The following workshop lets you practice basic java coding techniques, creating classes, methods, using arrays.
Task 1:
The Canadian federal personal income tax is calculated based on filing status and taxable income. There
are four filing statuses:
• single filers
• married filing jointly or qualified widow(er)
• married filing separately
• head of household.
The tax rates vary every year.
If you are, for example say, single with a taxable income of $10,000, the first $8,350 is taxed at 10% and
the other $1,650 is taxed at 15%, so, your total tax is $1,082.50.
Design a class named IncomeTax to contain the following instance data fields (Chose the data fields types
on your own):
1. filingStatus: One of the four tax-filing statuses:
• 0—single filer
• 1— married filing jointly or qualifying widow(er)
• 2—married filing separately
• 3—head of household.
2. Use the constants
to represent the statuses.
3. A double-dimension array (You decide the type of it) named intervals: Stores the tax intervals/ brackets
for each filing status.
4. A single-dimension array (You decide the type) named rates: Stores the tax rates for each interval.
5. A variable taxableIncome: Stores the taxable income.
6. Provide the getter and setter methods for each data field and the getIncomeTax() method that returns
the tax.
7. Provide a no-arg constructor.
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8. Provide the overloaded constructor IncomeTax(filingStatus, intervals, rates, taxableIncome).
Write a program that prompt the user with a simple menu system of three choices:
• Compute personal income Tax
• Print the tax tables for taxable incomes (with range)
• Exit
❖ With choice one your program should prompt the user to enter the filing status and taxable income
and compute the tax.
❖ With choice two your program should use the IncomeTax class to print the 2001 and 2009 tax
tables for taxable income from (ask the user to input the amount) to (ask the user to input the
amount) with intervals of $1,000 for all four statuses.
The tax rates for the year 2001 and 2009 are given in Tables below.
Table 1: 2001 Canadian Federal Personal Tax Rates
Tax Rate Single Married Filing Jointly or
Qualifying Widow(er)
Married Filing
Head of House Hold
15% Up to – $27,050 Up to – $45,200 Up to $22,600 Up to – $36,250
27.5% $27,051 – $65,550 $45,201 – $109,250 $22,601 – $54,625 $36,251 – $93,650
30.5% $65,551-$136,750 $109,251 – $166,500 $54,626 – $83,250 $93,651 – $151,650
35.5% $136,751-$297,350 $166,501 – $297,350 $83,251 – $148,675 $151,651 – $297,350
39.1% $297,351 + $297,351 + $148,676+ $297,351+
Table 2: 2009 Canadian Federal Personal Tax Rates
Tax Rate
Single Married Filing Jointly or
Qualifying Widow(er)
Married Filing
Head of House Hold
10% $0 – $8,350 $0 – $16,700 $0 – $8,350 $0 – $11,950
15% $8,351 – $33,950 $16,701 – $67,900 $8,351 – $33,950 $11,951 – $45,500
25% $33,951-$82,250 $67,901 – $137,050 $33,951 – $68,525 $45,501 – $117,450
28% $82,251-$171,550 $137,051 – $208,850 $68,526 – $104,425 $117,451 – $190,200
33% $171,551-$372,950 $208,851 – $372,950 $104,426 – $186,475 $190,201 – $372,950
35% $372,951 + $372,951 + $186,476 + $372,951 +
For each filing status there are six tax rates. Each rate is applied to a certain amount of taxable income. For
example, of a taxable income of $400,000 for single filers, $8,350 is taxed at 10%, (33,950 – 8,350) at 15%,
(82,250 – 33,950) at 25%, (171,550 – 82,250) at 28%, (372,950 – 171,550) at 33%, and (400,000 – 372,950)
at 35%.
Continue to the next page….
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Possible output screen shots:
With choice 1:
With choice 2:
Continue to the next page…
0 – single filer
1 – married jointly or qualifying widow(er)
2 – married separately
3 – head of household)
Enter the filing status: 0
Enter the Taxable Income: $20000
Tax is: $2582.50
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Enter the amount From: $50000
Enter the amount To: $60000
2001 tax tables for taxable income from $50,000 to $60,000
Taxable Single Married Joint Married Head of
Income or Qualifying Separate a House
50000 10368.75 8100.00 10925.00 9218.75
51000 10643.75 8375.00 11200.00 9493.75
52000 10918.75 8650.00 11475.00 9768.75
53000 11193.75 8925.00 11750.00 10043.75
54000 11468.75 9200.00 12025.00 10318.75
55000 11743.75 9475.00 12311.25 10593.75
56000 12018.75 9750.00 12616.25 10868.75
57000 12293.75 10025.00 12921.25 11143.75
58000 12568.75 10300.00 13226.25 11418.75
59000 12843.75 10575.00 13531.25 11693.75
60000 13118.75 10850.00 13836.25 11968.75
2009 tax tables for taxable income from $50,000 to $60,000
Taxable Single Married Joint Married Head of
Income or Qualifying Separate a House
50000 8687.50 11905.70 8687.50 7352.50
51000 8937.50 12235.70 8937.50 7602.50
52000 9187.50 12565.70 9187.50 7852.50
53000 9437.50 12895.70 9437.50 8102.50
54000 9687.50 13225.70 9687.50 8352.50
55000 9937.50 13555.70 9937.50 8602.50
56000 10187.50 13885.70 10187.50 8852.50
57000 10437.50 14215.70 10437.50 9102.50
58000 10687.50 14545.70 10687.50 9352.50
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Possible UML diagram for the class IncomeTax (You can add more functionalities or properties/ attributes)
Continue to the next page…
-filingStatus: int
-intervals: int[][]
-rates: double[]
-taxableIncome: double
+IncomeTax(filingStatus: int, Intervals: int[][], rates: double[], taxableIncome: double)
+getFilingStatus(): int
+setFilingStatus(status: int)
+getIntervals(): int[][]
+setIntervals(Intervals: int[][])
+getRates(): int[]
+setRates(rates: int[])
+getTaxableIncome(): double
+setTaxableIncome(taxableIncome: double)
+getIncomeTax(): double
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Workshop Header
Workshop #
Course: – Semester
Last Name:
First Name:
Code Submission Criteria:
Please note that you should have:
• Appropriate indentation.
• Proper file structure
• Follow java naming convention
• Document all the classes properly
• Do Not have any debug/ useless code and/ or files in the assignment
• Do not have everything in the main method.
• Have a separate TestClass with the main method in it.
• Try and check your inputs if the user is not entering garbage inputs.
Deliverables and Important Notes:
All these deliverables are suppose to be uploaded on the blackboard once done.
• You are supposed to create video/ record voice/ detailed document of your running solution.
o Screen Video captured file should state your last name and id, like Ali_123456.mp4 (or
whatever the extension of the file is)
o Record voice clip should also include a separate word file with the screen shots of your
program’s output, state your last name and id, like Ali_123456.mp3 (or whatever the
extension of the file is)
o Detailed document should include screen shots of your output, have your name and id on
the top of the file and save the file with your last name and id, like Ali_123456.docx (or
whatever the extension of the file is)
• A word/ text file which will reflect on learning of your concepts in this workshop. Also include the
instructions on how to run your code. (30%)
o Should state your Full name and Id on the top of the file and save the file with your last
name and id, like Ali_123456.txt
• Submission of working code. (20%)
o Make sure your follow the “Code Submission Criteria” mentioned above.
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o You should zip your whole working project to a file named after your Last Name followed by
the first 3 digits of your student ID. For example,
• Your marks will be deducted according to what is missing from the above-mentioned submission
• Late submissions would result in additional 10% penalties for each day or part of it.
• Remember that you are encouraged to talk to each other, to the instructor, or to anyone else about
any of the assignments, but the final solution may not be copied from any source.