This assignment gives you hands-on experience on using HMMs on part-ofspeech tagging. We will use the Wall Street Journal section of the Penn
Treebank to build an HMM model for part-of-speech tagging. In the folder
named data, there are three files: train, dev and test.
In the files of train and
dev, we provide you with the sentences with human-annotated part-of-speech
tags. In the file of test, we provide only the raw sentences that you need to
predict the part-of-speech tags.
File Formats
The train.json, dev.json, test.json are in the json format and can be read
1 import json
3 with open(‘train.json’) as f:
4 train_data = json.load(f)
JSON Schema in train.json and dev.json:
In the list of sentence, labels pairs, each ”record” has an index, sentence
(words), labels (tags)
1 [
2 {
3 “index”: 0,
4 “sentence”: [“This”, “is”, “a”, “sample”, “sentence.”],
5 “labels”: [“label1”, “label2”, “label3”, “label4”, “label5”]
6 },
7 {
8 “index”: 1,
9 “sentence”: [“Another”, “example”, “sentence.”],
10 “labels”: [“label1”, “label2”, “label3”]
11 },
12 {
13 “index”: 2,
14 “sentence”: [“Yet”, “another”, “sentence”, “for”, “analysis.”],
15 “labels”: [“label1”, “label2”, “label3”, “label4”, “label5”]
16 },
17 // More records…
18 ]
JSON Schema in test.json:
It is similar to the schema in train.json and dev.json, but we don’t give you
the labels.
1 [
2 {
3 “index”: 0,
4 “sentence”: [“This”, “is”, “a”, “sample”, “sentence.”]
5 },
6 {
7 “index”: 1,
8 “sentence”: [“Another”, “example”, “sentence.”]
9 },
10 {
11 “index”: 2,
12 “sentence”: [“Yet”, “another”, “sentence”, “for”, “analysis.”]
13 },
14 // More records…
15 ]
Task 1: Vocabulary Creation (20 points)
The first task is to create a vocabulary using the training data. In HMM,
one important problem when creating the vocabulary is to handle unknown
words. One simple solution is to replace rare words whose occurrences are
less than a threshold (e.g. 3) with a special token ‘< unk >’.
Task. Generate a vocabulary from the training data stored in the ”train”
file and save this vocabulary as ”vocab.txt.” The format of the ”vocab.txt”
file should adhere to the following specifications: Each line should consist of
a word type, its index within the vocabulary, and its frequency of occurrence,
with these elements separated by the tab symbol (\t ). The initial line should
feature the special token ”< unk >,” followed by subsequent lines sorted in
descending order of occurrence frequency.
Please take into account that you are only allowed to use the training
data to construct this vocabulary, and you must refrain from using the development and test data.
For instance:
< unk > 0 2000
word1 1 20000
word2 2 10000
Additionally, kindly provide answers to the following questions:
What threshold value did you choose for identifying unknown words for replacement?
What is the overall size of your vocabulary, and how many times does the
special token ”< unk >” occur following the replacement process?
Task 2: Model Learning (20 points)
The second task is to learn an HMM from the training data. Remember that
the solution of the emission and transition parameters in HMM are in the
following formulation:
|s) = count(s→s
e(x|s) = count(s→x)
π(s) = count(null→s)
count(num sentences)
t(·|·) is the transition parameter.
e(·|·) is the emission parameter.
π(·) is the initial state (The sentence begins with this state); also called as
prior probabilities.
Task. Learning a model using the training data in the file train and output
the learned model into a model file in json format, named hmm.json. The
model file should contains two dictionaries for the emission and transition
parameters, respectively. The first dictionary, named transition, contains
items with pairs of (s, s′
) as key and t(s
|s) as value. The second dictionary,
named emission, contains items with pairs of (s, x) as key and e(x|s) as value.
Additionally, kindly provide answers to the following questions:
How many transition and emission parameters in your HMM?
Task 3: Greedy Decoding with HMM (30 points)
The third task is to implement the greedy decoding algorithm with HMM.
Task. Implementing the greedy decoding algorithm and evaluate it on the
development data. Predict the part-of-speech tags of the sentences in the
test data and output the predictions in a file named greedy.json, in the same
format of training data.
Additionally, kindly provide answers to the following questions:
What is the accuracy on the dev data?
Moreover, you are encouraged to utilize the subsequent algorithm as a point
of reference.
Algorithm 1 Greedy Decoding for a sentence
hmm with
1. π(si) as an element in initial state vector ∈ R
2. t(si
|sj ) as an element in transition state matrix ∈ R
3. e(wi
|si) as an element in emission matrix ∈ R
where S is a set of all tags and W is a set of all words.
sentence ← {w1, w2, …., wT }
Output: {y1, y2, …., yT } (A list of tags)
function Decode({w1, w2, …., wT })
y1 ← argmax
π(s) ∗ e(w1|s)
for i ← 2 to T do
yi ← argmax
t(s|yi−1) ∗ e(wi
end for
return {y1, y2, …., yT }
end function
Task 4: Viterbi Decoding with HMM (30 Points)
The fourth task is to implement the viterbi decoding algorithm with HMM.
Task. Implementing the viterbi decoding algorithm and evaluate it on the
development data. Predicting the part-of-speech tags of the sentences in the
test data and output the predictions in a file named viterbi.json, in the same
format of training data.
Additionally, kindly provide answers to the following questions:
What is the accuracy on the dev data?
For Viterbi Algorithm, adopt the algorithm on wikipedia for our use case:
Please note that the meaning of x and y are interchanged in this url.
Please follow the instructions and submit a zipped folder containing:
1. A txt file named vocab.txt, containing the vocabulary created on the
training data. The format of the vocabulary file is that each line contains a word type, its index and its occurrences, separated by the tab
symbol ‘\t’. (see task 1).
For example,
< unk > 0 2000
word1 1 20000
word2 2 10000
2. A json file named hmm.json, containing the emission and transition
probabilities (see task 2).
3. Two prediction files named greedy.json and viterbi.json, containing the
predictions of your model on the test data with the greedy and viterbi
decoding algorithms.
4. python code and a README file to describe how to run your code to
produce your prediction files. (see task 3 and task 4).
5. A PDF file which contains answers to the questions in the assignment
along with brief explanations about your solution.