
ECE595 Assignment 4 Classification solution

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Two datasets (Golf, Car) are provided. In each dataset, each row corresponds to a record. The last
column corresponds to the class label, and the remaining columns are the attributes. README
presents the meanings of the attributes in these two datasets.

In this assignment, you are asked to implement Decision Tree algorithm. Template
( is for Python 3. In the template, you are asked to fill in two
functions: chooseBestFeature and stopCriteria.

In chooseBestFeature, you need to use
Gini index as the impurity measure to decide the best feature to split. In stopCriteria, you
need to check whether the stopping criteria are satisfied, and return the class label
assigned to the leaf node.

The attributes in the provided datasets are either nominal or ordinal. Multi-way split
strategy should be adopted in this assignment.
If you are not sure about whether it is OK to use a certain function, please post your
question on Piazza.

Please take the following steps:

1. Decision Tree algorithm works as follows:
DTree(records, attributes) returns a tree
If stopping criterion is met, return a leaf node with the assigned class.
Else pick an attribute F based on Gini Index and create a node R for it
For each possible value v of F:

Let Sv be the subset of records that have value v for F
call DTree(Sv, attributes – {F}) and attach the resulting tree as the
subtree to the current node.

Return the subtree.
The implementation of the algorithm is provided with two functions to be filled: 1)
stopCriteria and 2) chooseBestFeature. The corresponding pseudo codes can be found
assignedLabel = None

if all class labels are the same
assignedLabel = label
else if no more features to split
assignedLabel = majority(labels)
for each feature 𝑖 in the dataset

calculate gini index on dataset
for each 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 of the feature
subset = splitData(dataset, 𝑖, 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒)
calculate gini index on the subset
calculate Gain for feature 𝑖
Find the bestGain and the corresponding feature id

2. Test your Decision Tree algorithm on Golf dataset. Based on your output, you can use
the provided file to automatically draw the tree. Using multi-way split, the
resulting tree for the Golf dataset should look like:
To draw the tree, you can use the provided file, or just draw the tree using
Excel or PowerPoint, or draw the tree on a piece of paper and include a scanned copy of
the tree in the report.

3. If you get the correct tree, then apply your algorithm on the Car dataset and draw the
4. Prepare your submission. Your final submission should be a zip file named as In the zip file, you should include:
• The Python code.

• Report: A WORD or PDF file named as Assignment4.docx or Assignment4.pdf.
The report should consist of the following parts: 1) The tree drawn based on the
output obtained from the Car Dataset using your algorithm. 2) The code of the two
functions that you implement.

5. Submit the zip file under Assignment 4 on Brightspace.
Please refer to Course Syllabus for late submission policy and academic integrity policy. This
assignment must be done independently. Running your submitted code should be able to
reproduce the results in the report.