This lab provides an introduction to list implementations. In particular, you are asked to implement both a linked
list and an “array” list.
1 List Abstract Data Type
The operations supported by a list can be discussed independent of the implementation. As such, a given list
implementation can be used through the set of operations without programmatic concern for the details of the
implementation. This allows one to vary the implementation based in the characteristics of the problem being
Details of each operation are given below; you will implement these operations for a linked list implementation and
for an “array” list implementation. You must verify, via test cases, that your implementations behave as expected
(i.e., that they “work”).
• empty_list This function takes no arguments and returns an empty list.
• add This function takes a list, an integer index, and another value (of any type) as arguments and places the
value at index position in the list (zero-based indexing; any element at the given index before this operation
will not immediately follow the new element). If the index is invalid (i.e., less than 0 or greater than the
current length), then this operation should raise an IndexError. (Note that an index equal to the length is
allowed and results in the new value being added to the end of the list.)
This function must return the resulting list.
• length This function takes a list as an argument and returns the number of elements currently in the list.
• get This function takes a list and an integer index as arguments and returns the value at the index position
in the list (zero-based indexing). If the index is invalid (i.e., it falls outside the bounds of the list), then this
operation should raise an IndexError.
• setitem This function takes a list, an integer index, and another value (of any type) as arguments and
replaces the element at index position in the list with the given value. If the index is invalid, then this
operation should raise an IndexError.
This function must return the resulting list.
• remove This function takes a list and an integer index as arguments and removes the element at the index
position from the list. If the index is invalid (i.e., it falls outside the bounds of the list), then this operation
should raise an IndexError.
This function must return a 2-tuple of, in this order, the element previously at the specified index (i.e., the
removed element) and the resulting list.
2 Linked List
In a file named, provide a data definition for a LinkedList, whose Pair class’s first field can
be any value. An empty list should be represented by the Python value None. Be sure to call your pair class Pair,
so that my tests can create objects correctly.
Implement the functions listed above.
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Place your test cases in a file named
Include type signatures and a docstring purpose statement as appropriate.
3 Array List
In a file named, define the ArrayList class for an array list implementation and implement the
aforementioned list operations. For this implementation, each element of the array represents one element of the list.
This implementation must allow for your list to grow dynamically (i.e., you cannot assume a maximum size). To
accommodate this, when your allocated “array” runs out of capacity, you should make a new “array” with double the
capacity, and copy all of the values over.
Place your test cases in a file named
Include type signatures and a docstring purpose statement as appropriate.
You will use a Python list as the backing array for your array list implementation (Python lists, at least in the
standard implementation, are backed by arrays).
Note: since this lab is a study of data structure implementation, you are prohibited from using almost all of Python’s
list operations in your array list implementation. The only list operations you may use are:
• initializing with a specific size (through the * operator, e.g., [None] * 100), which will act as “allocating a
new array”, and
• indexing (e.g., my_list[4])
Every other builtin Python operation dealing with lists is expressly forbidden.
This means that any copying required in your implementation must be done via loops to make the steps explicit
(e.g., no slices allowed). This restriction only applies within this course when stated; when you use Python in the
future and want an array-list-like data structure, you should certainly use the provided type and its operations.
4 Testing
As mentioned in the syllabus, your code is periodically graded prior to the deadline and you will receive automated
feedback based on the results of my tests. But, in order to receive any feedback, your tests much provide 100% test
coverage of the code you are submitting. If you do not have 100% coverage, this is the only feedback you will receive.
100% test coverage means that every line of your code is run at some point in some test. Imagine if that weren’t the
case. That means that you have a line of code (or multiple lines of code) that could do anything, and you’d never
know. You never tested them!
Your tests will go in files named:
•, and
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5 GitHub Submission
Push your finished code back to GitHub. Refer to Lab 0, as needed, to remember how to push your local code.