Task 1 on Key index Searching & Sorting (25 marks)
Create a KeyIndex class with the following properties :
int [ ] k;
An array of integers.
Note: You may maintain another global variable(java)/instance variable(python) if needed (but
you can’t use more than one).
Constructor:(10 marks)
KeyIndex(int [ ]a)
This constructor takes an array of integers a and populates array k with the element in a as
indices into k.
Note: make sure the build-up of your array k supports negative and non-distinct integers.
search (int val) (5 marks)
This method searches for the value val within the array and returns true if found or false otherwise.
sort () (10 marks)
This method will return the sorted form of the array that had been passed into the constructor.
NOTE: Create a tester class or write tester statements to check whether the methods in your KeyIndex
class work properly. You need to submit both the classes as a part of your assignment.
(5 marks)
Task 2 on Hashing (15 marks)
Given an array containing Strings, you need to write a code to store them in a
hashtable. Assume that the Strings contain a combination of capital letters and
numbers, and the String array will contain no more than 9 values.Use the hash
function to be the
(total number of consonants*24 + summation of the digits) %9. In case of a
collision, use linear probing.
For a String “ST1E89B8A32”, it’s hash function will produce the
value=(3*24+(1+8+9+8+3+2))%9=4, hence it will be stored in index 4 of the hash
Marks distribution:
1. Hash function calculation, method properly written =10 marks
2. Linear probing properly implemented= 5 marks