Overview and Project Requirements
For this assignment, you will add functionality to your meteorite filtering program from Project 1. As in
document for background information about the meteorite filtering program.
In the first meteorite filtering project (Project 1), you filtered the data based on the following
1) Meteorites that weigh more than 2,900,000 grams (do not include meteorites that weigh
2,900,000 grams or less)
2) Meteorites that fell within the last ten years (do not include meteorites that fell before 2013.
Include meteorites that fell in 2013 and after.)
These filter parameters were likely hardcoded in Project 1. Also, the filename string identifying the text
file containing the data, “meteorite_landings_data.txt,” was also probably hardcoded. For this project
you will improve the meteorite filtering program you wrote for Project 1 by allowing the user to input
parameters for filtering either on MASS (g) or YEAR.
You will also add the ability for the user to specify a
target file and the mode with which the file should be opened. For this project, the file should be
opened in ‘r’ (read) mode because we will not be altering or appending the data text file. However, the
user should be given the choice of what mode to open the file in for this version of the project.
Project 1.1 Requirement Specifics
When the program starts there should be a welcome message printed to the terminal. The exact
wording of the message is up to you, but it should give a basic introduction and some developer
These items MUST be included in the welcome message:
1) A welcome message (“Welcome to the meteorite filtering program…” – for example)
2) Very brief description of the program
3) The developer(s) name (i.e., your name)
4) A release date (usually just the month and year – October 2023)
After the welcome message is printed, a series of user input prompts should be displayed in the
terminal. Examples of these prompts are shown below.
The wording of your prompts does not need to be exactly the same as shown below, however, the
prompts must be clear to the user and explicitly communicate what the user needs to do. Thus, your
prompts should convey the intended instructions as shown in these examples.
You will lose points if
your prompts are not clear and do not explicitly convey the appropriate instructions to the user.
Darker green text at the prompts indicates user input, and the text lines colored in brighter green
between the prompt sections are confirmation messages. These confirmation messages must be
displayed in the output.
The output determined from the user-supplied values shown above at the sample prompts result in the
following table being printed to the terminal:
This output table should look familiar to you; it’s the same table you should have seen in project 1 for
the meteorites weighing more than 2,900,000 grams. We got the same output here because the user
entered 2,900,001 for the LOWER limit and 1,000,000,000,000,000 (!) for the UPPER limit in the
example. Notice that the instructions for entering the limits say “inclusive.”
This means that the
numbers the user enters will be included in the output. For example, if there was a meteorite that
weighed 2,900,000 grams in the data, it would not show up in this table because the user set 2,900,001
as the lower limit. However, if there was a meteorite that weighed 2,900,001 grams, it would be
included. In other words: “give me all meteorites that have a mass of 2,900,001 to 1 × 1015 grams
(inclusive on both ends). Make sure to have the user input limits included in the filtered results.
Another thing you’ll notice is that each prompt has an option to quit the application. You may find it
interesting that these “quit” options are executed differently by the user for each set of prompts. For
the file access prompts (filename and file mode), the user is required to enter “>q” or “>Q” to quit the
You may be curious as to why such a strange combination of characters is used to exit the
app here. It turns out that there’s a good reason for this. If you simply type “Quit” or “Q” at these
prompts you may inadvertently open a file named “Quit” or “Q” in the current directory. Although it is
unlikely that there is a file named “Quit,” we must be very thoughtful when we design our applications.
The “>” character is not allowed in a filename. Therefore, we can be sure that “>Q” and “>q” are not
files in the current directory.
For the file mode input, “q” would be accepted as a mode option and will cause an exception. So, again,
“>Q” and “>q” are used here.
For the attribute menu, we can simply use a menu option (choice 3) as our exit input.
A simple “q” or “Q” can be used at the LOWER and UPPER limit prompts because we are expecting a
number here; the “q” and “Q” characters will not conflict with the expected input for the limits.
When the user enters the exit option at any of the prompts, the application should immediately exit and
close after a short exit message. Examples are shown below. Each panel is a separate program run.
Exiting at the filename input prompt:
Exiting at the file mode input prompt:
Exiting at the attribute selection menu prompt:
Exiting at the LOWER limit input prompt (this is the same for the UPPER limit prompt):
Your program MUST have this exit/quit functionality at each prompt, and there MUST be an
exit/GOODBYE message printed before the application exits when the user chooses to exit this way.
Output Requirements
You should output a table to the terminal in the same format as the previous project (Project 1):
The table of filtered data should be neatly formatted and printed to the terminal. Each table line should
be numbered on the left. A partial output example for a NAME/MASS table is shown below. Only five (5)
table lines are shown for the MASS table.
The complete table may have more or less lines depending on
the LOWER and UPPER limit parameters input by the user. The purpose of this sample is to show how
the table should be formatted. To receive full credit for this project your output table MUST have the
appropriate column titles and include three columns (table line number, meteor name, MASS|YEAR
data as shown in the example below.
For this project, only one table will be printed on a single program run. Unlike Project 1, we are
providing the user with a choice: either filter based on MASS (g) or YEAR:
If the user chooses (1) MASS (g), a mass table will be printed like the one shown in the example above.
Alternatively, if (2) is chosen, a YEAR table will be printed. Keep in mind that the table size will vary
depending on the LOWER and UPPER limit parameters supplied by the user.
The table could have zero
(0) rows if the parameters exclude all meteorites, or the table could have 10,000 rows if the parameters
define a relatively broad range.
Submission and Additional Requirements
1) Make a ‘’ file and add it to your project folder. The README MUST include the
following information (this is a project requirement!):
a. your first and last name
b. your COMP390 section. For example, if I am in section 001, I would write: COMP390-001
c. a brief overview of what your project does (don’t go deep into implementation details
here, but provide a complete and succinct summary of your project)
d. a guide on how to use your program. This section will be a bit extensive because you
are adding a significant amount of functionality to your project. Make sure to explain
how to use your program using terms and language appropriate for someone who does
not have a computer science background. Also, assume that the reader has never used
your program before.
e. a brief description of what does not work in your project and/or what you did not
complete (if you completed all of the project requirements, simply write “all project
requirements completed” for this part)
2) Create a new GitHub repository named “COMP390_Individual_Project1_1” (** Make sure your
repository is set to PRIVATE **)
3) Push your project to your “COMP390_Individual_Project1_1” repository.
4) Make me (Prof. Matta) a collaborator on your repository. Use my email (
to search for my GitHub account to make me a collaborator. My GitHub username is ‘j1matta’.
My GitHub profile picture is shown below. Look for this picture when searching for my profile to
further confirm that you are indeed making me a collaborator and not someone else.
Note: you should push changes made to your project to your GitHub repository often while you are
developing your code, not just when you have completed the project. GitHub repositories are a great
way to back up your work.
This project is worth 100 points. Please check Blackboard under ‘Course Content’ for your section’s
submission deadline. Late submissions will be accepted up to three days past the deadline. However,
ten (10) points will be deducted from the total project grade for each day past the submission deadline.
After three days, you will receive zero (0) points for the project.
COMP390 Individual Coding Assignment 1.1