
ECE521 Assignment 2 Linear and Logistic Regression solution

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In the previous assignment, the performance of k-NN modeling was investigated. k-NN makes very
mild structural assumptions; its predictions are often accurate but can be vulnerable to over-fitting
for small datasets. On the contrary, linear models make a heavier assumption about structure,
namely that the output prediction of the model is a weighted linear combination of the inputs.
This assumption yields predictions that are stabler (less vulnerable to overfitting) but possibly less

1 Linear Regression [10 points]

Linear regression can also be used for classification in which the training targets are either 0 or
1. Once the model is trained, we can determine an input’s class label by thresholding the model’s
prediction. We will consider the following Mean Squared Error (MSE) loss function LD and weight
decay loss LW for training a linear regression model, in which the goal is to find the best total loss,
L =LD + LW

kWT x
(n) + b − y
2 +

You will train linear regression model for classification on the two-class notMNIST dataset (described in the next section) using the stochastic gradient descent (SGD) algorithm. You will be
using the validation set to tune the hyper-parameter of the weight decay regularizer.

Two-class notMNIST dataset

We use the following script to generate a smaller dataset that only contains the images from two
letter classes: “C”(the positive class) and “J”(the negative class). This smaller subset of the data
contains 3500 training images, 100 validation images and 145 test images.
with np.load(“notMNIST.npz”) as data :
Data, Target = data [“images”], data[“labels”]
posClass = 2

negClass = 9
dataIndx = (Target==posClass) + (Target==negClass)
Data = Data[dataIndx]/255.
Target = Target[dataIndx].reshape(-1, 1)
Target[Target==posClass] = 1
Target[Target==negClass] = 0

randIndx = np.arange(len(Data))
Data, Target = Data[randIndx], Target[randIndx]
trainData, trainTarget = Data[:3500], Target[:3500]
validData, validTarget = Data[3500:3600], Target[3500:3600]
testData, testTarget = Data[3600:], Target[3600:]

1. Tuning the learning rate [4 pts]:

Write a Tensorflow script that implements linear regression and the stochastic gradient descent algorithm with mini-batch size B = 500. Train the linear regression model on the
two-class notMNIST dataset by using SGD to optimize the total loss L. Set the weight
decay coefficient λ = 0 and use 20000 iterations (one iteration is an SGD update through
the entire pass of one mini-batch).

Plot the training loss function vs number of epochs for
learning rate η = {0.005, 0.001, 0.0001} on the same plot (epoch means passing over the
whole training dataset once, i.e., one epoch = 7 mini-batches for B = 500). Choose the best
learning rate found and discuss the effect of the learning rate value on training convergence.

2. Effect of the mini-batch size [2 pts]:

Run the SGD algorithm with B = {500, 1500, 3500} with the learning rate chosen from point
1, λ = 0, and 20000 iterations. Report the final training MSE for each mini-batch value.
What is the best mini-batch size in terms of training time? Comment on your observation.

3. Generalization [2 pts]:

Run SGD with mini-batch size B = 500, learning rate η = 0.005, and 20000 iterations to
choose the best weight decay coefficient that gives the best classification accuracy on the
validation set from λ = {0., 0.001, 0.1, 1}.

Report the validation set accuracy for different
values of λ. Report the best λ based on the validation accuracy, what is the test accuracy
for this λ? Comment on the effect of weight-decay regularization on the model performance.
Also, comment on why we need to tune the hyper-parameter λ using a validation set instead
of the training set.

4. Comparing SGD with normal equation [2 pts]:

For linear regression, you can find the optimum weights using the closed form equation for
the derivative of the means square error (normal equation). For zero weight decay, Write a
TensorFlow script to find the optimal linear regression weights on the two-class notMNIST
dataset using the “normal equation” of the least squares formula.

Compare in terms of final
training MSE, accuracy and computation time between SGD and normal equation. Also,
discuss when SGD is more practical than using normal equation.

2 Logistic Regression [15 points]
2.1 Binary cross-entropy loss [9 points]

The MSE loss function works well for typical regression tasks in which the model outputs are real
values. Despite its simplicity, MSE can be overly sensitive to mislabelled training examples and
to outliers.

A more suitable loss function for the classification task is the cross-entropy loss, which
compares the log-odds of the data belonging to either of the classes. Because we only care about
the probability of a data point belonging to one class, the real-valued linear prediction is first fed
into a sigmoid function σ(z) = 1
1+e−z that “squashes” the real-valued output to fall between zero

2.2 Multi-class classification [6 points] 2 LOGISTIC REGRESSION [15 POINTS]

and one. The model output is therefore ˆy(x) = σ(WT x + b). The cross-entropy loss is defined as:
L =LD + LW

− y

log ˆy(x
) − (1 − y
) log(1 − yˆ(x

The sigmoid function is often called the logistic function and hence a linear model with the crossentropy loss is named “logistic regression”.

1. Learning [4 pts]:

Write a TensorFlow script that implements logistic regression and the cross-entropy loss
(and you want to use the tf.nn.sigmoid cross entropy with logits utility function to avoid
numerical underflow). Set the weight-decay coefficient λ = 0.01 and use 5000 iterations.
Train the logistic regression model using SGD and a mini-batch size B = 500 on the twoclass notMNIST dataset. Plot the best training and validation curves for both cross-entropy
loss and classification accuracy vs. the number of epochs after tuning the learning rate.
Report the best test classification accuracy obtained from the logistic regression model.

2. Beyond plain SGD [2 pts]:

With the same weight-decay coefficient λ = 0.01, learning rate η = 0.001, and minibatch size B = 500, train the logistic regression model with the Adam optimizer1
(use the
tf.train.AdamOptimizer function). Plot the best training cross entropy curve using Adam
Optimizer along with the training cross entropy curve of SGD. Compare the two sets of
learning plots and explain how the Adam optimizer may help learning from the notMNIST
dataset. (For the rest of the assignment, you should use the Adam optimizer in
all numerical experiments.)

3. Comparison with linear regression [3 pts]:

For zero weight decay, compare the train, validation and test classification accuracy of the
linear regression using “normal equation” to the optimal logistic regression learnt without
weight decay.

Also, for zero weight decay and learning rate of 0.001, plot the training cross entropy (or
MSE) and accuracy curves for linear and logistic regression. For linear regression please
use the Adam optimizer instead of normal equations in this part. What do you observe
about the effect of the cross-entropy loss on the convergence behavior?

To help explain your
observation, you may wish to plot the cross-entropy loss vs squared-error loss as a function
of the prediction ˆy within the interval [0, 1] and a dummy target y = 0 in 1-D.

2.2 Multi-class classification [6 points]

In this section, you will train multi-class logistic regression over two datasets; the notMNIST and
the FaceSrcub as described hereafter.
2.2 Multi-class classification [6 points] 2 LOGISTIC REGRESSION [15 POINTS]
notMNIST Dataset

The dataset that we will use in this assignment is a permuted version of notMNIST2
, which contains
28-by-28 images of 10 letters (A to J) in different fonts. This dataset has 18720 instances, which
can be divided into different sets for training, validation and testing. The provided file is in .npz
format which is for Python. You can load this file as follows.
with np.load(“notMNIST.npz”) as data:

Data, Target = data [“images”], data[“labels”]
randIndx = np.arange(len(Data))
Data = Data[randIndx]/255.
Target = Target[randIndx]

trainData, trainTarget = Data[:15000], Target[:15000]
validData, validTarget = Data[15000:16000], Target[15000:16000]
testData, testTarget = Data[16000:], Target[16000:]

FaceScrub Dataset

This is the same dataset you used in assignment 1. The dataset consists of six celebrities (three
actors and three actress) with average of 150 image per subject. The face images are 32 by 32
pixels in the gray scale. You should use the code provided in assignment 2 for loading this dataset.

2.2 Multi-class classification [6 points] 2 LOGISTIC REGRESSION [15 POINTS]

1. Write a TensorFlow script that implements logistic regression using softmax output and with
multi-class cross-entropy loss (you will want to use the tf.nn.softmax cross entropy with logits
utility function, to avoid numerical underflow).

Regularize the weights with λ = 0.01. Using
a mini-batch size of B = 500 and a learning rate that you tune, train the logistic regression
model on the full notMNIST dataset with 10 classes. For the best value of learning rate, plot
the training and validation curves for both cross-entropy loss and classification accuracy vs.
the number of epochs.

Report the best test classification accuracy obtained from the logistic
regression model. Is the classification performance better or worse than the binary-class
problem in question 2.1? Explain intuitively the difference. [4 pts]

2. Modify the multi-class logistic regression program in part 1 and train it over the faceScrub
database for face recognition task. Use a mini-batch size of B = 300 and tune the weight
decay and learning rate to get the best performance using the validation set.

the best
value of learning rate and weight decay, plot the training and validation curves for both
cross-entropy loss and classification accuracy vs. the number of epochs. Report the best test
classification accuracy obtained from the logistic regression model. Compare between the
results for logistic regression and the results you got in assignment for k-NN. [2 pts]