
CSE 4256 Homework 9 solved

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This assignment should be completed as a collection of several Python source (.py) files, uploaded
to Carmen as a .zip file.
(1) Implement the Rank enumeration class in, using the Suit class as a guide.
(2) Modify your implementation of std_card_deck from Homework 8 to use the enumeration
types Suit and Rank.
(3) Implement at least one of the “big” functions: either play_game or review_game,
according to their docstring.
‚ If you decide to implement only review_game, you may use the sample games uploaded alongside this assignment in Carmen as test cases (they were generated by my
implementation of play_game).
1 CSE 4256
It should be obvious which are the heavily-weighted questions, but if you are unsure please ask me.
‚ Note: the two “big” functions (play_game and review_game) are weighted heavily
in this homework, for obvious reasons. If you do not make a reasonable attempt at an
implementation for either of them, you will receive no credit for this homework.
(4) If you only implemented one of the two big functions, comment out the call to the other one
from Ensure there are no exceptions raised when you run and that
the behavior of your implementations look correct.
Challenge Activities
Some homeworks (such as this one) will have additional challenge activities. These activities do
not contribute to your grade, but they are problems that I find interesting or challenging.
(5) Implement the other “big” function (either play_game or review_game).
(6) Information about the number of players that played the game is encoded in the file format
expected by review_game; that is, you do not need the second parameter to that function.
Change that function to take a single parameter (the file name) and compute the number
of players “on the fly”.
(7) Many of the functions in the template for this homework are solutions to last week’s homework. Replace my implementations with your own, and confirm that your program still
To submit this assignment, upload a .zip file named “” (obviously replacing lastname with your own last name and firstname with your own first name) containing all of
your Python files to the “Homework 9” assignment on Carmen. As always, be sure to note all group
members who contributed to the assignment and what those contributions were.
2 CSE 4256