Submit an essay (approximately two pages, double-spaced and using a 12-point font) in which you critique the draft “Norms on the responsibilities of transnational corporations and other enterprises with regard to human rights”.
Norms on the responsibilities of transnational corporations and other enterprises with regard to human rights
Do you agree with all of it? Some of it? None of it? Why or why not?
1.Write a full thesis paragraph as if you were going to write a fully developed paper. It should contain a thesis sentence, which sets out your principal statement or argument, with several supporting sentences. Your thesis paragraph should contain no more than four to six sentences.
2.About one to one and a half pages should follow with a list of bullets supporting and countering your thesis—in other words, a list of arguments and counter-arguments. Your arguments should incorporate material from this course’s readings, videos, and even the thoughts of your classmates and instructor.
3.Finally, you will close with a fully developed concluding paragraph with four to six sentences, which should reconcile the conflicts between the arguments and the counter-arguments, and support the thesis you set out in the thesis paragraph.