
 CENG 112 Assignment 2: Furniture Manufacturing and Ordering System Solved

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In this homework, you are expected to implement a “Furniture Manufacturing and Ordering
System” application using Java. This homework will cover the topics given below;
1. Strings, Arrays, Generics
2. Queue ADT (Abstract Data Type)
3. Stack ADT (Abstract Data Type)

Assume that you are a Furniture Manufacturer called “IZTECHEA”, that manufactures
different types of furniture. However, you immediately manufacture furniture according to the
order that comes from your Marketing Analyst and you store it in one factory line that is
based on a First-In-First-Out (FIFO) structure.

Marketing Analyst randomly generates what
to be produced and sends the request to the “IZTECHEA”. Your factory manufactures 6
different types of products, where all of them must implement the IProduct interface;
1. Sofa
2. Bed
3. Chair
4. Dresser
5. Table
6. Bookcase
The methods for interface IProduct is given below:
public interface IProduct {
public boolean isManufactured();
public boolean isStored();
public boolean isSold();

When you manufacture a product, it is temporarily stored in the factory (production line) until
the Storage Chief moves (i.e., “stores”) it into a warehouse. Note that, at each request, the
Storage Chief takes one product from the factory line, i.e. queue, and stores each product
in its own warehouse. Thereby, you will have six warehouses. The warehouses are
designed to retrieve the first product that has been recently added to your warehouse. In
other words, furniture is stored in Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) order.

When a customer comes to buy any furniture, that furniture is decided randomly, and a
customer request is formed accordingly. Based on the requested furniture, you find the
corresponding warehouse and remove/pop it from the warehouse to sell it to the customer. If
you don’t have the requested product in the respective warehouse, you should return a FAIL
message. If you have it, you should return a SUCCESS message. FAIL and SUCCESS
messages work in the same way for the marketing analyst and storage.

Write a simulation that randomly receives requests from Marketing Analyst, Storage Chief,
and Customer. There is only one object representing each role. You should only ask the
user to enter a single input that is the number of requests for the simulation. After all
the requests are completed, you should print a report that shows the number of products in
the factory, in the warehouse, and that is sold.
The main structure of the program is given as a pseudocode:
r1 chooses among Marketing Analyst, Storage Chief and Customer.
r2 chooses among Sofa, Bed, Chair, Dresser, Table, Bookcase.
Input number of requests
products[] {Sofa, Bed, Chair, Dresser, Table, Bookcase}
from 1 to number of requests

select a random number r1 in [0,2] # 3 roles (i.e. activities)
if r1 = 0
select a random number r2 in [0,5] # 6 types of furniture
product = products[r2]
trigger Marketing Analyst for product
if r1 = 1
trigger Storage Chief
if r1 = 2

select a random number r2 between 0-5 # 6 types of furniture
product = products[r2]
trigger Customer for product
product = null

An example input/output is given below:

Enter the number of random request cycles: 13
1. Customer buying Table, FAIL, Table warehouse empty
2. Marketing Analyst requesting Bed, SUCCESS, Bed manufactured
3. Marketing Analyst requesting Bed, SUCCESS, Bed manufactured
4. Customer buying Bed, FAIL, Bed warehouse empty
5. Marketing Analyst requesting Sofa, SUCCESS, Sofa manufactured
6. Storage Chief storing Bed, SUCCESS, Bed stored in Bed warehouse
7. Storage Chief storing Bed, SUCCESS, Bed stored in Bed warehouse
8. Customer buying Bed, SUCCESS, Customer bought Bed
9. Storage Chief storing Sofa, SUCCESS, Sofa stored in Sofa warehouse
10. Marketing Analyst requesting Chair, SUCCESS, Chair manufactured
11. Storage Chief storing Chair, SUCCESS, Chair stored in Chair warehouse
12. Customer buying Chair, SUCCESS, Customer bought Chair
13. Marketing Analyst requesting Sofa, SUCCESS, Sofa manufactured


Amount of Bed in Factory Line: 0
Amount of Sofa in Factory Line: 1
Amount of Dresser in Factory Line: 0
Amount of Table in Factory Line: 0
Amount of Chair in Factory Line: 0
Amount of Bookcase in Factory Line: 0
Amount of Bed in Bed Warehouse: 1
Amount of Sofa in Sofa Warehouse: 1
Amount of Dresser in Dresser Warehouse: 0
Amount of Table in Table Warehouse: 0
Amount of Chair in Chair Warehouse: 0
Amount of Bookcase in Bookcase Warehouse: 0
Amount of Bed Sold: 1
Amount of Sofa Sold: 0
Amount of Dresser Sold: 0
Amount of Table Sold: 0
Amount of Chair Sold: 1
Amount of Bookcase Sold: 0

Assignment Rules

● This is a group assignment (2 students). However, inter-group collaboration is not allowed!
● All assignments are subject to plagiarism detection and the suspected violations (the solutions
derived from or inspired by the solution of other groups) cause to be graded as zero.
● It is not allowed to use Java Collections Framework.
● Your code should be easy to read and test:
– Keep your code clean. Avoid duplication and redundancy. 🔗
– Follow Java Naming Conventions. 🔗
– Use relative paths instead of absolute ones. 🔗

Submission Rules

All submissions must:
● be performed via Microsoft Teams by only one of the group members,
● be performed before the deadline,
● be exported as an Eclipse Project and saved in ZIP format,
● include all necessary data files (TXT, CSV, JSON, etc.) in the right directory,
● follow a specific naming convention such that CENG112_HW2_groupID.
Eclipse Project: CENG112_HW2_G5

Exported Archive File:
Submissions that do not comply with the rules above are penalized.
NOTE: Those who want to change groups can send their requests on Microsoft Teams.