Complete the code of the class LinearHash below, which implements a hash table where: • The hash function is division (the table size is passed as parameter to the constructor). • The collision resolution strategy in linear rehashing (c is passed as parameter to the constructor). You need to implement the two methods: • insert: Inserts the key and data in the hash table. Assume that the key does not exist (no need to check for that). The method returns the number of probes that were needed to insert the key.
public class LinearHash
public enum Status { empty , occupied , deleted };
private int maxSize;
private int size;
private int c;
private int current;
private int[] keys;
private Status[] statusT;
private T[] data;
public LinearHash(int maxSize , int c) {
this.maxSize = maxSize;
this.c = c; size = 0;
current = -1; keys = new int[maxSize];
statusT = new Status[maxSize];
data = (T[]) new Object[maxSize];
// Initialize all cells to empty
for (int i = 0; i < maxSize; i++) { statusT[i] = Status.empty; }
public int size() { return size; }
public boolean full() {
return size == maxSize; }
public T retrieve() {
return data[current]; }
public void update(T val) {
data[current] = val; }
public void delete() {
statusT[current] = Status.deleted; size --; }
public int insert(int key, T val) { }
public boolean find(int key) { }