
Research Proposal for the Research Report……solved

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Background and Scenario: The scenario for writing assignments #1 and #2 continue.
The company CEO has read your letter, calls you in to his office, and says, “You’ve provided some very good information on the business, cultural, and other conditions in the country. Very impressive! What do you think is the next step?”
You pause. “Sir, the situation in the country has pros and cons. There are some significant benefits but also some risks if we open up an operation there. I would like to do some more research and provide you with some written recommendations. I’ll need to lay out some milestones, and may need some resources, including a budget.”
The CEO smiles and says, “Exactly what I was thinking! Get a research proposal to me next week stating what you plan to focus on for a comprehensive report with recommendations on doing business in this country. And be sure to use an attractive, professional document design for the proposal, with some visuals depicting data on the country and a few photos. I’ll need to get your research project approved by the board. You will indeed need some extra resources, possibly even travel funds, to get the report done in a reasonable time frame, say about a month.”
“Yes, sir. Thanks!”
Leaving the CEO’s office, you’re pleased that your memo and letter have brought results, and you look forward to finding out more about doing business in this country. But you are also a bit worried. If you are going to get the proposal and the report completed, you need to get started right away.
Explain in a research proposal what you propose to focus on for your Business Report with Recommendations (Writing Assignment #7).
Use the format and the sections in Chapter 17 of the text (Problem, Country Overview, Audience, Topics to Investigate, Methods and Resources, Qualifications, Work Schedule, and Call to Action.
In the Methods and Resources section, list at least ten (10) references.
Use document design techniques, diagrams, photos, and other visuals to comply with the CEO’s guidance.
REMINDER: Continue to use the hypothetical company and the country you selected for writing assignment #1 (Memo with documented research).
How will this assignment be graded?
The criteria for excellence in this assignment are in four categories:
• 25%: Substance
• 35%: Organization
• 20%: Style
• 20%: Correctness
Click here for the Writing Assessment Checklist for Writing Assignment #3 for a detailed rubric for this assignment, which can also be a very useful checklist to make sure you’ve covered all of the bases for your memo!
1. Complete your assignment and submit it using Submit Assignment.
2. Please make sure you put your name and the title of the assignment (e.g., “Writing Assignment #3”) on the report itself, and always be as clear as possible in labeling your attachments (“joneswa3.doc,” for example, is easy to identify; “WritingAsgn3.doc” could be anybody’s work).