file utility with the -b
option, which will omit the filenames from output.
Here is an example of a command line you can use to get the most common types from a large directory
$ find /usr/share/doc/octave/ -type f \
| xargs file -b \
| awk -F, ‘{print $1}’ \
| sort \
| uniq -c \
| sort -nr
2651 HTML document
36 C source
29 ASCII text
27 PNG image data
5 PDF document
3 UTF-8 Unicode text
1 LaTeX document
1 C++ source
The first find command in the pipe recursively scans the directory and prints all files. The second xargs command runs
‘file -b’ on every file. The third awk command splits the output by commas and prints only the first field. The fourth
sort command sorts the output alphabetically. The fifth uniq command counts consecutive line occurrences and prints
the counts next to the strings. The last command sort sorts the output numerically, in descending order.
Appendix 3 – python solution
The repository includes a Python program that implements the assignment. This should help you design
your own test cases and see what the expected output should look like. Here is an example of running it on the test1
CPSC 457: Assignment 2 6
$ ./ 5 test1
Largest file: “test1/dir1/down.png”
Largest file size: 202
Number of files: 7
Number of dirs: 9
Total file size: 253
Most common file types:
– 5x “ASCII text”
– 1x “PNG image data”
– 1x “empty”
Most common words:
– 4x “contents”
– 2x “test”
– 1x “exdu”
– 1x “idatx”
– 1x “iend”
Duplicate files – group 1
– “test1/dir1/file1.txt”
– “test1/dir1/file2.txt”
– “test1/a/b/c/d/f”
CPSC 457: Assignment 2 7
General information about all assignments:
1. All assignments are due on the date listed on D2L. Late submissions will not be marked.
2. Extensions may be granted only by the course instructor.
3. After you submit your work to D2L, verify your submission by re-downloading it.
4. You can submit many times before the due date. D2L will simply overwrite previous submissions with newer ones. It
is better to submit incomplete work for a chance of getting partial marks, than not to submit anything
. Please bear in
mind that you cannot re-submit a single file if you have already submitted other files. Your new submission would
delete the previous files you submitted. So please keep a copy of all files you intend to submit and resubmit all of them
every time.
5. Assignments will be marked by your TAs. If you have questions about assignment marking, contact your TA first. If
you still have questions after you have talked to your TA, then you can contact your instructor.
6. All programs you submit must run on If your TA is unable to run your code on the
Linux machines, you will receive 0 marks for the relevant question.
7. Unless specified otherwise, you must submit code that can finish on any valid input under 10s on, when compiled with -O2 optimization. Any code that runs longer than this may receive a
deduction, and code that runs for too long (about 30s) will receive 0 marks.
8. Assignments must reflect individual work. For further information on plagiarism, cheating and other academic
misconduct, check the information at this link:
9. Here are some examples of what you are not allowed to do for individual assignments: you are not allowed to copy
code or written answers (in part, or in whole) from anyone else; you are not allowed to collaborate with anyone; you
are not allowed to share your solutions with anyone else; you are not allowed to sell or purchase a solution. This list is
not exclusive.
10. We will use automated similarity detection software to check for plagiarism. Your submission will be compared to
other students (current and previous), as well as to any known online sources. Any cases of detected plagiarism or any
other academic misconduct will be investigated and reported.