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Problem 1: Stacks & Queues (7+3=10 points)

(a) Implement in Python or C++ the data structure of a stack backed up by a linked list, that can work
for whatever type, and analyze the running time of each specific operation. In order to achieve this in
C++, make use of template < class T >, on which you can find more information at Templates.
Implement the stack such that you have the possibility of setting a fixed size but not necessarily have
to (size is -1 when unset). Check for the correctness of your functions and throw exceptions with
suggestive messages in cases of underflow or overflow(C++,Python). You can assume that if the size
is passed, it always has a valid value.
c l a s s Stack [A ] ( ) :
p r i v a t e :
s t r u c t StackNode ( ) { / / l i n k e d l i s t
A data ;
5 StackNode ∗ne xt ;
StackNode ∗ top ; / / top of sta c k
i n t s i z e ; / /−1 i f not set , value ot h e rw i s e
i n t c u r r e n t s i z e ; / / unused i f s i z e = −1
10 p u b l i c :
fun push ( x :A ) : v o i d / / i f s i z e set , check f o r o v e rf l ow
fun pop ( ) :A / / r e t u r n element i f not i n unde rflow
fun isEmpty ( ) : bool / / 1 i s empty , 0 ot h e rw i s e
fun Stack ( i n t new size )
15 fun Stack ( )
Checking will be done by case-tests alone. The tests will cover overflow and underflow cases, as well
as tests for different types of variables.
(b) Show how a queue can be implemented with two stacks.

Problem 2: Linked Lists & Rooted Trees (4+5+3=12 points)

(a) Program an in-situ algorithm that reverses a linked list of n elements in Θ(n). Add an explanation to
why it is an in-situ algorithm in the code.
(b) Program an algorithm to convert a binary search tree to a sorted linked list and derive its asymptotic
time complexity.
(c) Program an algorithm to convert a sorted linked list to a binary search tree and derive its asymptotic
time complexity.


• Solutions have to be handed in via Moodle by the due date. For late submissions you need to get in
contact with the TAs directly. You need to upload one zip-file that contains a PDF-file for the theoretical
parts and source files (no executables or object files) for the programming assignments. The source
files need to include a makefile. Programming assignments need to be handed in as C++, or Python
code. Please write your own code. It is ok to take snippets from online resources, but they need to
be clearly marked.
• Exercises marked with a * are bonus problems. These count towards your number of points for this
homework. The maximum number of official points can not be exceeded.