For this homework assignment, you will be given a text document with a secret code. The text
document contains a series of lowercase words, each on a separate line. Some worlds will have
letters replaced with uppercase letters or numbers. The secret code is all the capital letters put
together and the sum of the numbers.
Here is a list of what you must do:
Open the file Words.txt to be read
Store each word in a vector
Output the list of words to the terminal
Go through the vector checking each character of each string
If an uppercase letter, add it to the word
If a number, add it to a sum of all numbers
Output the secret code to terminal
Save the secret code to a file called abc1234_Secret_Code_1.txt
Append the secret code to the end of the text document that came with the homework
Bonus (10 pts)
The bonus for this homework will work the same as the full credit but with two exceptions. The
first is that you will use the file Bonus_Words.txt. The second that if you see two numbers next
to each other, that is a two digit number, not 2 separate numbers.
You will submit your code and screen shots of your code working via Blackboard. You will
upload a ZIP file, named “”, containing 2 files (5 if you did bonus):
abc1234_Secret_Code_1.cpp (source code)
abc1234_Secret_Code_1.png (screen shot of program running)
abc1234_Secret_Code_2.cpp (source code)
abc1234_Secret_Code_2.png (screen shot of program running)
When you submit your file, leave the GTA instructions on how to compile your code and
run it. Note: he will be using terminal on the virtual machine that I used in class.
Instructions can be included as a comment on blackboard or in a README.txt file.
Full credit files named incorrectly result in a loss of 5 points each. Bonus files named incorrectly
will result in a loss of 1 bonus point each.