In this assignment, you need to create a conceptual (Extended) Entity-Relational [ie.
(E)ER] diagram, to model the scenario described below; note that your design is not
going to be at an implementation level, ie. you don’t have to worry about representing
your design using relational tables (including bridges) – you will only need to come up
with entities and relationships, and possibly also use the (E)ER notation for
Please submit your work as a single image file in .jpg or .png form that shows the entire
diagram, via (not via Blackboard). ALSO include a README.txt that
contains any design choices you want to highlight, and/or assumptions you made [if the
(E)ER diagram were ‘code’, this would be ‘comments’].
You can create the (E)ER diagram using any software of your choice, including:
yEd ( ) (browser-based)
Lucidchart (browser-based)
Vertabelo (also entirely online)
Project Mogwai ( )
E/R Assistant (Windows only:
– browser-based 🙂
D2L Dropbox
After constructing the (E)ER diagram, save, or take a screengrab snapshot, submit it [as
a .jpg or .png image file].
Note that you can even draw your diagram legibly on paper and take a photo of it and
submit that – but having said that, I’d encourage you to use a diagramming tool, that
will make your result look professional, and have you follow industry practice.
You need to use Crow’s Foot Notation for the (E)ER diagram.
For each relationship,
indicate the cardinality (minimum and maximum participation), also via Crow’s Foot
symbols – use infographic (from as a guide [you don’t
need to denote cardinality as (1,1) etc., instead, you would use the notation shown in
the infographic, ie. use symbols such as |O and ||].
How much detail should your diagram contain? Use sample as a guide (eg. you do
not need to indicate data types for attributes).
[created by Vinutha Ananthachandran, one of our CPs :)]
YouTube is one of the most popular video-sharing platforms that allows its users to
upload, watch, search and share video-based content.
It is a complex and highly
scalable system that mainly depends on its users to post videos to grow and earn
profits. A small portion of this system can be described using the following
A user is identified with a unique id, name, email, age, address, etc. YouTube users can
be video creators or video consumers or both. YouTube channels are like dashboards
for users to upload and distribute their unique videos. Channels have a name, owner,
subscription count and the details of when it was created.
For simplicity, it is safe to
assume that a channel is created by only one video creator but a video creator can
have multiple channels. Video consumers can subscribe to ‘N’ number of channels; the
details of which is available on both ends (subscribers, creators). Subscription can
either be paid or free, and is identified via a subscription type.
YouTube videos can be categorized into informational videos, entertainment videos,
etc. Informational videos are identified based on keywords and entertainment videos
are identified based on tags. When a user uploads a video, YouTube’s transcoding
server starts the video encoding process before streaming it on to its platform. After
the completion of the encoding process, the video is stored, and the video metadata
database is updated with the video details.
This data includes a URL, title, thumbnails,
category, duration, description, uploader id, upload date, and upload time.
YouTube content creators earn their revenues from the platform based on the
popularity of their channels and videos. Each video has statistics to gauge popularity.
YouTube statistics data includes likes, dislikes, view count, number of shares and
number of comments.
Each video can have ‘N’ number of comments in the comments
section where users post their thoughts. The comments data includes video id, user id,
comment text, likes, sentiment, and the details of when it was commented. As an
optional source of income, YouTubers can use a third-party sponsor for their videos.
For each video the sponsor details include the sponsor id, name, phone, address and
the amount sponsored.
Your task is to create an (E)ER diagram that accurately represents the various entities
and their relationships described in the above specification. You can also make some
reasonable assumptions (which you’d document in your README) while building your
Note that there isn’t a single correct/perfect design, or even a single ‘good’ design –
any design involves tradeoffs which determine their efficacy/viability. You are free to
make intelligent choices about what data (attributes) to store where (entities), and
how to connect all the pieces (relations).
Note too that some requirements stated
above, might not be able to be captured in an (E)ER diagram -this is fine. Be sure to
document your design decisions (they would serve to provide rationale for “why you
created your design the way you did”).
Please do not plagiarize, ‘work together’, etc. If we see that your solution resembles
anything else, we will need to report you to SJACS, etc. How to avoid this? Simply do
your own work! This is a design problem, so you have much latitude in coming up with
one that works – enjoy the process!
Submission checklist:
.jpg or .png pic of your (E)ER diagram
README.txt description file
You can post questions (and answer others’ :)) on Piazza, under ‘hw1’. HAVE FUN!